Osteoarthritis Management

Osteoarthritis Prevention and Diagnosis with our Portsmouth Chiropractor

Osteoarthritis is typically felt as joint pain. This disease of the joints does not affect your other organs and is not terminal, yet it is chronic. Unfortunately, osteoarthritis usually worsens with age as this condition is associated with repetitive motions, aging and weight gain. If you are noticing pain in your joints and have not suffered a recent or previous injury, we invite you to Atlantic Chiropractic Center to speak with our chiropractor, Dr. Clough regarding osteoarthritis prevention and diagnose your condition. Once Dr. Clough has a diagnosis, he puts together a chiropractic care plan to alleviate you osteoarthritis symptoms using natural treatments.

man holding hand in pain

Osteoarthritis Symptoms and Chiropractic Care

Your osteoarthritis may begin with slight joint discomfort. For example, when you wake in the morning, your shoulders may be a little stiff or your wrists ache until you move around enough to warm up your arms. As the condition progresses, your joint pain does not go away. Instead, as the day goes on, you may experience inflammation, cracking sounds, warmth, swelling and increased discomfort. If you are lucky and have a job or a lifestyle that keeps you physically active, you may not notice the severity of the pain until you limit your activity. For instance, if you sit down to watch a movie, you may feel more pain when you stand. Throughout the aging process with osteoarthritis, the cartilage between the joints is also affected. As the cartilage begins to give way, you experience friction between the bones in the joints which also increases your pain. 

While these osteoarthritis symptoms sound painful, our chiropractor provides gentle treatments to alleviate your discomfort and also aims to slow the progression of the condition. Dr. Clough uses soothing chiropractic adjustments to place your joints into pain-free alignments. These manipulations reduce pressure on the cartilage and improve your range of motion. At Atlantic Chiropractic Center, our staff also delivers physical therapy treatments to show you how to properly execute movements to eliminate joint strain. We use a whole-person approach, which also includes nutritional guidance to teach you how to avoid foods that may trigger inflammation and joint pain. In addition, our yoga classes use gentle movements to strengthen your muscles without causing joint pain. If weight loss is required to lessen your osteoarthritis symptoms, Dr. Clough provides dietary and exercise guidance to help you reach your goals and alleviate pain.

Contact Us Today for Osteoarthritis Relief

Reducing and preventing osteoarthritis is a combinational approach that uses proper joint alignment for movements, keeps you at a healthy weight and also allows chiropractic adjustments to slide the joints into a healthy position. Using mindful food and posture choices in addition to avoiding repetitive motions also reduces your osteoarthritis symptoms and progression. If you have been struggling with joint pain for years or are recently experiencing discomfort, we encourage you to contact Dr. Clough for a complete evaluation. Schedule your appointment today by calling 603-436-9229.