Success Stories

Patricia Knight

I have been going to Dr. Brickell for a few years for minor adjustments - nerve pinch, stiffness, etc.  I am very active and like to do a lot of different activities that all use different muscle groups; diving, skiing, running, hiking, muay thai, etc.  Last year I managed to injure my lower back which resulted in multiple bulging discs.  Sitting and driving were excruciating and I couldn't lift my feet high enough to climb stairs or even lift my arms over my head.  The front of my left leg was completely numb which meant nerve damage.   I had no idea that my lower back was connected to so many of my normal activities - it was painful to wash my hair!  I thought for sure that I would have to have surgery.  After the results of the MRI, I went to Dr. Brickell every day for three weeks.  I got my mobility back within two weeks and over the next few months I was able to do all my usual daily routines in a normal fashion as well as include some swimming and biking. By eight months, I regained feeling in my leg and was able to start running again.  A year later I am finally able to run, lift weights and have been able to transition back into some muay thai.  Without Dr. Brickell I would have had surgery!  It's been a long process, but I really appreciated Dr. Brickell's amazing support and patience with me when I got very frustrated with my progress.  I liked how he explained every process and what was happening with my back and recovery every step of the way.  Huge thanks to Dr. Brickell and his staff for all their help getting me back on my feet!

Patricia Knight


I suffered from lower back pain and daily headaches due to my computer-related workplace. I am delighted I came across the reviews from my Google search and took a chance to visit his office. When I entered the waiting room, Dr Brickell's staff were all smiles and gave me a delightful welcome to their office. Dr Brickell is very knowledgeable, explains thoroughly and is very patient. His personality and wealth of knowledge honestly took away a lot of my anxiety from getting adjusted. I want to thank Dr Brickell for making me ten times better! I had no idea about the benefits of chiropractic care until I met him.

Me On Bike

I was referred to Dr. Brickell by my massage therapist and have been a regular patient of his for 3 years now. I started seeing Dr. Brickell for my constant neck and lower back pain. Soon after treatment, I was able to experience relief and got my mobility back! I'm happy and grateful to have no more neck and lower back pain, which allows me to be active with yoga and bicycling. I highly recommend Dr. Brickell and his very pleasant staff in handling your future chiropractic needs. Thanks, Dr. Brickell!

 Yen Wilson

Me On Bike

Amazing results!
I have been a patient of Dr Brickell’s for about 4 years, and it has made my life so much more pleasant. I have a rather severe case of scoliosis with a corkscrew twist. My back had a pronounced hump on my left side and would often spasm, causing extreme pain and discomfort with many sleepless nights. 
After my first visit I felt great relief. With continued treatments the pain has now subsided, I can move more freely, think more clearly and sleep without discomfort, he made a world of difference.  
Dr Brickell does not mess around, if you have a problem, he will do his best to resolve it!

man walking in the park

My Name is Nicholas Herzog and I have spent the last 25 years of my life constantly on the go. Have played lacrosse and golf my entire life and as of months ago I started to obtain tension headaches along the left side of my neck. It was making daily activities a struggle and seemed to always have the pressure headache going. One day I decided to take the leap and do some research on line when I started reading Dr. Brickell’s customer stories. They instantly built a sense of trust and went in. Dr. Brickell made me feel comfortable from the start and the entire office treats you like family. As of today, I have been feeling better then I have in years and no more headaches from the trusted treatments of Dr. Brickell and his staff. I highly recommend him and his team and don’t hesitate to reach out to them even if it just is a simple question because I am confident he can help you on your road to recovery! 

