Healthy Holiday Stress Management – Any Time of Year

Healthy Holiday Stress Management 

Life can be chaotic, especially around the holidays. Atlantic Chiropractic Center in Portsmouth wants to provide you with tools for Holiday stress management, including chiropractic care and services that can help you get through times of stress and anxiety. Try these coping mechanisms below for healthy holiday stress management – any time of year.

Progressive Relaxation

Deep breathing, relaxing muscle groups from your head to your toes, can be very effective at reducing stress levels during times of duress. Got a houseful for the holidays? Take a few minutes and breathe; relax your body, quiet your mind, and focus on deep breaths; you may be surprised by how much this helps.


Flexibility is key in preserving mobility and staying fit throughout the lifespan, so it is no surprise that yoga is an effective way to manage stress. Sign up for a class, download a video, or simply stretch each and every day. Yoga is a great way to reduce risks of a fall as you age, which can avoid and prevent serious injuries and illnesses that may come from a tumble during senior years.


There are few things as relaxing and comforting as a massage. Talk to the professionals for massage therapy that will not just help you cope with and get through the busy holiday season, but that will also be a well-deserved treat for you any time of the year. Call us today to learn more.

Chiropractic Treatment

Chiropractic adjustments, treatment, and care are lauded for improving overall oxygen and blood flow, which can significantly impact stress levels. This can decrease inflammation which is leading to chronic pain; consider a holiday spent with no pain! Maintain a regular schedule of chiropractic treatments as a preventative health effort that can reduce stress and all that comes with it. If the pain is contributing to your stress and anxiety, regular chiropractic care may alleviate duress, which can reduce the frequency and severity of pain. Talk to your chiropractor to learn more.

Contact Atlantic Chiropractic Center in Portsmouth, NH!

Ready to manage your heavy load of stress during the holidays? Call the team of professionals at Atlantic Chiropractic Center in Portsmouth, 603-436-9229, today. Be proactive about managing stress before it manifests into physical problems, pain, and limitations that impact your overall quality of life.