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Benefits of Spinal Decompression

Benefits of Spinal Decompression | Pearl River Pain Relief

Chiropractic spinal decompression is beneficial in a number of ways. Natural pain relief is the primary use--but it's not the only benefit. Among other things, it's safer than back surgery and healthy for your entire body. Askenas Chiropractic has been serving the Pearl River area for over 25 years. We'd like to share a little info about how spinal decompression can help you.

The Healthiest, Least Dangerous Back Pain Relief Available

Patients come to our practice for a number of different back conditions. But nearly all of these patients have one thing in common: The pain in their back is what drove them to seek treatment.

Decompression and other spinal adjustments help alleviate back pain in a number of ways. The procedure relieves pressure on spinal discs. These pressured discs may cause pain and numbness by pressing into a nerve--something decompression helps alleviate. 

Finally, spinal treatment given by a chiropractor helps more than just your spine. It helps your entire body work more as it should. Spinal adjustments can often help the pain in the extremities and correct your posture so that you're less prone to repetitive motion injuries. Most importantly, it's completely non-invasive and 100% safe!

Avoid the Risks of Back Surgery--And the Recovery Time

Spinal decompression from a chiropractor helps you avoid the common problems that come with back surgery. There will be no stitches, casts, or medicine required.

More importantly, chiropractic treatment helps you avoid the dangers that come with back surgery as well. While it's true that a small percentage of patients absolutely need back surgery to solve their problems, we've found that most patients can be cured by a chiropractor. We think you'll agree it makes sense to try the least dangerous, most holistic solution first!

Back Pain Relief in Pearl River

Askenas Chiropractic can help Pearl River residents overcome their back pain! To get started or simply find out more, call us now at 845-735-3737.


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