
We are a Health & Wellness clinic and believe in holistic medicine to treat patients naturally.

Advanced Muscle Integration Technique

Advanced Muscle Integration Technique

Description:  This is a systematic treatment of common joint and muscle conditions experienced by active people.  Practitioners can predict injuries by examining and identifying instabilities in the body, which in most cases lead to injury.  The new advanced therapies utilized in AMIT procedures allow for rapid corrections of instabilities resulting in improved function, removal of pain, and overall new level of performance.  

 Adjustment Services 

Description: Focused on the diagnosis and treatment of neuromuscular disorders, with an emphasis on treatment through manual adjustment and/or manipulation of the spine.

Covid 19 Antibody Tests - $65

Description: Covid 19 Antibody testing.  You will not have to see the doctor to have this test done.

Bloodwork - various pricing

Description: We can do various blood work panels to test for cholesterol, diabetes and other health conditions.  Let us know your concerns and we will let you know what is available.  You do not have to see the doctor to have this done unless you would like a consultation.

School Physicals - 30 minutes $25

Description: Fill out your School provided form in advance.  Once you arrive for your appointment we will complete your physical information and sign the form for authenticity.

Foot Zone

Foot Zone - 60 minutes $95

Description: Foot Zone Therapy is a method of treating the physical, mental and emotional features of the body, by using a specific massage of the nerves located on the feet. Each nerve signals the brain to affect change at the corresponding area -- muscle, bone, joint, organ or system.  It can be used to treat neuropathy in feet.

Cupping - 30 minutes $50

Description: By attaching small glass cups used with suction to your skin, which reach your underlying muscles patients will experience local pain relief and muscle relaxation.  For athletes, cupping may help increase blood flow to a particular muscle region or help reduce pain.  

Cupping encourages tissues to release toxins.  Focused blood flow helps your body by flushing built-up toxins through the lymphatic system. (Your lymphatic system is responsible for eliminating your body's toxins and waste.)

Professional athletes such as swimmers & basket ball players use this technique extensively.

Headache Relief Massage

Headache Relief - 30 minutes $50

Description: A licensed, certified massage therapist will perform massage in multiple areas of your head which may help relieve migraine, headache pain from caused by stress and tension.  Results have been seen to ease migraine or headache pain, lower blood pressure, improve circulation to your head and neck.

Raindrop Therapy - 60 minutes $75

Description: Relaxing atmosphere with the application of 6+ high quality essential oils based on your bodies needs,  Hot towels and multiple techniques are used to enhance oil absorption and well being.  Information on the healing application of the oils used can be provided after the session.   This is considered a "raindrop" technique because the oils are dripped onto the skin like drops of rain.


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