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Pregnancy Birth and Depression

Depression in Pregnancy and after birth, can be quite debilitating.  Several hormone changes occur in the body during pregnancy and after birth.  As the body adapts to these changes it can easily become deficient.  This process requires acute detail to diet, exercise, and overall health.  In an effort to assist you through this time of life this page provides information to guide you through preventing  and if necessary overcoming depression during pregnancy and post-partum. 

Acupuncture Treats Depression During Pregnancy (Without Chemical Drugs): Researchers randomly assigned 150 pregnant women who were suffering from clinical depression to receive either massage, acupuncture designed to treat depression, or acupuncture not designed for depression.  After eight weeks of treatment 63 percent of participants in the acupuncture-for-depression group had experienced an improvement in their symptoms compared with 44 percent of women in the other two groups. 

Depression During Pregnancy:  About 10-20% of women will struggle with some symptoms of depression during pregnancy and as many as half of these will suffer major depression during pregnancy.

Postpartum Depression :  About 10% of new mothers have a more serious problem called postpartum depression.  Postpartum depression lasts longer and is more intense.  It often requires counseling and treatment.  Postpartum depression can occur after any birth, not just the first.

Acupuncture and Depression During Pregnancy :  In a study presented at the Society for Maternal-Fetal medicine's annual meeting in Chicago, researchers unveiled findings that show that Acupuncture may be an effective treatment for depression during pregnancy.  Results showed that the women who received Acupuncture specific to depression experienced a significantly greater decrease in depression symptoms compared to combined controls and to nos-specific acupuncture treatment alone.