
How Massage Helps With Chiropractic Adjustments

Most of us are aware of the advantages of chiropractic care, as well as the numerous benefits of massage. However, few know that regular adjustments and frequent massages can enhance their overall well-being. Many times, massage therapists and chiropractors work together, because the treatments are complementary. Here, we’ll explore these two modalities and learn how they work in tandem to improve patients’ health.

How Massage and Chiropractic Treatment Works

Chiropractic adjustments reduce spinal misalignments and joint restrictions in efforts to decrease pain and inflammation while improving nervous system and joint function. These treatments are controlled procedures that use little force and slight pressure. In most cases, a patient will feel better immediately following an adjustment.

Massage treatments work the body’s muscles and tendons. A skilled therapist will use various techniques to manipulate tendons and muscles that are affected by pain and inflammation. Massage therapy types include:

  • Trigger point treatment, which relieves areas that are tight enough to cause pain
  • Deep tissue massage, which uses slow, steady movements to target muscles with focused pressure
  • Swedish massage, which increases circulation while providing feelings of relaxation

Much like a pre-exercise stretching session, massage therapy warms up the muscles and prepares them for movement. Warmed-up muscles are more pliant and less likely to become injured. A comfortable visit increases a patient’s commitment to subsequent therapeutic treatments.

Decreased Recovery Times

When massage therapy and chiropractic care are combined, they create a broad regimen that treats the patient’s injury or condition in multiple ways. When health problems are addressed in such a manner, it shortens recovery times and allows patients to regain their health and mobility much sooner.

Chiropractic Care and Massage Therapy: They’re Better Together

The body’s muscles function through movements that are coordinated via messages sent through the spinal cord and the rest of the nervous system. By minimizing restriction and inflammation in the nervous system and the muscles, patients enjoy optimal communication and function throughout their bodies. That’s why frequent massages and regular chiropractic adjustments create the perfect combination for better overall health.

Looser Muscles, Longer-Lasting Pain Relief

Following a massage, the muscles are looser, which makes chiropractic treatments more effective and provides longer-lasting pain relief. Furthermore, joint realignment allows soft tissues treated by massage to heal quicker. With regular and ongoing chiropractic and massage treatment, the pain is less likely to return.

Other Benefits

If a higher-functioning nervous system, pain relief, and reduced inflammation aren’t enough, massage therapy and chiropractic care provide other benefits. These include:

  • Improved immune response
  • Increased blood flow
  • More flexibility
  • A greater range of motion

Get all these benefits and many others by scheduling regular chiropractic visits.

In Closing

Though some are surprised to learn about the connection between regular massages and chiropractic care, the benefits of an integrated approach are substantial. To choose a chiropractor and to find out how regular massages and adjustments can improve well-being, visit us online or call one of our offices today.

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