
Consider Visiting A Chiropractor After A Winter Collision

Winter is a problem when it comes to safe driving.  Icy roads, bald tires, inexperienced drivers, fogged-up windows, and poor visibility all add up to make traffic accidents much more common.  Even if you drive as safely as possible, it’s hard to avoid all the potential accidents waiting on the streets during a snowstorm.  If you do end up in a traffic accident, whether it’s because you slid into another car, failed to see someone at an intersection, or couldn’t stop your car from leaving the road, you should consider visiting a chiropractor afterwards.

Traffic Accidents Are Bad For Necks

The sudden stop of an auto collision can snap your head back, causing some serious and lingering damage to the cervical vertebrae in your neck.  Cars come with headrests these days to help reduce this damage, but even so it can be hard to avoid whiplash.  Whiplash injuries are most often limited to temporary neck and shoulder pain for a few days or weeks, but in some cases a misaligned vertebra can pinch the spinal cord and cause tingling in the arms, headaches, dizziness, and more.

Chiropractors Specialize In The Spine

The chiropractic profession focuses on conditions caused by or worsened by back problems.  Sometimes the causes are as simple as bad sitting posture or lifting with the back too often during work, but other times the problem is something more serious like a slipped or herniated disc.  Whiplash is another medical condition that chiropractors can help with, and they can both diagnose and treat your whiplash to shorten the recovery period and reduce the symptoms you experience.

Chiropractors Avoid Surgery

One reason people choose to visit chiropractors over other spinal specialists is because chiropractors don’t use injections and they don’t perform surgery.  There are definitely times when surgery or the right medication is the best treatment for a back or neck problem, but these treatments don’t always work and do come with a significant price tag.  With chiropractors you get a treatment option that comes without much risk and won’t cost you nearly as much as spinal surgery would.

Chiropractors Can Improve Your Life

Along with chiropractic sessions, many chiropractic offices also offer advice and other services that can help you live healthier and recover faster from an injury.  You could learn what sort of exercise routines you can safely perform without aggravating your injury, which activities and what sort of postures are good to engage in during the recovery, and even which foods and diet options will give you the best mix of nutrients to help along the healing process.  With all that on top of chiropractic sessions, you can recover from whiplash much faster than you would on your own.

Chiropractors can do a lot to help someone after a winter accident, so consider visiting one if you’re unlucky enough to suffer whiplash.  If you live in our area, be sure to visit Andresen Active Healthcare.  Along with chiropractic care, we also offer a range of services that will help you get back to 100 percent right away.

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8:00 am-10:00 am

