
How a Doctor of Chiropractic Can Help Auto Accident Injuries

In some instances, the first step toward healing after a car accident is to seek help from a chiropractor. A doctor of Chiropractic can help auto accident Injuries like whiplash, muscle strain in the lower back, and a herniated disc in the vertebrae. Whiplash, in particular, is a very common injury occurring in rear-end collisions. The head is jolted backward and then forward, putting substantial strain on the soft tissues of the neck. 

Delayed Reactions

Whiplash symptoms and back pain after a car accident may not appear for several days. Delayed reactions are relatively common in these situations. Once symptoms develop, it's best not to delay and simply hope things get better. The discomfort may not clear up and may even become worse. Patients may need to schedule an emergency appointment if the pain becomes debilitating.

Hands-On Therapy

A Chiropractor in Elgin IL provides hands-on therapy to realign the spine, which helps rebalance the entire musculoskeletal system. This therapy does not directly heal injuries like whiplash but instead helps the body use its own innate healing abilities. 

Effective Treatment

Chiropractic care is a very effective way for people to resolve neck and back pain after an auto accident. Occasionally, someone who has been skeptical about this kind of 'alternative' treatment schedules an appointment because nothing else has worked. They are happily surprised to discover how well the therapy helps them heal.

Positive Responses

The body responds to these spinal adjustments in several positive ways. Inflammation is decreased, which means that pain is reduced. The full range of motion begins to return as the body becomes more flexible once again. With the reduction in stiffness, the person regains mobility and can return to his or her usual activities. The chiropractic doctor may recommend that the patient do certain exercises at home to strengthen the muscles. Weak muscles are more vulnerable to becoming reinjured, even during normal activity. 

Pain relief provided by Andresen Active Healthcare's chiropractors is usually the main reason people seek help from these practitioners. They don't want to take a lot of pain medication, as they know this can cause unpleasant side effects. They will be gratified when they experience the additional positive benefits. 

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