Common Pains at Work That Signal a Chiropractic Visit

woman with back pain at work

Common Pains at Work That Signal a Chiropractic Visit

If you are suffering from chronic pain due to your work environment, contact a chiropractor. The staff at Atlantic Chiropractic Center in Portsmouth are ready to help ease your chronic pain. Below is more information about common pains at work that signal a chiropractic visit.

Common Pains in the Work Environment

There are certain activities that can contribute to chronic pain. One of these is the work environment you are in on a daily basis. Lifting heavy items, driving, carpal tunnel syndrome, sitting at the desk, using a keyboard, work ergonomics, and writing can all contribute to chronic pain.

Work ergonomics can contribute to common pain due to using ergonomics incorrectly. This includes sitting and standing wrong and lifting incorrectly. Once bad habits are replaced by good ones, these work ergonomic conditions can improve over time. If sitting for long periods of time, lower back pain and neck pain can result from poor posture. Carpal tunnel syndrome happens when there is a pinched nerve in your wrist. Luckily, getting treatment from a professional chiropractor can greatly improve all of these conditions.

How Chiropractic Care Can Help

Chiropractors can do wonders in lessening and eliminating chronic pain from work. We will first perform a physical examination on you to determine where your pain is coming from and then correctly diagnosing the pain. Once a diagnosis is in place, we can go over a treatment plan with you. This may involve a number of sessions with a combination of massage therapy, chiropractic manipulation, physical therapy, and more.

Get the stress, neck, lower back pain relief and more with chiropractic adjustments. Having your spine and neck adjusted so that they are once again aligned can greatly help with all of these conditions.

Get Stress Relief Now at our Portsmouth Clinic

Make an appointment with us so we can start treating your chronic pain from work. Visit us at Atlantic Chiropractic Center, 00 Islington St. Suite 7, Portsmouth, NH, 03801. You can also call us at 603-436-9229 to make an appointment over the phone.