How Chiropractic Care Helps with Mental Health

How Chiropractic Care Helps with Mental Health

Chiropractic care is often associated with tackling aches, pains, and spinal misalignments, but tackling persistent back pain isn’t the only thing it’s good for. Research shows that it can also help with mental health. One 2013 study published in the Journal of Upper Cervical Chiropractic Research reported that 76% of participants undergoing chiropractic care saw improvements in their mental health, so the question is not whether it helps, but how it helps.

Decreases Pain

There is a strong link between chronic pain and depression. Those who suffer from chronic pain disorders are three to four times more likely to develop major depressive disorder or experience depressive episodes than their healthier counterparts. Regular chiropractic care reduces pain, breaking the cycle and making it easier for those struggling with symptoms of depression to improve their moods and mental health.

Clears the Mind

Physical pain doesn’t just affect the body. It also affects the mind, making people more prone to depression and anxiety. As regular chiropractic treatments begin to decrease patients’ pain levels and reduce muscle tension, most also notice that they can think more clearly, which reduces their anxiety and depression and makes it easier to get their mental health back on track.

Improve Blood Flow to the Brain

Spinal misalignments can impede healthy blood flow to the body and the brain. This can deprive the brain of both oxygen and essential nutrients, reduce immune system responses, and leave patients prone to inflammation. Chronic inflammation is believed to be a contributing factor in some instances of depression, but improving spinal alignment and restoring normal blood flow to the brain can help.

Reduce Pressure on the Brain Stem

Misalignments of the first, second, or third vertebrae can place undue pressure on patients’ brain stems. This essential area of the brain is responsible for controlling basic autonomic functions like breathing, swallowing, and blood pressure, but it also controls how messages flow between the brain and the rest of the nervous system.

Extra pressure on the brain stem can cause neurological and chemical problems, which can result in depression, anxiety, and other mental health disorders. Alleviating that pressure is a great way to get the brain back in balance naturally without resorting to pharmaceutical interventions.

Recommendations for Healthy Lifestyle Changes

Chiropractors don’t just perform spinal realignments. Most focus on whole-body wellness, which often involves identifying and changing unhealthy lifestyle factors. Chiropractors may suggest breathing techniques, exercises, stretches, dietary modifications, and other lifestyle changes that can help to improve their patients’ mental health at home in addition to offering in-office care.

Multidisciplinary Approaches

Modern chiropractors work with other members of their patients’ care teams to formulate multidisciplinary approaches to dealing with both physical and mental health problems. Many primary care physicians and specialists recommend chiropractic care as part of a whole-body treatment plan for a variety of diseases and disorders, including mental health problems.

The Bottom Line

Visiting the chiropractor is usually a relaxing, enjoyable experience. The benefits of scheduling routine appointments extend beyond alleviating pain and improving posture. Chiropractors also play a valuable role in comprehensive, whole-body mental health treatment, so call to schedule an appointment today.

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How Chiropractic Care Helps with Mental Health