Pediatric Intake Form


Confidential Patient Information


Purpose of this visit*
Please select at least one option
Ever had this problem before*
Please select at least one option
How long ago?*
Please select at least one option
How is this problem now?*
Please select at least one option
Has your child ever suffered from:*
Please select at least one option

I understand that I am directly and fully responsible to this office for all fees associated with chiropractic care my child receives.

The risks associated with exposure to x-rays and spinal adjustments have been explained to me to my complete satisfaction, and I have

conveyed my understanding of these risks to the doctor. After careful consideration I do hereby request and authorize imaging studies and

chiropractic adjustments for the benefit of my minor child for whom I have the legal right to select and authorize health care services on

behalf of. I hereby request and authorize this office to administer healthcare as deemed necessary to my dependent minor child. This

authorization also extends to include diagnostic imaging, laboratory and other testing at the doctor's discretion.

Under the terms and conditions of my divorce, separation or other legal authorization, the consent of a spouse/former spouse or other guardian is not required. If my authority to so select and authorize this care should change in any way, I will immediately notify this office.*
Please select at least one option

Activities of Daily Living/Symptoms/Medications 

Daily Activities: Effects of Current Conditions on Performance:

Please identify how your current condition is affecting your ability to carry out activities that are routinely part of your life:

Please select at least one option
Doing computer Work*
Please select at least one option
Please select at least one option
Please select at least one option
Playing Sports*
Please select at least one option
Recreation Activities*
Please select at least one option
Please select at least one option
Please select at least one option
Watching TV*
Please select at least one option
Please select at least one option
Please select at least one option
Please select at least one option
Please select at least one option
Please select at least one option
Rolling Over*
Please select at least one option
Please select at least one option
Please select at least one option
Please select at least one option
Please select at least one option
Doing Chores*
Please select at least one option
Please select at least one option
Performing Sexual Activity*
Please select at least one option
Please select at least one option
Please select at least one option
Please select at least one option
Sitting to Standing*
Please select at least one option

For Office Use Only

I have reviewed the above ADL & ROS form with the above named patient:

Informed Consent

Dear Patient:

Every type of health care is associated with some risk of a potential problem. This includes chiropractic health care. We want you to be informed about potential problems associated with chiropractic health care before consenting to treatment. This is a legal requirement in Wisconsin. This is called informed consent.

Chiropractic adjustments are the moving of bones with the doctor's hands or with the use of a machine. Frequently adjustments create a "pop" or "click" sound/sensation in the area being treated.

In this office, we use trained staff personnel to assist the doctor with portions of your consultation, examination, x-ray taking, physical therapy application, traction, massage therapy, exercise instruction, etc. Occasionally when your doctor is unavailable, another clinic doctor will treat you on that day.

Stroke: Stroke means that a portion of the brain or spinal cord does not receive enough oxygen from the bloodstream. The results can be temporary or permanent dysfunction of the brain, with a very rare complication of death. The literature is mixed or uncertain as to whether chiropractic adjustments are associated with stroke or not. The most recent evidence suggests that it is not (2008, 2015, 2016), although the same evidence suggests that the patient may be entering the chiropractic office for neck pain/headaches or other symptoms that may be a spontaneous dissection of the vertebral artery. If we think this is happening, you will be immediately referred to emergency services.

Anecdotal stories suggest that chiropractic adjustments may be associated with strokes that arise from the vertebral artery; this is because the vertebral artery is actually found inside the neck vertebrae. The adjustment that is suggested to increase the strain on the vertebral artery is called the "extension-rotation-thrust atlas adjustment." We do not do this type of adjustment on patients. Other types of neck adjustments may also potentially be related to vertebral artery strokes, but no one is certain. It is estimated that the incidence of this type of stroke ranges between 1 per every 400,000-3,000,000 upper neck adjustments. This means that an average chiropractor would have to be in practice for hundreds of years before they would statistically be associated with a single patient stroke.

