The Fastest Way to Change Your Life in 2012

Many of my patients ask me how they can begin to make a positive change in their health. Many times they want to lose weight, or increase their energy. Sometimes it is just regaining the ability to do an activity they love, like golf or tennis. Whether you want to get off the couch without pain or set a new PR on your 5K time, the thing to do is to take action!

Your problem will not change wishing for it to be better. All the positive thinking and visualization in the world is good, but until that translates into action, you won't have the traction you need to change. Do something new, do things in a different way and this momentum will continue to carry on and take you to where you need to be. Often when I am helping patients through a treatment plan, it is small progressive changes that add up to a big WOW at the end of care. They say every epic journey begins with one step, and it is the same with your health and fitness goals.

So make that first step today and start doing something about that issue that has been with you for weeks or months. The only regrets people have when they are at the end of life are the things they didn't get to do or try. If you want to lose weight, start by drinking enough water to flush and hydrate your tissues so that your metabolism will work properly. Half your body weight in ounces is the minimum amount of water your body needs daily. And if you need help with your diet or nutrition call me and we can help you make the key changes that will ensure your success and health for your whole life. Whatever you do, make sure you stop putting it off and do it today!




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