Nutrition and Weight Loss

Nutritional Counseling Sessions for Weight Loss at Atlantic Chiropractic

Some people are successful when it comes to losing weight, while others struggle endlessly and never see any results. Our chiropractor, here at Atlantic Chiropractic Center in Portsmouth, is educating people on some reasons people have trouble losing weight and how nutritional counseling can help.

Eating to Live

Most people have heard someone say at one point or another you must learn to eat to live not live to eat. There is a lot of truth in regard to eating to promote overall good health. One of the reasons why some people seem to never have any success when it comes to weight loss is because their diets are unhealthy, and therefore are not conducive to weight loss. This is why nutritional counseling is so important. Nutritional counseling combined with chiropractic treatment modalities can promote the production of healthy cells and help the body restore and heal itself.

Nutritional Counseling Sessions in Our Clinic

Our chiropractor conducts a complete history and physical on people who come into our office for nutritional counseling. The doctor reviews a history of eating habits as well as social habits during the initial session. Data regarding the personal medical history and family medical history of each patient is also collected. It is only after a review of all of these things that a treatment plan is developed for the patient to address their individual issues.

Ready to Lose Weight? Contact Our Portsmouth Chiropractor 

Here at Atlantic Chiropractic Center, our team believes that food is the key to life. Our doctor understands the direct correlation between chronic diseases like diabetes and poor nutrition

If you are living with a chronic illness, depression, or stress, and you are trying to lose weight or detox your body, give us a call today at (603) 436-9229 to schedule your nutritional counseling session.