
KST & The ArthroStim Instrument


What is that instrument you're using?

In this office we have taken special training in the use of the ArthroStimTM*, a chiropractic adjusting instrument designed to introduce a specific amount of force to the body to correct subluxations.

A subluxation is a distortion in your body/nervous system that interferes with your flow of energy and information. Subluxations interfere with internal communication and adversely affect body function. Koren Specific Technique (KST) quickly locates subluxations and releases them using the ArthroStimTM, permitting your body/mind to function at a higher level of efficiency, harmony, communication and health.

The ArthroStimTM and KST

The ArthroStimTM is an extension of our hands. Using it with KST permits us to accomplish better corrections or adjustments in a shorter time. In addition, corrections generally hold longer. The ArthroStimTM  introduces gentle force into your body at 12-14 "taps" or cycles per second. **

No "cracking"

We use the ArthroStimTM  and KST to know exactly where you have a subluxation so that we can specifically adjust only that part of your spine and body that is subluxated (out of position). There is no pushing, pulling, bending, and twisting or "cracking: with KST. Infants and children seem to especially enjoy the gentle vibration of the instrument.

Specificity: What, where and in which direction?

Specificity is so very important that is part of the name KST. But what exactly does that mean when we say that your care is specific? Why is it important? Specificity means that we analyze your body to find out precisely what is out of position (locked, distorted, unbalanced) that is interfering with your proper function. The interference is referred to as a subluxation. More than that, we need to know in which direction your subluxation is out of position. Is it off-center to the left? Right? Front? Back? Superior? Inferior? Is it twisted? Is it off in a combination of directions? Is it only in need of correction when you are in certain posture? What posture best reveals your subluxation?

Knowing precisely in which direction your subluxation is out of position tells us where to introduce the energy or force needed to produce a correction (adjustment).

The more specific the analysis, the less energy/force needed for the correction. Because KST permits us to know, to a great degree of specificity, the precise direction of your subluxation, the least amount of energy or force can be introduced for a correction. Clinical experience also tells us that the more specific the correction (adjustment), the longer it will hold or stay in place. Because of KST's high specificity, we set the ArthroStimTM to its lightest setting so the least amount of force is introduced. High specificity means there are no "cracking," twisting or large scale movements of your body. Since we know exactly what needs correction and in which direction, we touch the ArthroStimTM to the specific area and a light force is all that's needed for a more complete correction.

And, most importantly, with KST care we can tell if the correction or adjustment worked - that is, did the subluxation, distortion or imbalance get realigned and rebalanced.

What? No table?

With KST you usually don't have to lie down on a table to have your subluxations corrected; we often analyze and correct your structural/nervous system complex while you are standing or sitting.

But we may ask you to lie down if a subluxation is best revealed while you are prone, supine or lying on your side.

Why might we place you in different positions? It is because some subluxations are "posture specific," that is, they will only reveal themselves when you assume a certain posture.

Examples of positional adjusting

There seem to be countless ways a person can be checked. A person who suffered a whiplash injury while driving will most likely need to be checked and corrected (adjusted) while they are in a seated position.

If a patient says they only hurt when they hold a golf club, a tennis racquet, a guitar or a tool of their trade in a certain position, they most likely need to be checked and adjusted while they hold a golf club, tennis racquet, etc. in that position.

An office worker who reveals their dysfunction when using a mouse (we mean the computer kind) should be checked and corrected in their working position.

Some subluxations best reveal themselves while you are moving so we may check and correct you while you are moving.

During your visit we will work with you to ensure that when you leave our office you are subluxation-free and feeling great!

The different sleeves we use

We use different sleeves on the ArthroStimTM in order to adjust or correct different parts of the body.

-Most of your cranial bones or upper cervical (upper neck) vertebrae are corrected using the bare stylus.
-Larger bones such as those that make up your hips, arms, ribs, shoulders, pubic bones and legs use a wider sleeve.
-Parts of your hand and foot may be adjusted with the "ball" sleeve.
-Your spinal column may be adjusted or corrected using the "narrow fork" sleeve.
-Discs are often adjusted with the bare stylus.

Individualized care

The goal of KST is to give you individualized care, tailored to your specific lifestyle and needs. Using the ArthroStimTM and KST we can best accomplish our goal in order to help you more quickly reach your goal of health and wholeness.

See KST in action here

*The ArthroStimTM is an FDA registered instrument originally designed in 1982.
**This speed is technically referred to as the somato-motor rhythm beta rate that is associated with nervous system relaxation. Twelve to fourteen cycles per second is also considered a harmonic of the Schumann frequency; that speed helps to affect positive changes in the body.


Ó2009 Tedd Koren, D.C. All rights reserved

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