Best, Nick


I’m a registered nurse who suffered from extreme hamstring and leg pain each time I went to yoga class , walking or to the gym. I was very active for years but started to avoid all forms of activity due to the intense pain. I tried deep massage therapy and physical therapy for relief and increased mobility , to no avail. I finally scheduled with my MDs help, a MRI which showed scoliosis, spondylosis and grade 2 spondylothesis . I was told by my MD that none of these conditions were curable. I never thought I would use the services of a chiropractor since the medical world is generally suspicious of this discipline . Dr Brickell came highly recommended by friends and family members ; they were helped tremendously by him. I’m happy to report that I’ve been seeing Dr Brickell weekly starting my 4 th year in January and I’m extremely active again! My pain level went from a 9-10 to a 2 or less. I have returned to my yoga classes, cycling , long walks and weights. Also, the office staff is AMAZING !! Both Adore and Pam are very thoughtful about your comfort and time. They really do go the extra mile. I’m so very happy I trusted Dr Brickell with my back issues and continue to be pleased and confident with his care!! I would recommend him to anyone who suffers in orthopedic pain.

Roberta Gertz


When I walked into Dr. Brickell's office I could not stand upright. I was hunched over like an old man. My left lower back was giving me great pain. After the 3 sessions in my first week with Dr. Brickell I could walk upright. The excruciating pain I had come in with had been reduced to an uncomfortable distraction. Each session after that the Doctor kept adjusting my back and reducing my pain. I walked out of every session feeling better than when I'd walked in. I'm no longer suffering with any back pain and I'm enjoying life again. I've been to Chiropractors before in my life, but none had the success that Dr. Brickell has given to me. I'm 72 years old and feel great again thanks to Dr. Brickell.

Terry Anthony


With the onset of Osteoarthritis May of 2002, I developed a slight curvature of the spine. This caused a stiffness and misalignment of the lower back. My medical doctor said that chiropractic treatment would be beneficial and recommended Dr. Keith Brickell. I had my very first adjustment nine months ago and have gone weekly since then. They make me feel so much better and have improved my posture tremendously. I walk out of the office felling like a "West Pointer". Chiropractic care makes me feel 20 years younger, and by the way, I'm only 94 years young.


Dear Dr. Brickell and his staff;

As you know, when I first wheeled into Brickell Chiropractic over a decade ago, I was in very bad shape. My post surgery experiences have been challenging, and when I met you I had nearly given up on life itself. Chronic pain and the misery that comes with harmful medications had pretty much done me in.Thanks to you and your excellent staff, I got important information I had never been taught about my body and how to cope with my difficulties. Your excellent advice and treatment on all things related to my spinal injuries started changing my life immeasurably from the outset. The improved mobility in my neck and back helped me to have more independence at home, and that made an incredible difference in my day to day activities. Your treatment is what keeps me in the game. There is no other medical treatment that has provided me with these types of benefits. Thanks so much for being knowledgeable, professional and caring. Your happy patient,

Rex Downham

.Dr. Brickell,

I would like to take a moment to thank you for introducing me to Isagenix! Their line of health care products has helped transform my life and it would have never come to fruition had it not been for that crossroad in your office when you grabbed my spare tire and challenged me. What are you going to do about this”, you said. Three months prior to that day I turned 40 years old, weighed 204 pounds and was diagnosed pre-hypertensive. I took your challenge and with the help of the Isagenix 9-day cleanse, followed by a modified shake diet, I lost 40lbs and reduced my blood pressure by over 20 millimeters of mercury this past year! I have Isagenix to thank for my improved energy, health and mood; as well as increased confidence, self-esteem and job productivity. I will forever owe a debt of gratitude to you for your words of encouragement and motivating pinch that has fueled my transformative change of lifestyle! And thanks to Isagenix from one satisfied consumer!
Best Regards, David Levin

I have been a patient of Dr. Brickell for roughly 2 years now. In January, I became pregnant with my first child. Starting in the first trimester of my pregnancy, I began to experience lots of lower back and neck pain. I spoke with my OBGYN about the safety of chiropractic care during my pregnancy and once I received approval from him, I was seeing Dr. Brickell weekly. I began treatment around the 15 week mark of my pregnancy. I only wish I began sooner!!! I am now reaching the end of the pregnancy and I have experienced absolutely NO lower back or neck pain. Dr. Brickell is very well versed in dealing with pregnant patients like myself and I am so thankful to him for helping me have a healthy, pain-free pregnancy.
Sarah Gowans

