
A friend referred me to a chiropractor because I had been having bad neck, shoulder, and arm pain for many years. I have been seeing Dr. Bolt since February 20th and today, after just a few visits, I am finally pain free for the first time in a long time! I didn't expect to be pain free so soon!!

Dr. Bolt helped me not only by adjusting my spine, but by educating me about holistic approach and overall health and wellness for life. I would recommend Dr. Bolt to others because he is the most unique chiropractor or even doctor of any kind that I have ever met. His enthusiasm, personality, and commitment to continuing education are very impressive. Most of all I have enjoyed the "Bolt Culture" of the whole office staff: their friendliness and dedication to helping every patient become healthy and live in a way that enables them to achieve their maximum level of overall wellness and happiness.


I have taken a special interest in the Natural Health based Chiropractic expertise of Dr. Donald Bolt who has had a thriving practice for 18 years.

From the minute I walked into his office this last July I could tell this was not just another Chiropractor's office. A full color medial monitor in the friendly waiting room displayed highly informative facts on the importance of spinal column and nervous system health as a foundation to each person's particular level of health. All eyes in the waiting room were focused on learning what was being presented on the screen. I later saw that this was one of about 5 media monitors in the various offices so that patients could learn about natural health topics while waiting for the particular service. Each week presents a special natural health based theme with amazing facts, the result of extensive scientific research.

In addition to spinal column X-Rays, the thorough pre-Chiropractic treatment screening involved an especially impressive computerized scanning system of the full spinal column that resulted in an immediate colorful printout showing the various areas of the spine that registered abnormal "heat", and thus, were out of alignment, needing chiropractic alignment to normalize the vertebrae and nerves. I learned that this computerized analysis is relatively new and uncommon to find in our current chiropractic offices, due to the expense to purchasing the software. But I have to say that "a picture is worth a thousand words" or "seeing is believing!"

My particular computer print out of my spine showed serious cervical misalignments, probably due to many years of business-legal stress, but Dr. Bolt assured me that if I chose to enlist in his recommended plan I could be assured of normalizing the sub-health pre-existing conditions.

During my pre-treatment conference with Dr. Bolt, I mentioned that I didn't much relate to "cracking" as a treatment. He said, "No problem. I have this amazing "Cox Table" that allows me to gently coax the body into place if you will see me three times a week for a couple of months tapering down to once a week."

It has been three months since I began his recommended treatments. My mind is much clearer. My sight has improved. I can walk straighter, and my energy level has increased by about 40%. And I think I have lost about 4 pounds without any dietary change.

Dr. Bolt is an exceptional, engaging professional, well organized and obviously enthused with his work of helping people become healthier and happier. He lives on the cutting edge of his profession, regularly attending "In-state" and "Out of state" professional chiropractic seminars.

His support staff, including a massage therapist, is well educated and coordinated in presenting a unified, supportive team effort so that patients feel the sincere interest in their health and healing.

Thank You,
Suzy F.

Dee's Story…

Twenty-Seven years ago I was having sever migraine headaches. They were so bad I was put in the Hospital. Through a battery of tests the doctor told my 16-year-old daughter I had a brain tumor. When I left the hospital I felt worse than when I went in, and the tests showed nothing. On my way home in the small town I lived in Florida there was a new chiropractor in town, I pulled into the parking lot figuring what did I have to lose. I met with the chiropractor and that day he adjusted my neck and back. After two weeks the headaches went away. He put together for me the fact I had been in three auto accidents by the time I was sixteen had a lot to do with the pressure on my spine and nerves.

One of the things I missed moving to California was having a Chiropractor close by that I could trust. I tried a couple of doctors that were recommended and nothing. After a few years I found out about a new guy in Port Hueneme Dr. Donald Bolt. I thought what the heck, I'll give him a chance to try. The headaches were returning bingo after a couple weeks they were gone. I have been returning off and on ever since and I am glad I do and so is my husband.

Thank you Dr. Bolt and all the other chiropractors that help people. I am proud to have a chiropractor that is committed to my health and wellness.


When I first started seeing Dr. Bolt I was having constant low back pain day and night. I couldn't stand on my feet for more than ½ hour. Since starting my treatment my back pain has eased up so that I am much more mobile now. I still have some pain when I lift heavy objects, but I feel much better.

Dr. Bolt has helped me by knowing what to do to help me. He seems genuinely dedicated to helping people and happy when he sees improvement in my condition. I have been a golfer for years. When I started my treatments I was barely able to make it 18 holes. My scores were not what they used to be before I started feeling pain. Now I'm playing better, and with less pain. I have dropped 10 strokes off my score.

I recommend chiropractic treatment to others because if it has helped me this much, why wouldn't anyone with back problems try it? It is better thank filling your system with prescription drugs with all the bad side affects they have.

Teddi R.