Two other potential problems that are not quantifiable because they are extremely rare and may have no association with chiropractic adjusting are carotid artery injury and spinal dural tear resulting in a leak of cerebral spinal fluid.

Disc Herniations: Disc herniations that create pressure on the spinal nerve or on the spinal cord are frequently successfully treated by chiropractors and chiropractic adjustments, traction, etc. This includes both the neck and back. Yet, occasionally chiropractic treatment (adjustments, traction, etc.) will aggravate the problem, and rarely surgery may become necessary for correction. These problems occur so rarely that there are no available statistics to quantify their incidence.

Cauda Equina Syndrome: Cauda Equina Syndrome occurs when a low back disc problem puts pressure on the nerves that control bowel, bladder, and sexual function. Representative symptoms include leaky bladder, leaky bowels, loss of sensation (numbness) around the pelvic sexual organs (the saddle area), or the inability to urinate or to start a bowel movement. Cauda Equina Syndrome is a medical emergency because the nerves that control these functions can permanently die, and those functions may be lost or compromised forever. The standard approach is to surgically decompress the nerves, and the window to do so is only 12-72 hours, depending. If you have any of these symptoms, tell us immediately, and if we can't be reached, go to the emergency department.

Soft Tissue Injury: Soft tissues primarily refer to muscles and ligaments. Muscles move bones and ligaments limit joint movement. Rarely a chiropractic adjustment, traction, massage therapy, etc., may overstretch some muscle or ligament fibers. The result is a temporary increase in pain and necessary treatments for resolution, but there are no long-term affects for the patient. These problems occur so rarely that there are no available statistics to quantify their incidence.

Rib and other Fractures: The ribs are found only in the thoracic spine or middle back. They extend from your back to your front chest area. Rarely a chiropractic adjustment will crack a rib bone, and this is referred to as a fracture. This occurs only in patients that have weakened bones from such things as osteoporosis. Osteoporosis can be noted on your x-rays. We adjust all patients very carefully, especially those who have osteoporosis on their x-rays. These problems occur so rarely that there are no available statistics to quantify their incidence.

Physical Therapy Burns: Some of the machines we use to generate heat. We also use both heat and ice and recommend them for home care on occasion. Everyone's skin has a different sensitivity to these modalities, and rarely, both heat or ice can burn or irritate the skin. The result is a temporary increase in pain, and there may even be some blistering of the skin. These problems occur so rarely that there are no available statistics to quantify their incidence. Never put a home ice pack directly on the skin, always have an insulating towel between.

Soreness: It is common for chiropractic adjustments, traction, massage therapy, exercise, etc. to result in a temporary increase in soreness in the region being treated. This is nearly always a temporary symptom that occurs while your body is undergoing therapeutic change. It is not dangerous, but please do tell your doctor about it.

Other Problems: There may be other problems or complications that might arise from chiropractic treatment other than those noted above. These other problems or complications occur so rarely that it is not possible to anticipate and/or explain them all in advance of treatment.

Chiropractic is a system of health care delivery, and, therefore, as with any health care delivery system, we cannot promise a cure for any symptom, disease, or condition as a result of treatment in this clinic. We will always give you our best care, and if the results are not acceptable, we will refer you to another provider whom we feel will assist your situation.

If you have any questions on the above, please ask your doctor. When you have a full understanding, please sign and date below.

HIPAA Notice of Privacy Practices

12027 ANTIOCH RDTREVOR. WL 5317&-9498

Our Obligations

We are required by law to:

● Maintain the privacy of protected health information

● Give you the notice of your legal duties and privacy practices regarding health information about you

● Follow the terms of our notice that is currently in effect

How We May Use and Disclose Health Information

Described as follows are the ways we may use and disclose health information that identifies you ("Health Information"). Except for the following purposes we will use and disclose health information only with your written permission. You may revoke such permissions at any time by writing to our practice's privacy officer.

