Atlantic Coast Chiropractic

Anti-aging and cognition has become a daily topic of discussion with regards to lifestyle, research, and wellness centers.  Age-associated cognitive decline affects 20 million people. It is clearly understood that cognitive decline and memory deficits are the predictable results of aging. Memory issues are one of the most common concerns.

How can we lessen those times when we go to get something, only to be left standing and wondering what it was that we were looking for in the first place? What can we do to stop losing our car keys or forgetting where we parked our car?

With age we generally need more time to remember things and may have issues concentrating. Research is discovering that cognitive decline does not need to be an inevitable result of aging. Increasing evidence suggests that cognitive decline is preventable and maybe even reversible.

Poor nutrition and insufficient water intake strongly affect cognition. Therefore, nutritional support and proper diet for brain health is paramount. Supplements that target the causes of age related brain decline should combat the body’s natural inflammatory response, improve cerebral blood flow, and address the balance between synapse-making and synapse-destryone activity.

The following are strategies and guides to help induce anti-aging with regards to cognition, memory, and brain related degenerative processes. The more of them that you incorporate into your daily life, the more effective you will be at keeping your mind sharp and young.

Everything starts with diet. Eliminate simple carbohydrates such as white flour and refined sugar. Do not eat processed foods made with Trans -fats or partially hydrogenated vegetable oil.  Avoid grains as much as possible. All of these things cause inflammation, which effects cognition. Eliminate inflammation by having a heavy diet based on fruits and vegetables. Eat non-farm raised fish and clean proteins. This approach will reduce inflammation and prevent sugar spikes in the form of insulin release.

The time of day you eat is also just as important as what you eat with regards to inflammation.  Avoid eating 2 to 3 hours before bedtime and, fast 12 hours before eating breakfast.  If your last meal is at 8pm your next meal should not be until 8am. This form of fasting allows the body to clean up inflammatory cells and aids in detoxification.

During this fasting time it is also vitally important to sleep seven to eight hours. Physiological changes during sleep flush the brain of toxic, damaging cells. The less sleep an individual receives the more toxic chemicals there are in the brain that causes inflammation and degeneration of synapses.

Studies have also shown that exercising 30 to 60 minutes increases blood flow to the brain causing regeneration and stimulation of brain tissue. This is also true of “brain games.” Just as using a muscle builds size and strength, using synapses in the brain builds more.

Lastly, there are a growing number of studies showing the positive effects of supplementation with regards to brain plasticity and the ability to maintain and improve cognition. Folate, B-6, and B-12 help reduce blood levels of an inflammatory cell called homocysteine. This cell has also been linked to an increase risk of heart disease. Low levels of Vitamin D and K2 have lower levels of these vitamins so supplementation is advised. Magnesium and CoQ10 should be taken as well, to support absorption, assist in the breaking down of essential molecules, and provide support for the body’s energy system.

Follow these steps now to have a healthier future and better cognition for years to come


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8:00 am - 12:00 pm 2:00 pm - 7:00 pm
8:00 am - 12:00 pm
8:00 am - 12:00 pm 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm
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