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Rh Factor and Pregnancy

Rh Factor and Pregnancy 

Prenatal Rhogam:  A Complicated Choice 

The Rhogam Vaccine

By: Jeanne Ohm, D.C. 

What has not been publicized at all was the presence of the mercury derivative, thimerosal in the rhogam shot given to RH Negative expectant mothers and its consequential effects on her unborn child prior to 2001.

Stephen Marini, DC, PhD informs us "the Physicians Desk Reference 8 cautions that the use of rhogam during pregnancy can have adverse effects on the fetus. The high mercury content of the rhogam preparation can have serious neurological consequences on the developing fetus. Hair analysis of unvaccinated children born from moms injected with rhogam demonstrate the presence of mercury. First, expectant mothers should question the rationale for rhogam injections in pregnancy. Second, if rhogam administration during pregnancy is absolutely necessary, then expectant mothers should demand mercury free rhogam. Mercury-free rhogam is available in this country from Bayer Pharmaceuticals under their product name of BayRoh-D. This mercury free product has been available sine 1996. Their number is 800-468-0894." WinRho SDF, made by the Cangene Corp., is a freeze-dried product that contains no preservatives.

Dr. Marini further states, "During pregnancy there is no mixing of mother's blood with baby blood. Giving mom rhogam after the baby's birth is sufficient to reduce the risk of HDN in her next child to about 1-2%. Rhogam is also indicated if the mom has an abortion, either natural or induced, or has abdominal trauma or an amniocentesis. Giving rhogam during pregnancy can reduce the risk of HDN by less than 1%. *** It is doubtful that the slight benefit acquired by giving rhogam during pregnancy outweighs the risks to the fetus from the injection." 9

Dawn Richardson , President of Parents Requesting Open Vaccine Education (PROVE) did a quick internet search and came up with this CDC post:


"Q. Who is most vulnerable to mercury?"


" A. Two groups are most vulnerable to methyl mercury: the fetus and children ages 14 and younger."

Her continued searching on the National Library of Medicine site almost effortlessly produced hundreds of articles and studies in medical and scientific journals clearly documenting the damaging effects of prenatal exposure to mercury. The results of one recent study published in the August 1, 1999 issue of the American Journal of Epidemiology stated that "the greatest susceptibility to methylmercury neurotoxicity occurs during late gestation, while early postnatal vulnerability is less". Ludicrously, this is the precise point in time that ACIP and the CDC recommended women to get the rhogam shot. 10


It is important to note that in 2001, the FDA finally banned thimerosal from the Rhogam shot. Strangly, though earlier the next year, the FDA began recommending flu shots for women and babies. The flu shot has the highest levels of thimerosal of all vaccines...

Read Entire Article Mercury: A Known Toxin