We have been patients at Brickell Chiropractic Center since 1998 for monthly maintenance treatments, which is one of the reasons why we're enjoying a healthy active lifestyle (adventure travel, biking rail-to-trails, snow skiing and paddle boarding for the first time this year) in our fifties. Did we say patients? Shouldn’t have -- Dr. Brickell is a caring and compassionate practitioner who treats his patients like family. We highly recommend the team at Brickell Chiropractic Center and have referred many satisfied friends and associates over the years.
Joanne and Steve

mindy.jpgI've been a patient of Dr. Brickell's since he first graduated Chiropractic college. I have a congenital condition called Spondylolisthesis, and I know... it's a mouthful ! I am able to remain active because of his magical hands and I'm so grateful he chose this profession. He listens to his patients and is a true healer. His office is very well managed by a staff that is compassionate, efficient and professional. Without him I feel like the tin man from the Wizard of Oz that needs to be oiled!
Mindy Sturgis

Rick_Gertz_Surfing.jpgI have been a patient of Dr.Brickell's for the last twenty years in my journey from high school athlete to weekend warrior. I have found him to be a compassionate, patient partner in keeping me active, lessening my pain, and helping me to better understand my body and the signals it is sending me. I am greatful that he always spends the time thoroughly evaluating my situation and helping to correct the pain. Of all the methods I have tried to stop my migraines, Dr.Brickell's have been the most instantaneous and effective and have actually alleviated my need for pain meds and their associated side effects. Thank you, Dr.Brickell for being a partner in my well-being and keeping me healthy enough to enjoy my family and keep me surfing!
Rick Gertz

get_attachment.aspx.jpegI have had the very good fortune of knowing Dr Keith Brickell for over 25 years. Knowing him in several capacities: colleague, personal chiropractor, and friend. Dr Brickell is the consummate professional. His extensive knowledge, coupled with his very caring attitude, are just a few of the many qualities that contribute to his current station in life as a Certified Sports Physician and Chiropractor. Without question, I believe Dr Brickell could offer any person interested in better health, many effective options. His gentle treatment has always stood out in my mind, and it was easy to understand as a patient myself, how and why he took care of so many kids and older patients and everyone in between. He rocks! Dr Brickell walks his talk. He bikes over 100 miles per week. His personality is warm and welcoming. He also happens to be an outstanding jazz drummer, playing since high school, and now donating time on weekends to volunteer at church in Boca Raton. Cannot say enough good things about Dr Brickell. On top of all else, Dr Brickell has a beautiful wife and two outstanding children!
Dr. Dennis Antoine

1134216951_3p5NY_L1_200x300.jpgMy name is Andrew Strickland. I was recently in a mountain biking accident at Markham park which required a trip to the ER, 16 stitches, a CT scan and multiple X-rays. A few days after my accident I was having extreme pain in my neck and I was also suffering from a headache on the left side of my head. My neck had very minimal range of motion as well. I must admit that I had never been to a chiropractor before seeing Dr. Brickell and, as a result, I was a bit apprehensive. I was immediately put at ease by Dr. Brickell's knowledge and ability to quickly diagnose my issue and recommend treatment. Within one visit, my neck pain was all but gone and the range of motion in my neck was also noticeably improved. I had two follow-up visits with adjustments and I have had no pain or issues since. I can say with confidence that if it wasn't for Dr. Brickell and his staff, my road to recovery would have been much longer. I highly recommend Dr. Brickell not only for the quality of his work, but also because of the personal attention he and his staff pay to each patient.
Andrew Strickland


This past summer, shortly after formally committing to retirement, an old nagging pain in my lower suddenly became fresh and severe. Most routine tasks became acutely painful and it seemed that after decades of hard work, retirement would be sedentary rather than the very active second life that I had planned.

