How Can a Chiropractor Help with Pulled Muscles?

How Can a Chiropractor Help with Pulled Muscles?

Pulled muscles can happen at any time. They can be sports related, or simply an injury that occurs from daily use and activity. Although usually thought to exclusively treat the spine and neck, chiropractors are able to help with pulled muscles anywhere in the body. A chiropractor, such as Dr. Wayne Clough at Atlantic Chiropractic Center in Portsmouth, NH, can help treat pulled muscles.

How Do Muscles Become Pulled?

Muscles, like joints and other soft tissues, have a limited range of motion. If the muscle is stretched beyond its normal range of motion, the muscle can become pulled. Muscle pulls are sometimes referred to as muscle strains. They are most common in the lower back, legs, neck, and shoulders.

What Techniques Does a Chiropractor Use?

A chiropractor has several techniques he or she can use to treat pulled muscles. Often, massage therapy is used to treat and relax tense and overtaxed muscles. Moist heat and electro stimulation are also helpful for bringing increased blood flow to the injured area. More blood flow can help bring healing nutrients to the injury. For further injury prevention, a regiment of strengthening and stretching exercises may be prescribed for the patient at home.

What Should I Expect at a Chiropractor’s Office?

For any injury or pain, a chiropractor will perform a full evaluation and learn more about your medical history to understand what may have caused your pulled muscle. Our team at The Atlantic Chiropractor Center believes that there is no "one size fits all" solution to an injury, so we treat each individual on a case by case basis. Following an evaluation, our chiropractor will recommend a course of treatment. While some treatments will be performed in the office, other treatments may be ongoing and performed at home. Often, light physical therapy and stretching exercises will help prevent a future pulled muscle.

To learn more about the treatment solutions we have, check out our website or give us a call at 603-436-9229. The Atlantic Chiropractic Center, from Portsmouth, NH, is always accepting new patients and is eager to help treat your pulled muscle today.