Nutrition & Wellness



"As a nutritionist, I see myself as a facilitator in the healing process of those who are drawn to work with me.

We are all individuals with unique genetic makeup and metabolism which play an important role in the way foods affect us and the way we absorb and utilize nutrients. In addition, we have come into the world to heal both emotionally and spiritually and therefore our journeys often bring about stress."

As a nutritionist, I partner with my patient along each step of our relationship with me providing guidance on your journey to better health.  At our initial consult, which is approximately 2 hours, I will complete a clinical evaluation and get to know you. In that session, we will go over:

Your diet, the health questionnaires, family history and the stresses and structure of your lifestyle.

I will start to educate you as to the dietary changes that would be helpful to you and recommend dietary supplements that can assist your body in the process of healing.
Since each individual is different, your program will be individualized.
Follow up sessions range from 2 weeks to 1 month depending on your needs and your program.
Healing is a process and learning about nutrition requires education. Also feedback from my clients is important so that I can continue to get information that assists in understanding your clinical picture.
In subsequent sessions, I will continue to educate and support you. We will together look at what has worked for you and what has not. I may need to add or change your supplement program or recommend some other kind of testing. Part of our work together will be to help with the stresses and lifestyle changes that are necessary to support a more nutritious diet to allow your body to heal.

Your First Session Check List


Bring seven day food diary

Record everything you eat or drink along with the time from the minute you rise until bed

Bring any recent blood work that you have had done

If no recent blood work, get recommended blood work at your next doctor's visit


We are all individuals with unique genetic makeup and metabolism which play an important role in the way foods affect us and the way we absorb and utilize nutrients. In addition, we have come into the world to heal both emotionally and spiritually and therefore our journeys often bring about stress.

Let Me Partner With You!

During my 20 years as a clinical nutritionist and 8 years as a leadership coach, I have helped a broad range of patients facing a wide variety of life changes and health conditions.

I work with adults and children and provide prenatal nutrition, weight loss and anti-aging programs. I help those who are simply interested in learning to eat better and need support with lifestyle change and I also work with those who have chronic illness, ie. diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol, irritable bowel syndrome, gastritis, colitis, acid reflux, arthritis, candida, cancer, HIV, etc.

A Holistic Approach to Healing

In my practice, I work with the whole individual and use a Functional Medicine approach. We will explore food as medicine and use some supplements to accelerate healing.

Sometimes we get stuck along our path and cannot move forward. Since emotions play an important role in how we nourish ourselves, they can often get in the way of the changes we are trying to make.For those wishing for support to help with these blocks, I incorporate EFT and BACH FLOWER ESSENCE sessions into your program.


As part of a nutritional program, supplements are often supportive. There is a new field of science that has emerged entitled "Nutrigenomics:"

  • It is the study of the effects of foods and food constituents on gene expression and it is emerging as a new treatment paradigm for autoimmune diseases.
  • Research suggests that nutritional interventions may play a key role in addressing many autoimmune diseases.

Many people who already are symptomatic, even if not yet suffering from chronic or autoimmune disease, have had nutritional deficiencies for such a long time that they initially need support greater than what their diets can provide.

In addition, the environmental challenges that we face today - the depletion of our soil, the toxins that we breathe and eat and the daily emotional and economic stresses we experience necessitate higher intake of nutrients beyond what can be obtained from our diets.

Therefore, initially a supplement program can help to boost deficiencies and ease some symptoms while permanent nutritional and lifestyle changes are in process.

Over the past 20 years, I have attended many nutriceutical conferences to learn about the different supplements on the market and how they can be used in therapeutic programs. I recommend products from professional nutriceutical companies as well as from local Health Food Stores. In addition, I also use products from several network distribution companies.

Supplements Recommended in Customized Patient Programs

Every patient is different and calls for a unique protocol.

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Life Coaching

As a nutritionist, I have coached my patients for almost 20 years:

In 2004, I was certified both by the Hays Research Institute in the use of their emotional competency tool - The Emotional Competency Inventory (ECI) and Star Factor Coaching as a leadership coach.

This coaching is based on the work of Dan Goleman whose best selling book "Emotional Intelligence" brought a new concept to human resource development - "the best managers are not those who know everything about what they do, but those who are the most self aware and aware of others."

I have coached with Star Factor Coaching for 6 years separate from my nutrition practice and have brought these coaching skills into my nutrition practice as well.

Since part of healing is emotional and spiritual development, many nutrition patients transition into coaching sessions to help support self awareness and lifestyle change.

Star Factor Coaching

Star Factor Coach Facilitators use a mindful approach with a combination of emotional intelligence coaching and mentoring customized to individual needs.

For more information about Star Factor Coaching go to:

Star Factor Coaching