
Massage Therapy

The Chiropractic Office welcomes the massage services of Robert Williams and Becky Williams!  Robert and Becky have a combined 17 years of experience as certified massage therapists.  Robert and Becky offer Swedish, Deep Tissue, Rehabilitative, Myofascial Release, Reflexology and Sports massages.  Combine your chiropractic visit with a relaxing and therapeutic massage today!

Laser Therapy

We are so excited to introduce our new therapy, Lumix Laser Therapy! We have chosen to add laser therapy technology to our practice because it is the ultimate solution to pain without the use of surgery or painkillers. Laser therapy can be used with our other therapies such as chiropractic manipulation and massage therapy or as a stand alone therapy. We are already having great results using laser with improvement often being felt after the first treatment. It's safe, painless, very effective and affordable.
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Chiropractic Care

In addition to manipulation, the doctors may also choose to use in-office therapy such as massage therapy, laser therapy, ultra-sound therapy, electric muscle stimulation, moist heat or cold packs to help combat inflammation, muscle spasm and pain.

A series of office visits may be required to get the joints functioning properly, reduce the muscle spasm and inflammation and educate your muscles to the proper movements.

Once the painful stage has passed you will be given the necessary exercises for your condition.  The purpose of the exercise program is to give the muscles strength so that they will act as a "natural brace" for the support of the joints.  The doctor will discuss this process with you.


The doctor will show you simple daily exercises and stretches that can be performed at home to speed up your recovery and keep you feeling your best. 

Patient History

The confidential patient history is an account of your medical history.  It is a review of the details of your condition and any important information about your health.  It includes any previous problems, treatments, habits, hobbies or accident related conditions.  

Physical Exam

The doctors use the examination to collect specific information about your health, your physical abilities or limitations.  It will consist of specific tests and procedures that pinpoint the source of your pain.  The results of the examination will determine if chiropractic care is best for you.  If not, you will be referred to another doctor who can best help your condition.

Report of Findings

The doctors will give you a simple, clear explanation of your condition.  This will be the time when questions like "what's wrong with me", "can chiropractic help", and "how long will it take", will be answered.  We want you to feel free to ask questions at any time during your care.  It is important to us that you understand your condition.



We look forward to hearing from you


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Office Hours

Our office will be closed December 24 - January 1.

Dr. Joe A. Cantu


8:00am - 12:00pm

2:00pm - 5:30pm


8:00am - 12:00pm

2:00pm - 5:30pm


8:00am - 12:00pm

2:00pm - 5:30pm


8:00am - 12:00pm


8:00am - 12:00pm

2:00pm - 5:30pm



