Atlantic Coast Chiropractic

Whole-Body Cryotherapy with Atlantic Coast Chiropractic

What if you heard of a type of therapy that promises to ease back pain and muscle stiffness, would you try it?  And what if that same technique had other benefits such as more energy and increased focus?  At Atlantic Coast Chiropractic we have the perfect treatment available for you.  If you are in the Wilmington area and would like to boost your metabolism, have a greater tolerance to cold and pain,  faster-growing hair and nails, younger-looking skin and sounder sleep, then cryotherapy is the right treatment for you. If you are in the Wilmington area let our office give show you the benefits of cryotherapy.

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Whole Body Cryotherapy and the Benefits of Physiotherapy

So what is this cryotherapy?  Cryotherapy is a "cold treatment," a procedure that exposes your body to temperatures colder than negative 200 degrees F for two to four minutes. Most recently, the chiropractic profession has embraced the use of whole body cryotherapy which, in essence, is an adjunctive type of treatment that supplements traditional care.  Whole-body cryotherapy does not treat any medical diseases, disorders or illness, but enhances traditional chiropractic care.  

If you have ever treated a twisted or sprained ankle with an ice pack you have used a form of cryotherapy without even realizing it.  Everyone knows that if you apply ice to an injury three or four times a day for 15 or 20 minutes each, it is highly effective for treatment.  Whole-body cryotherapy is a type of physiotherapy that utilizes the same idea. Research has shown that athletes feel they recover more quickly if they use cryotherapy,  Further, research suggests that cryotherapy can be effective in reducing muscle pain, inflammation, and cell damage. 

Total Body Chiropractic Healing with Atlantic Coast Chiropractic

The results of whole-body cryotherapy vary case by case, but at Atlantic Coast Chiropractic you can rest assured that your case will be thoroughly examined. Once we assess if in whole-body cryotherapy treatment methods are safe for you, we will implement the appropriate cryotherapy treatment for you. Only at Atlantic Coast Chiropractic can you be assured that our doctors are trained in the use of these techniques.  When you visit our office we will ensure that we provide the best treatment that will benefit your health.  If you are in Wilmington, NC call 910-798-0101 today, to see how whole-body cryotherapy can help you achieve a more pain-free life. 



Do you have shoulder, back, hip, knee, or foot pain? Do you have any acute pain? Did you know that StemWave is a new non-invasive treatment that naturally alleviates/relieves pain at an affordable price point?

If you are suffering from daily pain, you could be just an appointment away from the relief you are looking for. Schedule an appointment with us today to take the first step towards living a life free of pain.

Powerful Acoustic Waves to Relieve Aches and Pains

StemWave is a regenerative medicine technique that utilizes harmless, yet powerful acoustic waves to activate your body’s natural healing mechanisms. This new technology is designed to help patients with musculoskeletal conditions by increasing blood flow and reducing inflammation. As a safe non-invasive option, it doesn’t require any downtime and has minimal or no side-effects. 

  • FDA listed
  • Safe & effective
  • Fast & efficient treatments
  • Affordable treatment option

Common Treatment Areas

StemWave’s versatility makes it a great option for a wide-variety of patients and conditions. And has shown to be an effective alternative to surgery, injections or medications. 

  • Neck & Back Conditions
  • Upper Extremities (Shoulder, Elbow, Wrist)
  • Lower Extremities (Knee, Ankle, Foot)
  • Soft Tissue Injuries (Muscles, Tendons, Ligaments)

What Are the Benefits of StemWave Technology?

StemWave is a non-invasive, drug-free treatment for pain and inflammation, and offers patients results without surgery, medication, or major side effects. Treatments take less than 10 minutes and are offered at an affordable price that is more cost-effective than surgery or injections.

  • Improves circulation
  • Decreases inflammation
  • Promotes natural healing
  • Alleviates/relieves aches and pains
  • 5-10 minute treatment times
  • Non-invasive & drug-free

What to Expect

Depending on the diagnosis or treatment area each visit averages around 10-15 minutes. At the time of the treatment a gel is applied to the surface of the area. The StemWave applicator is applied to the treatment area delivering focused waves. This treatment is non-invasive and does not require anesthesia or numbing creams.

Care plans commonly range between 8-12 sessions. Patients typically experience significant improvement after 3-4 treatments, however, we often see a noticeable improvement after the first treatment. Subsequent treatments that follow will offer continual improvement and sustained results. 

Schedule your StemWaves consultation now! 

Do you want more pain relief? Do you want to help improve your quality of life?

Schedule an appointment with us today by calling  910-798-0101 


8:00 am - 12:00 pm

2:00 pm - 7:00 pm


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2:00 pm - 5:00 pm


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8:00 am - 12:00 pm 2:00 pm - 7:00 pm
8:00 am - 12:00 pm
8:00 am - 12:00 pm 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm
10:00 am - 5:00 pm
8:00 am - 12:00 pm


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