
Neck, Back Pain from Holiday Stress? Seek Adjustments

Did you throw your back out playing Santa Claus? Perhaps you’ve been tossing and turning each night the in-laws sleep under your roof. Either way, visiting a professional chiropractor can do wonders for back problems and neck pain leftover from a stressful holiday. Over the years the team from Andresen Active Healthcare has helped hundreds bounce back from the holidays with chiropractic adjustments. 

Here you’ll find some more information about how chiropractic care can reduce holiday neck and back pain.

Adjustments Spur Recovery  

Whether you’re suffering from a past injury or something recent, adjustments are one of the best ways to spur on recovery from neck and back injuries. By working with a licensed chiropractor or massage therapist, you’ll be able to strengthen tendons, muscles, and ligaments that support the vertebrae. You’ll also stretch the muscles in any affected areas, making them more flexible and stronger. 

Get Some Relief from Painful Muscles 

Any aches, strained tendons or other issues in the neck and back area can certainly be painful, so dealing with them quickly is important. The more back and neck pain goes untreated, the worse it becomes, so having a professional massage to relax those painful muscles can do wonders. If you’ve thrown your back out lifting luggage over the holidays, seeing chiropractic care is one way you can give your back a break and your body some relief. 

Return to Your Daily Activities 

Back and neck pain is debilitating and can easily impact your everyday life. This complicates things if say, you can’t sit down at the office and get comfortable. Seeking chiropractic care is one way you can make sure you can return to work or your daily life comfortably and without chronic or unnecessary pain. We’ll help you get back on your feet again and hit the ground running after the holiday break. 

Our staff can help the holiday stress melt away! 

Suffering from neck or back pain is no one’s idea of a good time, so contact the team of experts at Andresen Active Healthcare today. You can also visit our website to learn more about our services.  

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