Dr, Brickell quickly determined the cause of the pain and made a series of adjustments that quickly made the outlook for an active retirement much brighter. With periodic adjustments from the good Doctor and a reasonable adherence to his suggested stretching and exercise regimen, the pain has remained at bay; and my retirement is indeed now filled with many fulfilling activities. Dr. Brickell is caring, thorough, and considerate; and he has made my life immeasurably better. I very strongly recommend him.
Michael C


I was referred to Dr. Brickell by a co-worker in 2008 after a bad slip and fall on an ice cube and fell down metal stairs on a boat. I instantly thought I was paralyzed or had broken my back! It was Labor Day weekend and Dr. Brickell was out of town so I spent that night in the hospital. A few days later I was still in severe pain with broken ribs and a torn meniscus in my left knee. As soon as I called Dr. Brickell's accommodating staff, they squeezed me in a few hours later. After my first visit with Dr. Brickell I felt a huge relief as he alleviated most of the pain with his gentle manipulations. I had a few follow up visits and within 2 weeks, I was back to teaching my 25 group fitness classes consisting of spinning and weight training. I still need Dr Brickell to adjust me occasionally due to how hard my workouts are.

I also had another very painful experience while indoor skydiving in Las Vegas in 2010. I couldn't wait to get home to see Dr. Brickell, although I had never had my neck manipulated before because it scares me, I knew it had to be done and Dr. Brickell is the only Chiropractor I would trust to adjust my neck. After a few visits the severe pain had disappeared!

I have found Dr Brickell to be an honest, caring, extremely professional doctor that really cares about his patients and their well being!
Peggy Livingston

734413_4848697732395_930094104_n.jpgTo my bestest chiropractor in the whole world! He and his staff keep me doing all that I can do, so I can be the best that I can be! My history of fibromyalgia and other degenerative disease issues would put an end to my crazy athletic life, but with the consistent loving care from this team I am good to go! Thanks for caring and much love!
Laura Taglione

photo_1.JPGDr. Brickell has been my chiropractor for over sixteen years. I have tremendous confidence in his knowledge and ability. I visit Dr. Brickell every four weeks to maintain proper vertebral alignment so that I can lead an active lifestyle and do the things I enjoy.
Joseph Kashi


Dr. Brickell’s care has changed my life! From the very first visit, I knew I was in the right place. On my first visit I was greeted with smiles from his staff, Elfa and Adoree. Dr. Brickell evaluated my condition and adjusted me very gently. He showed me ways to exercise to stop my back problems from getting worse. Amazingly, the headache that I came in with was gone after his very first treatment. The adjustment was gentle, soothing and pain free. I’ve continued to see him weekly, and I’m happy to report that the pain that I originally came in with is a distant memory. I no longer have to take medication for my back pain. I wake up in the morning pain free. I have a positive outlook on life now, because I know how my body works and how to take care of it. I now utilize massage therapy, proper diet and exercise and I feel in control of my health.

Thank you Dr. Brickell for your incredible care, I truly appreciate what you are doing in my life!
Roxy Diaz

client review

In January of 2013 I suffered a severe injury to my lower back. The pain was unbearable, I could hardly walk, and could not bend over at all. I was referred to Dr. Brickell by a friend of the family and didn't know much about chiropractic but decided to give it a try. On my first visit Dr.  Brickell sent me for an MRI and found out that I had a massive disc herniation between L4 and L5 in my lower back. Dr. Brickell said that it was a potential surgical disc. The Dr. said I was a prime candidate for surgery but he was willing to start up a short course of non-surgical treatment in his office. Dr. Brickell believed that his service would be of great help and told me to try the chiropractic approach first. After explaining everything to me, I felt very comfortable with Dr. Brickell and chose to trust him. I began to see him weekly and did exactly what he told me to do. I was amazed that I started to feel better from his gentle approach. After just about 3 months, I am thrilled to say that I am pain free and back to full exercises. I am truly amazed at my results and how quickly I’ve recovered. Any skepticism of chiropractic care that I may have had is gone! I am a firm believer that it works and am motivated to tell others. You can’t deny your own experience and today it’s almost as if the injury never happened! Thank you Doctor Brickell! You have given to me more than I could ever give back!
Matthew Kavanaugh

When I first entered Dr. Brickell’s office, I was suffering from a herniated disc (C4) and protruding disc (C5) with pain radiating down the left side of my neck, into my shoulder and upper back. It extended into my upper left arm to the elbow and also went down into my left hand to my fingertips. I also experienced numbness in three of my five finger tips. Pain medication barely touched it. I began seeing Dr. Brickell three times per week. Within one month I was at two visits. Within another month I was at one visit each week. Pain was less with each visit. My pain is now gone. I still have neck stiffness and stretch as per instruction to alleviate, but I am pain free!

