Atlantic Coast Chiropractic

In our last blog we tackled some ideas, research, and opinions on how electromagnetic fields (EMF) may affect our bodies an environment. Now that we are aware of some of the “unknown” with regards to how all of these technologies can influence our bodies and our health, let’s take a look at some action steps we can do to limit the amount of exposure we are getting:

1.     When setting up or re-arranging technology be very cognoscente of placement. Back to back electronics will exacerbate their respective EMF fields. Do not place a TV against a wall that has a refrigerator on the opposite side. This will amplify the EMF radius allowing for more radiation. Keep electronics as decluttered and spaced apart as possible.

2.       Remove as much technology from the bedroom as possible. TVs and computers should be kept out of the bedroom. Avoid keeping the cell phone in the bedroom at night as cell phones are constantly searching for a signal, even when they are off! If you must have the cell phone in the room flip it to airplane mode and keep it at least 3 to 4 feet away from the bed. Keep electronics and chords as far away from your bed as possible and make sure to turn everything off when going to sleep.

3.       Shut off all electronics at least 30 minutes before going to bed. Have all of your stereo equipment, TVs, appliances, etc. connected to a surge protector strip so that it is easy to turn off. Make sure to unplug your wifi when not in use as well, as this device emits some of the most EMFs in the household. It is known that sleeping problems are becoming more prevalent and it is well known that EMFs interfere with the electrical frequencies of the brain causing overstimulation. New studies have shown that EMF exposure before bed can affect the body’s ability to go into REM sleep. REM is a deep sleep and is integral to healing the body.

4.       The laptop is another big culprit for regular EMF exposure. Buy a grounding chord that helps ground the electrical current so that your body does not absorb the extra energy. It is also vitally important to not use your laptop on your persons as the more of your body coming into contact with the laptop, the more radiation you are absorbing. The heating action alone can raise testicular temperature and result in lowering sperm count. Studies on mice have shown that radiation can be harmful for a growing baby, so pregnant bellies should not be used as shelves for a laptop, Ipads, or Kindles! If possible, turn off your computers wifi and connect directly to a modem. To even further protect yourself from the computer, get an external chorded keyboard and mouse so that you are not directly touching the computer at all!

5.       When talking on your cell phone, always use speaker phone otherwise use chorded earbuds. Anything wireless is going to emit more EMF, so that includes Bluetooth. A good rule to follow is to keep cell phones as far away from the brain as possible. Also, keep your cell phone on your person as least as possible. Women should always carry them in the purses and men should avoid the front pockets where the testicles could absorb more radiation. When at work or home keep the cell phone away from the body at least 3 feet and even better yet keep your phone on airplane mode as much as possible.

6.       New studies have shown radiation exposure disrupts beneficial bacteria colonies in the gut, creating digestive upsets as well as lowered immunity. Add a good pro and prebiotic supplement to the diet and incorporate more fermented foods. Yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, and kombucha are rich in beneficial bacteria.

7.       Speaking of supplements, chlorophyll and spirulina are excellent chelators for radiation. Make a green juice, have some wheatgrass or take a tablet with the chlorophyll and spirulina in it. Other supplements that have been found to help with radiation include Astragalus Root and activated charcoal.

8.       Lastly, although these last 2 tips have not been studied, it is commonly thought that soaking your feet in hot water with Epsom salts for 10 to 15 minutes and using Himalayan Sea Salt Lamps has helped mitigate the absorption of radiation.

Hope you find these tips useful in the goal of using technology to be productive and have fun while mitigating the effects of adverse reactions.


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