Maintaining Good Nutrition During Summer Travel

Avoiding the Summer Travel Snack Attack

Summer's here, and so is road trip season. Whether you're actually setting out on a long drive or having a staycation in New England, you're going to have plenty of opportunities to eat treats, treats, and more treats. No one wants to avoid regional specialties when on vacation, but you do need to have a game plan. Luckily, nowadays there are plenty of easy ways to keep your nutritional status in good shape, even as you travel. A chiropractor at Atlantic Chiropractic Center in Portsmouth can help you put together a strategy for healthy vacation eating as part of a nutritional counseling and detox program.

Bringing Food

If you can, bring food with you like uncut fruit (once you cut it, you have to keep it refrigerated), nuts, jerky, and other snacks where you can monitor calorie intake and nutrition. Bring bottled water with you as well. Many times, we think thirst is hunger and overeat as a result. If you're crossing state lines, be aware that fruit and vegetables may be restricted by different agriculture laws.

Big Box Stores and Grocery Delis

Research the locations of big box stores and grocery stores in the cities you'll be visiting. These stores have a lot of convenience foods that are healthy, such as fruit and vegetable snack packs and salads. Many also carry pre-cooked eggs and small snack bags of pickles or olives. Always check nutrition labels as some foods can still be rather excessive in terms of sugar, fat, and so on. Get a bunch of these and store them in your hotel or motels mini-fridge.

Your Choice of Treats

Keep in mind that many restaurants and parks offer a variety of treats, and look for those that have some semblance of health. For example, instead of a large soft-serve cone, try chocolate-covered frozen bananas. In hotter areas you may also find pickles available as snacks; watch the sodium intake here, but one of these can be a low-calorie snack that staves off a craving for potato chips.

Enjoy Your Trip While Eating Well

A chiropractor at Atlantic Chiropractic Center in Portsmouth can help you with nutritional counseling that can keep you on track whether you're just trying to stay healthy, if you're aiming for weight loss, or if you feel you need to detox. Contact us at (603) 436-9229!