I am continually impressed by your humble spirit, energy and genuine care in the well-being of each patient you see every day. You always take the time to explain my care plan and answer any questions I may have. You are more than a doctor, you are a healer!

I also want to include your staff in my praise. Elfa and Dori are the best. I’m always met with a smile and genuine concern for my well-being. I am pain free! The range of motion in my left arm and shoulder has improved dramatically. I no longer even consider any type of surgical solution.

I will be forever grateful for the care and the “healing path” that you have helped me follow physically and mentally. Sometimes, everybody needs a cheerleader when they are down and in pain. You are the best. Oh, and I’m also losing weight and feel more healthy thanks to you and Isagenix! But that’s another story…. Thank you, thank you and thank you!
Eric Ramage

I’ve been a patient of Dr. Brickell since May 2012. I’ve had lower back problems for about 10 years and have seen many chiropractors during that time. Dr. Brickell is absolutely the best chiropractor that has cared for me. I’ll never forget my first visit with him. My lower back was in such bad shape that my hips were crooked, I had trouble walking and sitting, and I couldn't drive my car. His treatments had me back to normal and pain free in about 3 weeks. He took the time to explain the mechanics of my injury, and more importantly the mechanics of how I could prevent the injury from occurring again. He also took the time to find out about my lifestyle – I lift weights, jog, swim, and cycle several times a week. And I’m also one of those crazy weekend warrior guys who does the “mud run” obstacle course races and an occasional triathlon. Dr. Brickell has always given me excellent advice on how to maintain such an active lifestyle while also preventing further injuries. I really couldn’t be so active without him.

Dr. Brickell is professional, knowledgeable, patient, and personable. He takes the time to get to know his patients, and he provides an invaluable service in the most caring way. There are not enough words to describe how thankful I am for the care that he has given me.
Tom Campbell

I've been a patient of Dr. Brickell's almost 10 years, where he has helped me deal with chronic back pain brought on by injuries from childhood, coupled with the rigors of constant travel.

Dr. Brickell and his staff have been flexible, adjusting to my hectic calendar and have always "fixed" that which needed "fixing.
I would recommend Dr. Brickell and his staff in a heartbeat if you need chiropractic services"

Edward Patience

On August 2, 2013 my husband brought me to see Dr. Brickell after spending a sleepless night with intense pain in my right shoulder. I could not move my right arm and when Dr. Brickell asked on a scale of 1-10 how much pain I was experiencing; with tears in my eyes I told him twenty. Dr. Brickell diagnosed my problem as bursitis in the right shoulder and immediately began treating me. My improvement was slow at first but still I was noticeably aware each day of improvement in movement and less pain. After two weeks I was able to resume work pain free with a full range of arm motion. I want to thank Dr. Brickell and his staff for the caring professional manner I was treated and I highly recommend this office for your chiropractic needs.

Em 2 de agosto de 2013 meu marido trouxe-me para ver o Dr. Brickell depois de passar uma noite sem dormir com dor intensa no meu ombro direito. Eu não poderia mover meu braço direito e quando Dr. Brickell pediu em uma escala de 1-10 de quanta dor eu estava experimentando; com lágrimas nos olhos disse-lhe vinte. Dr. Brickell diagnosticou meu problema como bursite no ombro direito e imediatamente começou a tratar-me. Minha melhora foi lenta no início, mas ainda estava visivelmente ciente cada dia da melhoria, em movimento e menos dor. Depois de duas semanas eu era capaz de retomar o trabalho livre da dor com uma gama completa de movimento do braço. Quero agradecer o Dr. Brickell e sua equipe pela forma profissional carinhosa como fui tratado e eu recomendo altamente este escritório para suas necessidades de Quiropraxia.
Angela Epperly

