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Benefits of Active Release Technique (ART)

Benefits of Active Release Technique (ART) Provided by your Chiropractor in Pearl River, NYactive release technique ART in rockland county

Active Release Technique (ART) is used by qualified chiropractors to manually evaluate the tightness, flexibility and texture of your ligaments, fascia, muscles and tendons. Once your chiropractor in Pearl River determines the location of injured soft tissues, he will combine precisely guided movements on tissues using his hands with specific movements performed by the patient. In this way, ART allows chiropractors to identify and correct unique musculoskeletal injuries affecting patients by releasing adhesions and dissolving scar tissue associated with many soft tissue injuries.

Active release technique in Pearl River helps heal acute muscle injuries (tears, pulls), muscle microtrauma (small tears accumulating over time) and muscles suffering hypoxia (lack of oxygen) due to adhesions or scar tissue. Proven to be an effective, rapid method for alleviating the pain and soreness of numerous soft tissue injuries, ART is the first choice of chiropractic treatment for athletes, weekend warriors and people who regularly engage in moderate to heavy physical activity.

What are the Benefits of ART?

In addition to removing muscular adhesions and scar tissue that cause pain and stiffness, active release techniques provided by your chiropractor in Rockland County also:

  • Improves joint flexibility and range of motion
  • Works to relieve migraines and headaches by easing tension affecting small muscles at the base of your skull
  • Offers rapid recovery by effectively targeting specific muscles damaged by overuse
  • May help prevent injuries to soft tissues by keeping them healthy and strong
  • Can be incorporated in post-operative rehab plans to reduce or eliminate scar tissue accumulation
  • Treats repetitive stress injuries such as T band syndrome or plantar fasciitis

Your chiropractor in Pearl River NY also recommends ART for treating carpal tunnel syndrome, shoulder pain, sciatica, back pain, tennis elbow. TMJ, shin splints, hip pain and many more painful disorders affecting the joints, muscles and soft tissues.

If you are suffering from muscle overuse or other musculoskeletal injuries, please call your chiropractic clinic in Pearl River to make an appointment with Dr. Askenas.


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