
How Chiropractic Reverses Text Neck and Other Technology Use Issues

We all use devices like cell phones, laptops, and tablets every day. While these devices are great for learning, creating, and keeping people connected, excessive use can lead to certain health problems. One of the best-known health problems associated with frequent cell phone use, for example, is known as “text neck.”

What Is Text Neck?

Most people hold their phones and other mobile devices close to their bodies, which forces them to drop their heads down to look at them. This extends the muscles in the back of the neck and puts pressure on the shoulders and spine. After hours spent hunched forward in this position, people of all ages can wind up experiencing neck and back pain and that pain, pinched nerves, and other chiropractic issues.

Complications from Text Neck

Most people don’t notice that their posture is causing problems until they’re already experiencing frequent neck pain and headaches. If left unaddressed, text neck can also cause spinal misalignments, which can interfere with the nervous system. This impacts not just the muscles around the spine but also the connection between the brain and the rest of the body, which can have a dramatic negative impact on overall health.

Other Issues Caused by Technology

Text neck is just one of the issues caused by excessive technology use. Office workers often struggle with neck and back pain due to prolonged periods sitting in front of their computers, as well. In most workers, problems caused by excessive sitting are exacerbated by muscle loss and poor posture.

Even people with excellent posture may be at increased risk of developing chiropractic problems like herniated discs. There are a few ways to limit the negative effects of prolonged sitting and excessive tech use. They include taking frequent breaks from phone and computer use, maintaining proper posture, and using ergonomic furniture to limit negative health effects.

How Chiropractors Can Help

Visiting a chiropractor is the best way to address any kind of neck and back pain, including text neck. Chiropractors use a combination of spinal manipulation, specialized exercises, and stretches to adjust the spine, relieving pinched nerves and strengthening the muscles that support the spine. Most patients suffering from text neck experience immediate relief, but the full effect of chiropractic care won’t necessarily be immediately apparent.

A good chiropractor can do more than just temporarily realign his or her patient’s spine. These professionals can also help patients correct their posture, develop exercise routines that can be performed at home to reduce discomfort and prevent injuries, and even choose ergonomic workstations that will reduce the negative impacts of modern, technologically oriented lifestyles.

The Bottom Line

There’s nothing wrong with using modern technology to complete work, create art, or keep in touch, but it’s important to take precautions against the negative health impacts associated with excessive phone or computer use. Take frequent breaks from screen time, maintain proper posture, get plenty of exercise, and schedule an appointment with Dr Andresen for an evaluation to avoid common problems, including text neck and spinal misalignments.

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