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Acupuncture: A simple and effective treatment for headache, low back pain and sciatica

Acupuncture: A simple and effective treatment for headaches, low back pain and sciatica.

Headaches, low back pain and sciatica are an unfortunate experience for many people. Fortunately, we at Askenas Chiropractic in Rockland County can help. Not only does Dr. Zachary Truncali provide chiropractic care but he also performs acupuncture to address these ailments.

 What is acupuncture?
Relying on the insertion of fine, sterile needles into a patient’s skin, acupuncture stimulates specific anatomic sites within the body, commonly referred to as acupoints. The basic philosophy of acupuncture is to get the body’s energy in alignment, usually referred to as regulating Qi, and balancing Yin and Yang.  Acupuncture stimulates the body’s nervous, cardiovascular and endocrine systems to enhance the body’s healing process and is also known to have an anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving effect.
What Occurs During a Treatment Session?
At Askenas Chiropractic we take pride in assisting you through your healing journey. At your first visit Dr. Zachary Truncali will get your full health history and develop a treatment plan tailored to your health concern. After gathering your specific health information, treatment will begin. You will be placed in a restful position and very thin needles will be placed within acupoints specific to your health needs. Most people feel little to no discomfort while needles are being placed, and many find the experience to be very relaxing. After needles are placed you will rest for 20-30 minutes.
How Many Treatments Are Needed?
A trial of care is typically 4-6 treatments. During this time, we should see steady improvement in your area of health concern. For some, this is all that is needed to treat their issue. Others, especially those suffering from chronic conditions, may need more treatments and many benefit from regular or routine care.

What Other Conditions Can be Treated with Acupuncture?
Since acupuncture works by helping to re-balance the body’s normal life processes it can be helpful in treating a wide variety of conditions. In addition to headache, low back pain and sciatica Dr. Zachary Truncali enjoys helping people suffering from neck pain, anxiety and depression, digestive issues, and chronic knee pain, which often responds very quickly to treatments.
How Much Does Acupuncture Cost?
Surprisingly to many people, acupuncture treatments are actually quite affordable. On average, patients where insurance does not cover acupuncture pay an affordable amount that varies according to circumstances. If you would like to learn more about acupuncture and our other services available at our Pearl River,NY office then please contact us (845) 735-3737 as soon as possible for a consultation.


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