
Who Should See A Chiropractor

More and more people throughout the country are taking better care of themselves by seeing a chiropractor and enjoying healthier, happier, less pain-afflicted lives. To the surprise of many, it’s become such a popular technique for ensuring good health that now some people are bringing their pets to animal chiropractic specialists!

But the first market for chiropractors will always be people in need, whether that’s to deal with chronic pain or a specific injury. So who should see a chiropractor? What condition or incident should happen to you to make you a suitable candidate for this technique? Here are a few of the people that most benefit.

Office Workers Experiencing Back Discomfort

More and more, the 21st-century workforce isn’t about going out and doing back-breaking labor in a factory, or out in the field. Many people, especially in urban areas, now spend anywhere from 4-8 hours per day in an office chair, maintaining the same posture while typing on a computer or using some other desk device for hours on end.

This type of enforced posture is not something the human back was ever designed to tolerate, and so, given enough time, the strain of maintaining this posture can result in a sore back that becomes a chronic issue. Workaholics that spend much time in a chair at the office, who are suffering from back discomfort should see a chiropractor.

You’ve Had A Sports Injury

Chiropractors are all about manually readjusting the spine and other joints to get them back into proper alignment. Sports are about subjecting your body to extreme physical stresses that can often move parts of the body out of alignment, so people injured in sports are often a natural for seeing a chiropractor to relieve pain, realign spines and, most important of all, restore mobility.

Any athlete that has suffered from hamstring or calf strain, shoulder injuries, lower back pain, sciatica, Tennis/Golfer’s Elbow, or Achilles tendon injuries would benefit from having some pain relief, and, more importantly, adjustment and realignment from a chiropractor in order to stay sharp and keep performance at competitive levels.

Car Accident Victims

If you’re caught in a car accident, you’re likely to have been spared from lethal injury by the airbags and seatbelt systems built into modern cars. However, that doesn’t mean that your neck, back, and other bones escaped unscathed. Traveling at dozens of miles an hour and then suddenly stopping subjects your body to incredible physical stresses.

Whiplash, chronic back pain, joint, and mobility issues may all arise as a result of a car accident. Visiting a chiropractor can often mean the difference between living with discomfort in some part of your body, and suddenly being free of the pain. Not every medical issue shows up in an x-ray, so if something is bothering you after a car accident, let a chiropractor take a look.

Always remember, however, to only visit experienced, licensed professional chiropractors, like us! Contact Anderson Active, and we can assess the state of your back, joints, or other conditions and make the adjustments needed to bring you pain relief and mobility.

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8:00 am-10:00 am

