
If you suffer from arthritis, odds are, you find yourself seeking relief in a variety of ways. Unfortunately, not all treatment methods are created equal and some only work for a very short time, if at all. Luckily, chiropractic care is one of the top treatment methods for conditions such as arthritis. If you are a resident of the Port Charlotte or Lake Suzy area, here are some benefits of seeking chiropractic care for arthritis at Kirschner Chiropractic & Wellness Centre. 


Benefits of Visiting a Chiropractor for Arthritis

If you are considering visiting a chiropractor for help with your arthritis, you're in great company. Many people visit chiropractors regularly to help them manage their arthritis symptoms. Here are some of the benefits of doing so: 

  • Non-Invasive Treatments: Chiropractic care is a great option for arthritis treatment because it provides effective pain relief without the use of prescription medication. Visiting our chiropractor will provide you with immediate relief and can help reduce your symptoms over time. 
  • Progressive Improvement: Additionally, visiting a chiropractor regularly can help improve and reduce your symptoms in the long term. Studies have shown that chiropractic care can improve the relationship between the nervous system and the spine. This can improve the functionality of all the organs of the body. 
  • Improve Flexibility: Chiropractic treatment can improve flexibility in general. By getting treated regularly, you can start to regain functionality and thus, improve your flexibility and mobility over time. 

Chiropractic Treatments for Arthritis

If you are planning to visit our chiropractor for your arthritis symptoms, here is how we can help:

  • Massage: Chiropractic treatment can help improve arthritis symptoms by applying a variety of massage methods that can help reduce pain and inflammation. 
  • Spinal Manipulation: We also administer spinal manipulations, which can reduce pressure and pain in the spine, improving the functionality of the body. 
  • Exercises: We can also provide you with a list of corrective exercises that can help provide you with relief in between appointments. 
  • Laser Therapy: We also offer laser therapy, which can help to reduce swelling, inflammation, and joint pain.
  • Detoxification Therapy: We also offer detoxification therapy, which can address several ailments and issues, including Rheumatoid arthritis. 

Visit Our Chiropractor Today

At Kirschner Chiropractic & Wellness Center, we have years of experience providing residents of Port Charlotte, Lake Suzy, and the surrounding areas with chiropractic care for arthritis. For more information on our chiropractic care, detoxification, laser therapy, or to request an appointment, call us at (941) 766-7110.


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