I feel truly blessed to have Dr. Brickell as my Chiropractor. I’ve been to many other Chiropractors over the years until receiving treatment from him. I must say that Dr. Brickell is by far the best Chiropractor I have ever been to. He really took the time to thoroughly explain to me what the condition of my Spine was and how he could help before starting any treatment. He uses Electric Muscle Stimulation to relax my muscles, with Ice as needed for my acute pain, then heat as my condition improves, before he adjusts me. Since treating with Dr. Brickell for many years, I really trust in him for the excellent care of my Spine. I have old injuries to my spine, and a Neck injury, and he really knows how to care for me and make me feel better by relieving my pain and Headaches. I always feel better after his exceptional care.
I was very athletic and in fantastic physical shape when I sustained a horrible severe injury to my Spine six years ago, and now I have Rods in my Back from the mid Thoracic to the lower Lumbar Spine with paralysis from the waist down. After a series of surgeries and a few years, I was able to return back to Dr. Brickell for treatment. He is very cautious not to adjust where my major injury was, but I still have needs with my cervical spine and upper Thoracic spine which he adjusts with precision. It makes such a difference in the quality of my life to have the treatment and adjustments from Dr. Brickell again, and I’m so grateful to have relief from my pain as needed. He is amazing and has years of practice behind him to really know how to best treat my spine to keep me as pain free as possible. Dr Brickell takes the time and interest to give me the attention I need to help relieve my pain and also improve my overall health and wellness. 
Thanks to Dr Brickell I have been able to feel well and fit to enjoy a new accessible sport that I can compete in. I have been racing in Marathons with a Handcycle and have completed 12 full local Marathons in the last few years since being paralyzed! It is because I receive excellent Chiropractic care that I am able to do so, and Dr Brickell keeps me pain free so I can accomplish such amazing goals! 
It is with much respect and enthusiasm that I would highly recommend going to Dr Brickell for your Chiropractic needs. You will be very pleased to know him and to receive the quality of care which he provides!
Christine Kent  

This was my first time I had chiropractic treatment, so of course I was apprehensive and skeptical. Upon first visit I could barely stand up straight due to the pain and discomfort in my lower back. The moment I painfully sat down in the waiting area a friendly patient spoke very highly of Dr. BrickelI, immediately I was comfortable. His explanations were spot on and easy to understand. He proceeded to outline the most effective treatment for my condition with take home instructions, supplements and everything I needed to begin my recovery. Within the first week I could feel the effectiveness of the treatments and the pain subsided. Finally, after two weeks of following the regimen the pain is nowhere to be found. Back to enjoying normal activities, playing with kids, running, weight lifting and golf pain free.

I know my results may not be typical but this was my experience and anyone looking for a great chiropractor will find a friendly staff and a knowledgeable doctor to assist your needs. I will be recommending Dr. Brickell to all my family and friends.
Scott L.

In October of 2014, I re-herniated a disc in my lower back from a combination of years of chronic overuse, poor posture, stress, and a genetic disposition to back problems.  Between October and January, I went to a local spinal physiatrist who tried to treat the pain with medications and an epidural spinal injection.  It did not work, and my pain was constant and very severe, interfering with my job, my family-life, my sleep, simple tasks, and all of my favorite activities.  Not only did I have serious pain radiating from my lower back down my legs and behind the knees, but I also had numbness and a “pins-and-needles” feeling in my feet and legs. As an art teacher, musician, and busy mommy, now finding myself in chronic, intense pain, I began to grow more and more discouraged.

I came to Dr. Brickell in January, and he determined which disc my issues were stemming from and ordered an MRI, which showed a massive lumbar disc extrusion, as well as a sequestered, free fragment sitting on my nerve root.  He, at this time, declared me a non-chiropractic case, and referred me for surgery to have the fragment removed.  I scheduled surgery for February but went for a second opinion with a neurologist.  After extensive online research, I began to wonder if the fragment might dissolve and be resorbed on its own over time, as had been the case with my first disc herniation in 2012.  About this time, the disc fragment had eased off of the nerve root, alleviating some of my neurological symptoms so the neurologist was okay with my taking a wait-and-see approach.  By June, I had finished my teaching job for the school year and was feeling improved enough to go back to Dr. Brickell.  He did a complete work-up of my symptoms again and felt it was reasonable to move ahead with chiropractic treatment.

