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How Chiropractors Help Treat High School Sports Injuries

How Chiropractors Help Treat High School Sports Injuries

Here at Askenas Chiropractic in Pearl River, we see an influx of high school sports injuries every fall. Our goal is to provide pain relief and help athletes with injury recovery as quick as possible. Learn more about this process and what you can expect with chiropractic care for students. 

baseball player has a sports inury in Pearl River

What is the Most Common High School Sports Injury Treated by Our Chiropractor in Rockland County?

Neck and back pain caused by getting knocked down, falling, trauma or overuse are the most common high school sports injuries we see. Whiplash, strains/ sprains, and slipped discs are also prominent among these student athletes. However, we also treat injuries including those that involve joint pain, muscle sprain, shoulders and leg problems

How Do We Treat Sports Injuries?

At our chiropractor, we treat the musculoskeletal system injuries using chiropractic care. This begins with a full evaluation to determine the exact cause of the pain and injury.Then chiropractic care can consist of specific spinal adjustments, stretches, manual therapies, as well as specific corrective exercises to complete healing and sustain recovery. We also specialize in Active Release Technique (ART) for soft tissue injuries.We also have a state of the art physical therapy suite for additional treatments.

How Does a Chiropractor Help Prevent Injuries?

By getting a regular chiropractic adjustment you can prevent injuries from occurring or reduce the amount of pain caused by injuries. This is thanks to the benefits of chiropractic care, which include increased nerve and blood flow and reduction in inflammation. Also, by visiting our chiropractor for the routine care we can monitor for signs of injury before these turn into painful situations. 

Seek Sports Injury Treatment with Our Chiropractor in Pearl River, NY

Whether you need treatment for an existing injury, or you want to prevent future injuries, our chiropractor is here to help.

At Askenas Chiropractic we serve patients in Tappan, Montvale, Blauvelt, Upper Saddle River, and Rockland County. Contact our office at 845-735-3737 to schedule your appointment for chiropractic care today. 


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