Treatment. We may use and disclose Health Information for your treatment and to provide you with treatment-related health care services. For example, we may disclose Health Information to doctors, nurses, technicians, or other personnel, including people outside our office, who are involved in your medical care and need the information to provide you with medical care.

Payment. We may use and disclose Health Information so that we or others may bill and receive payment from you, an insurance company, or a third party for treatment and services you receive. For example, we may give your health plan information so that they will pay for your treatment

Health Care Operations. We may use and disclose Health Information for health care operation purposes. These uses and disclosures are necessary to make sure that all of our patients receive quality care to operate and manage our office. For example, we may use and disclose information to make sure the obstetric or gynecologic care you receive is of the highest quality. We also may share information with our entities that have a relationship with you (for example, your health plan) for their health care operation activities.

Appointment Reminders, Treatment Alternatives, and Health Related Benefits and Services. We may use and disclose Health information to contact you and remind you that you have an appointment with us. We also may use and disclose Health Information to teil you about treatment alternatives or health related benefits and services that may be of interest to you.

Individuals Involved in Your Care or Payment for Your Care. When appropriate, we may share Health Information with a person who is involved in your medical care or payment for your care, such as your family or a close friend. We also may notify your family about your location or general condition or disclose such information to an entity assisting in a disaster relief effort

Research. Under certain circumstances, we may use and disclose Health Information for research. For example, a research project may involve comparing the health of patients who receive one treatment to those who receive another for the same condition. Before we use or disclose Health Information for research, the project will go through a special approval process. Even without special approval, we may permit researchers to look at records to help them identify patients who may be included in their research project or for other similar purposes.

Special Situations

As required by law. We will disclose Health Information when required to do so by international, federal, state, or local law.

To Avert a Serious Threat to Health of Safety. We will disclose Health Information when necessary to prevent a serious threat to your health and safety or the public, or another person. Disclosure, however, will be made only to someone who may be able to help provide treatment.

Business Associates. We may disclose Health Information to our business associates that perform functions on our behalf or to provide us with services if the information is necessary for such functions or services. For example, we may use another company to perform billing services on our behalf. All of our business associates are obligated to protect the privacy of your information and are not allowed to use or disclose any information other than that as specific in our contract.

Organ and Tissue Donation. If you are an organ donor, we may use or release Health Information to organizations that handle organ procurement or other entities engaged in procurement; banking or transportation of organs, eyes, or tissues to facilitate organ, eye, or tissue donation, and transplantation.

Military and Veterans. If you are a member of the army forces, we may use or release Health Information as required by military command authorities. We also may release Health Information to the appropriate foreign military authority if you are a member of a foreign military.

Worker's Compensation. We may release Health Information for worker's compensation or similar programs. These programs provide benefits for work-related injuries or illness.

Public Health Risks. We may disclose Health Information for public health activities. These activities generally include disclosure to prevent or control disease, injury, or disability; report child abuse or neglect; report reactions to medications or problems with products; notify people of recalls of products they may be using; inform a person who may have been exposed to a disease or may be at risk for contracting or spreading a disease or condition; and report to the appropriate government authority if we believe a patient has been a victim of abuse, neglect, or domestic violence. We will only make this disclosure if you agree or when required by law.

Health Oversight Activities. We may disclose Health Information to a health oversight agency for activities authorized by law. These oversight activities include, for example, audits, investigations, inspections, and licensure. These activities are necessary for the government to monitor the health care system, government programs, and compliance with civil rights laws.

Lawsuits and Disputes. If you are involved in a lawsuit of a dispute, we may disclose Health Information in response to a court or a court administrator order. We also may disclose Health Information in response to a subpoena, discovery request, or other lawful process by someone else involved in the dispute, but only if efforts have been made to tell you about the request or to obtain an order protecting the information requested.