I began regular weekly adjustments with Dr. Brickell, refrained from any exercise other than the stretches he prescribed, and became best friends with my heating pad and ice pack!  In October of 2015 he fought for me to get a 2nd follow-up MRI, which showed that the disc fragment was not just diminished, but gone entirely! I feel that the continued, regular treatments have help off-load the strain on my lower back and allowed it to heal on its own.  Not only has Dr. Brickell helped with this issue, but also I have found he and his office staff to be incredibly helpful and encouraging to me.  You only have to spend a few minutes with this talented doctor to ascertain his wealth of knowledge and his passion for helping his patients. I have found him to be one who is willing to patiently explain information to me so that I am informed and can make wise decisions about my own care.  I never feel rushed or hurried in his office, but feel he listens and takes the time with me I deserve.  As of this writing I have avoided a costly surgery, am completely pain-free, and know that God brought this special doctor into my life when I needed him the most!  My kids and husband are happy that mom isn’t crying and cranky all the time, and my art students are glad to have me back in the classroom with them again! I am happily easing back into the activities I love like kayaking, rock climbing, and Pilates!
Marcy B.

I experienced a back injury at the gym and was unsure of the extent of it. Being new to the area, I started searching for a chiropractor to help diagnose and treat my injury. The only Doctor that was able to see me, let alone answer the phone, was Dr Brickell's office. I was seen within an hour of my injury and Dr. Brickell began treatment. My injury was diagnosed as an L-5 herniation. Throughout the process of treatment and recovery, Dr Brickell's office was available every day of the week to accommodate my schedule. I took Dr. Brickell's recommendations on recovery and did the rehab as instructed. It took me approximately 6-8 weeks to fully recover and I have had no further issues. I was able to make an extremely quick and full recovery thanks to Dr. Brickell and his staff. I am able to continue an active lifestyle and doing any activity without limits or concerns. Dr. Brickell's knowledge and experience are second to none! Thank you Dr. Brickell!
Kevin Dougherty, 33

I have been a patient of Dr. Brickell for about one and a half years. I had been experiencing lower back pain that had advanced to growing pain in both legs. Being a type two diabetic, I was concerned and anxious to find relief and life changes that would keep the problem from developing further. A visit to my primary care doctor resulted in and effort to cure the problem with muscle relaxers. This approach was totally unacceptable since the pain remained and I felt miserable from the drugs side effects. My doctor then referred me to Dr. Brickell whom he trusted to provide Chiropractic care to his patients. To my delight the first treatment had me walking without pain for the first time in months. I knew I was on the right track to recovery, but had to learn that I must be patient and continue with the treatment for some time in order for my body to heal. My responsibility for following the exercises was equally important to my healing. Progress took time, but was steady. I have now reached the maintenance stage and am delightfully enjoying life pain free again. Even have a new girlfriend, and by the way, I'm 77 years old. There is always hope when you have a great doctor. Thanks again Dr. Brickell for all you have done.
Tom Hansen

I suffered a severe lower back injury a few months ago: all I was trying to do was tie my shoes! The pain was sudden and unbearable. Could barely walk, could sit but not for long. Could not bend over, forward or backwards, could not sleep. The hardest part was not being able to exercise as I do so 5-6 times a week. Called immediately Dr. Brickell’s office and was able to make an appointment for the next day. Dr. Brickell asked my level of pain, from 1 to 10. I think I answered 11.

I was not even able to lie flat on my stomach for treatment. I could only lie on my side, in a fetal position. I just cried! It was AWFUL! But, Dr. Brickell quickly diagnosed my problem and after the first adjustement he sent me home with homework/exercise sheet with the do’s and don’ts. I followed his exercise routine as directed. Initially, I visited the office 3 times a week. I am down to 1 visit per month and I am back exercising 5-6 times a week.

