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Breast Feeding

Community Health and Wellness provides a doula to assist you in getting started with nursing your newborn.  This common task is often an unnecessary struggle.  A doula will make sure you and your baby work together to make the experience more smooth and pain free!  

(Pediatrics. Published online May 17, 2010) -- Breast Feeding is linked to a lower incidence of fever following immunizations.  Breastfed babies demonstrate a different immune response than non-breastfed babies.  Of 460 infants recruited, outcome data were available for 450 (98%).  Fever was reported in 30 (25%) of exlusively breast-fed infants, in 48 (31%) of partially breast-fed infants, and in 94 (53%) of infants who were not breast-fed at all (P < .01).  Among infants who were exclusively breast-fed, the relative risk for fever was 0.46 (95% confidence interval [CI], 0.33 - 0.66), and it was 0.58 (95% [CI] 0.44 - 0.77) among partially breast-fed infants.

What's in That Formula Anyway?

Breastfeeding linked to improved lung function

Extended Breast Feeding Protects against Obesity

Breast Milk, Not Formula, Improves Immunity in Infants

Some Babies May Nurse Better Following Treatment For Tongue Tie:  The problem occurs when the connective tissue under the tongue is too tight and prevents the babies tongue from assisting with latch on and feeding.  A tongue tie can hinder proper breastfeeding for mother and baby leading to premature cessation.