Law Enforcement. We may release Health Information if asked by a law enforcement official if the information is: 1) in response to a court order, subpoena, warrant, summons, or similar process; 2) limited information to identify or locate a suspect, fugitive, material witness, or missing person; 3) about the victim of crime even if, under certain circumstances, we are unable to obtain the person's agreement; 4) about a death we believe may be the result of criminal conduct; 5) about criminal conduct on our premises and; 6)in an emergency to report a crime to the location of the crime if victims, or the identity, description, or location of the person who committed the crime.

Coroners, Medical Examiners, Funeral Directors. We may release Health Information to a coroner or medical examiner. This may be necessary, for example, to identify a deceased person or determine the cause of death. We may also release Health Information to funeral directors as necessary for their duties. National Security and intelligence Activities. We may release Health Information to authorized federal officials so they may provide protection to the President, other authorized persons, or foreign heads of state, or to conduct special investigations.

Protective Services and Intelligence Activities. We may release Health Information to authorized federal officials so they may provide protection to the President, other authorized persons, or foreign heads of state, or to conduct special investigations.

Inmates or Individuals in Custody. If you are an inmate of a correctional institution or other custody of a law enforcement official, we may release Health Information to the correctional institution or taw enforcement official. This release would be made if necessary 1) for the institution to provide you with health care; 2) to protect your health and safety or the health and safety of others, or; 3) for the safety and security of the correctional institution.

You have the following rights regarding Health Information we have about you;

Right to Inspect and Copy. You have the right to inspect and copy Health Information that we may used to make decisions about your care or payment for your care. This includes medical and billing records, other than psychotherapy notes. To inspect and copy this information, you must make your request in writing, to our Privacy Officer.

Right to Amend. If you feel that Health Information we have is incorrect or incomplete, you may ask us to amend the information. You have the right to request an amendment for as long as the information is kept by or for our office. To request an amendment, you must make your request, in writing, to our Privacy Officer.

Right to an Accounting of Disclosures. You have the right to request a list of certain disclosures we made of Health Information for purposes other than treatment, payment, and health care operations or for which you provided written authorization. To request an accounting of disclosures, you must make your request, in writing, to our Privacy Officer.

Right to Request Restrictions. You have the right to request a restriction or limitation on the Health information we use or disclose for treatment, payment, or health care operation. You also have a right to request a limit on the Health Information we disclose to someone involved in your care or the payment for your care, like a family member or friend. For example, you can ask that we not share information about your particular diagnosis or treatment with your spouse. To request a restriction, you must make your request, in writing, to our Privacy Officer. We are not required to agree with your request If we agree, we will comply with your request unless the information is needed to provide you with emergency treatment.

Right to Request Confidential Communication. You have the right to request that we communicate with you about your medical matters in a certain way or at a certain location. For example, you can ask that we contact you only by mail or at work. To request confidential communications, you must make your request, in waiting, to our Privacy Officer. Your request must specify how or where you wish to be contacted. We will accommodate reasonable requests.

Right to a Paper Copy of This Notice. You have the right to a paper copy of this notice. You must ask us to give you a copy of this notice at any time. Even if you have agreed to receive this notice electronically, you are still entitled to a paper copy of this notice. You may obtain a copy of this notice by contacting our office.

Changes to This Notice

We reserve the right to change this notice and make the new notice apply to Health Information we already have as well as any information we receive in the future. We will post a current copy of our notice at our office. The notice will contain the effective date on the first page, in the top right hand comer.


If you believe your privacy has been violated, you may file a complaint with our office or with the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services. To file a complaint with our office, contact our Privacy Officer. All complaints must be made in writing. You will not be penalized for filing a complaint

By Subscribing my name below, I acknowledge receipt of a copy of this notice, and my understanding and my agreement to its terms.

Thank you for taking the time to fill out this form.


We look forward to hearing from you


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Office Hours

Our Regular Schedule

Primary Office


8:00 am-6:30 pm


8:00 am-6:30 pm


7:30 am-6:30 pm


7:30 am-6:00 pm


8:00 am-12:00 pm



