Canyon Crossing Chiropractic

5610 176th St E d 105

Puyallup, WA 98375 USA

(253) 271-6750

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Eating for Better Posture: Foods and Habits That Promote Spinal Alignment

Having good spinal alignment allows you to enjoy a higher quality of life. Spinal issues may cause various health issues throughout your body and keep you from doing the things you love. Chiropractic care offers you long-lasting spinal health. Canyon Crossing Chiropractic in Puyallup, WA, offers preventative chiropractic care and chiropractic treatment for all your pain and mobility issues. We are here to discuss a few things you can do to improve your spinal alignment and posture.

Having Good Nutrition

Having good nutrition is vital in maintaining spinal health and overall health. You should make sure your diet contains plenty of dairy, vegetables, and seafood to promote better spinal alignment.

Dairy foods are rich in calcium, which helps keep your bones strong. Some popular dairy foods that are high in calcium include cheese, milk, and yogurt. Keeping your bones strong helps prevent spinal injuries from occurring in the future.

Eating vegetables is a great way to reduce pressure that causes back stiffness. You should eat plenty of spinach and broccoli to help calm inflamed nerves. Vegetables are also equipped with nutrients that support your spine.

Some seafood contains important nutrients like Vitamin B12 and Omega-3 fatty acids. Vitamin B12 assists with bone-strengthening cells and creates red blood cells. This vitamin is also crucial for the function and development of brain and nerve cells. Omega-3 fatty acids are good for soft tissues. These nutrients reduce inflammation in soft tissues, which keeps your muscles relaxed.

How to Maintain a Good Posture 

Chiropractic care is a great way to realign your spine and improve your posture, but there are some things you can do on your own to strengthen your core. Some exercises or activities you can do on your own include yoga, stretching, and Pilates.

Doing weekly yoga helps build core strength, balance, and flexibility. Yoga can help stimulate your spine and ensure that your muscles stay warm. Many people have also found yoga to help manage pain and reduce stress.

Daily stretching is a helpful way to keep your back and core muscles in shape. Regular stretching can also help prevent muscle strains and sprains that could lead to more substantial injuries.

Another thing you should consider doing to improve your posture is Pilates. Doing Pilates can help realign your spine and strengthen your core muscles. Pilates is the perfect exercise for you if you prefer holistic treatment.

Let Canyon Crossing Chiropractic Take Care of Your Chiropractic Needs 

Spinal pain can be debilitating and keep you from doing the things you need to in life, so contact Canyon Crossing Chiropractic in Puyallup, WA, to get the chiropractic care you need to feel like yourself again. Our chiropractic methods can reduce pain throughout your entire body and prevent future issues. Call us today at (253) 271-6750 to schedule an appointment.


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