It did take a few weeks but my back feels stronger. Just came back from a trip out west that involved hiking, climbing and a lot of walking. My back felt great. I can’t thank Dr. Brickell enough for his professionalism and a good dose of sense of humor. Pam and Adoree are lovely ladies, always kind and very funny. Thank you all for getting me back running.

I showed up in Dr. Brickell’s with a self diagnosis of Piriformis Syndrome. Close but not quite. He diagnosed Sacroiliac Syndrome Dysfunction. Treatment and prescribed, targeted stretches, 2 ½ weeks later I am pain free. Going strong. Thank you Dr. Brickell.

Deborah Schoenauer


I had surgery on my lower back thinking this would be the best for the future. After 10 months of hope it was worse than before surgery. Long story short I went Brickell Chiropractic which was refered by a friend. Answers to my prayers. At that point I would try anything to get right. Hard to function daily with work duty's. Within a short time I was back to standing and walking all day. So much to share but I owe it all to the Doc. with his knowledge and practice. I'm back in my boat and fishing like I love to do. 

Chris johnson


For anyone considering Chiropractic Care with Dr. Brickell,    I have been seeing Dr. Brickell for well over twenty years for a pinched nerve in my neck and lower back alignment. The pinched nerve was so bad at times that I would suddenly go to my knees when the pain struck. Most of the time I am able to enjoy my life totally pain free with regular maintenance visits; and, when I do have pain (usually caused by not having a timely adjustment) Dr. Brickell is able to resolve the problem relatively quickly.    On January 15th, 2020 I walked my first half marathon at the age 72 in three hours and thirty-three minutes (about 4 miles an hour). This goal could not have been achieved without the gentle and professional Chiropractic Care given by Dr. Brickell and his team. I have been recommending him to friends, family and acquaintances since I first started seeing him and highly recommend him to you. Let him help you cross the finish line to better health. (A little corny but true!) Thanks Dr. Brickell....The picture says it all.
Richard Epperly  

Greg Perez with green bike

I have had the good fortune of being under Dr. Brickell’s chiropractic care since 1995. Having received routine chiropractic care in Minnesota and Wisconsin prior to that, I’m happy to report that my results with Dr. Brickell are superior.  In addition to being the most skilled chiropractor I’ve known, Dr. Brickell continues to impress me with his dedication to continuing medical education and general fund of medical knowledge. (He has also motivated me to regularly exercise — no easy feat. I credit Dr. Brickell with getting me back into bicycling and swimming.) 
Rounding out the experience in his office are a wonderful support staff. They are always upbeat and very positive. 

Greg Perez

I'm a web developer and spend long periods of time sitting at my computer. I always had lower back pain despite buying great quality chairs, taking breaks and exercising regularly. I began going to Dr. Brickell to get rid of the pain the natural way almost a decade ago. Now I've been going bi-monthly for maintenance for many years and I haven't had significant pain since my 3rd or 4th visit. I no longer experience back pain from working on the computer, and staying on top of my maintenance has benefited me in all aspects of my physical health. From the feeling of "unlocking" my neck and fingers, to knees and middle back, each visit is therapeutic for me. I never realized how much this alignment and natural body movement would change how I feel overall. I've recommended Dr. Brickell to friends and family and it has become a staple of my health routine.


I have a herniated disc at one level and an annular tear at another level that have been bothering me for years.  While serving overseas I received Chiropractic care in Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Vietnam, and China.  Many of those chiropractors were very good, but none as good as Dr. Brickell.  After retiring in 2015 and returning to the U.S. I tried at least 10 Chiropractors in Fort Lauderdale before finally finding the BEST when I started having treatments with Dr. Brickell in April 2016.  Since then I have relied on him to keep my back problems under control so that I can continue to lead an active lifestyle and travel pain free.  I generally try to see him once a month except when on extended travel.  My wife and I power walk 6-7 miles every morning and I maintain an exercise routine of intensive stretching, core strengthening exercises and weight training 4-5 times a week.  Dr. Brickell provided me many of the stretches I currently do as well as continual encouragement.  I can’t thank Dr. Brickell enough for all the help he has given me over the past 8 years.

Ray Kengott


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