I started seeing Dr. Bolt after being involved in a car accident. I was having back and neck pain. I used to have hip pains not attributed to the accident. I thought it was because I used to be a catcher when I played baseball. Every time I would stand up after sitting for a long period of time my hip would pop like it was going to go out of the socket.  I would have a lot of pain. Just this last weekend while watching the football game I noticed that when I went to get up I was expecting my hip to hurt and it didn't.

The pain in my hip is completely gone. Dr. Bolt helped me and the results were fast and very noticeable.

Thank You,
Jamie M.

When I started seeing Dr. Bolt in August of 2006 I was in a lot of pain. My back was hurting a lot of the time. I am now back pain free. I come back weekly to keep myself pain free.

Dr. Bolt helped me with his specialized plan to treat my case. He keeps updated scans and follows up with me regularly. I recommend Dr. Bolt to others because he ROCKS!!

Ben G.

I started working for Dr. Bolt in 2003. I had never seen a Chiropractor before and I didn't really see the point, but I wanted a job. Dr. Bolt insisted that I start getting adjusted. Before long I noticed that the headaches I had been having for years were gone! I had been headache free for weeks without even noticing.

Then about 8 months into my care, and new job, my Mom mentioned that I hadn't been getting sick. That's when I realized that I hadn't even gotten so much as a cold! I was one of those people that got sick all the time. I got colds in every season and they would affect me for a week or more. Now I might get sick once a year, if that. These days I make sure to get adjusted especially when I'm sick and I get over my cold in a matter two or three days.

Chiropractic helped me a lot! It will be a part of my wellness routine for the rest of my life. I will also make sure that my future children get Chiropractic care too! Its that important!


After my Auto Accident, I was advised to seek Chiropractic help. I feel that chiropractic adjustments have helped heal my fractured foot. I went from walking with crutches to walking without crutches. It has also helped me with back pains attributed to walking with the crutches. It is amazing to me to become back pain free with weekly adjustments and massages.

With Love,
Carmen R.

I started seeing Dr. Bolt because I was seeing other doctors and wasn't seeing any results. I was having a lot of back pain and I was nauseous all of the time. All the other doctors wanted to do was give me drugs that I didn't really need.

After only a week I saw my nausea decreased. After a few weeks my nausea had totally stopped. Dr. Bolt did was my medical doctors couldn't, he made my nausea and back pain go away.

I tell my friends about Dr. Bolt because he helped me.

Thank You!

I started seeing a chiropractor because I was in a lot of pain. I had to wear a back brace just to move around. Since I started coming here I've been able to stop using the brace. I also noticed that I've been moving easier and faster. I've been surprised at how quickly I got results!

The other thing about Dr. Bolt's office that helped me was his education class. It showed me how to better take care of myself and set me on the road to becoming pain free.  I would recommend chiropractic care, and Dr. Bolt, to others because my treatment here helped me get out of distress and back on the road to a normal pain free life!

David H.

I was in a car accident not to long ago. I was rear-ended and the vehicle I was in was totaled. Seeing a chiropractor helped relieve the pain in my lower back and on some days enabled me to be completely pain free.

Dr. Bolt helped me in my recovery by giving me exercises to do at home that target and help strengthen the areas that I am having problems in.  I would recommend Dr. Bolt to others for the reason that if he can help me; I strongly believe that he can help others as well.

Thank You,
Frank Z.

My chiropractic story began in 1997. I slipped on some ice and sprained my lower back, making it difficult to walk or do many activities at all! My medical doctor referred me to a local chiropractor. It took several months for my low back to stop hurting. When the pain went away I noticed another welcome surprise. The asthma attacks I had been having since I was 7 years old had stopped too!

I kept going to chiropractors off and on, but when I got into a car accident just before I moved to California in 2005, I needed a new chiropractor. I went to another doctor in Ventura Country and was seeing no improvement. That's when I found my way to Dr. Bolt's office.  Within 6 short weeks my pain had started to subside and I was feeling like my old self again. By the time I reached the end of my treatment plan I was back to normal.

Now I make sure to get my adjustments every week. I haven't had back pain in months! I also have more energy and would you believe I haven't experienced any asthma since 1997!
Dr. Bolt really took the time to educate me about how Chiropractic could keep me and my whole family healthy, it isn't just for back pain.  I now make sure that my 4 year old, and husband get adjusted regularly just like I do. I really appreciate everything that Dr. Bolt and his staff have been doing for me.


I started seeing a chiropractor because I had lower back and leg pain. I was told that Dr. Bolt could help relieve my symptoms. Since I started coming I have been getting better every day. I can walk longer and haven't been having as much pain. Dr. Bolt was helpful because he explained where my problem areas were and started getting to them right away. Not only is my pain going away, but I've also been sleeping better and feeling more relaxed.  I recommend chiropractic care because I got great results right away and feel better when I move!



Rosie's Story….

I was a patient at Dr. Bolt's office last year. I was in a car accident and my car was totaled, so you know I was in a lot of pain. I had frequent head aches, severe left shoulder pain and a lot of trouble sleeping. Dr. Bolt relieved all of these problems through chiropractic care. I believed in his treatment and his office so much that I started to work here!


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