Practice Member of the Week



After meeting you at the fair at the mall, I felt very comfortable with you and that’s why I came to the office. I’ve had back problems my whole life, nothing was helping. So I made a decision to come to your office and it was one of the best decisions I made. You truly care about your patients and I could see that. They are treated like family.


My back pain was a big problem. It stopped me from sports, doing things I loved and I was always coming home from work in pain. Many physical things that I loved to do I just couldn’t.


I pretty much just dealt with the pain all these years, I finally went to a chiropractor but it didn’t really help. They just stretched me out and put heat on my back, I left their discouraged and was using Tylenol and Motrin just to get through the day.


After my x-rays and evaluation on the 1st day, Dr. Caliendo put me on the table and my wife was there. And by miracle not knowing exactly how she did it but I got off the table and looked at my wife always crying that I was no longer in pain. My wife couldn’t believe me because she always saw me in pain. I knew I was meant to be here. It was the first time in a very long time that I had no pain. I trust her with my life. She is a beautiful. 



I was blessed to have attended the Women’s Wellness Event where I discovered Nurture Wellbeing and Dr. Sabrina Caliendo just as the event was coming to an end and I was walking out.  Months earlier I learned about Network Spinal Chiropractic and was intrigued by it so when I learned that was Dr. Caliendo’s specialty I was super excited to experience this healing modality and knew in my heart that the universe connected us together for the greater good.

My goals at the time were to grow more spiritually, to live a purposeful life, to experience freedom, awareness and connection to the world.  Nurture Wellbeing asked me my goals at my initial evaluation and I was impressed with their level of interest and depth of my health holistically – not just physical issues but emotional and spiritual as well.

Within months of my care I was becoming a more vibrant, complete person experiencing more gratitude, love and joy for my life than I ever had and my life situation hadn’t changed – but I had – thanks to my decision to take a leap of faith and begin a structured care plan.  This decision and my focus in my care I believe have been contributing factors to experiencing amazing results.

Nurture Wellbeing not only helped me grow as a person but also opened up an entire new community of like-minded individuals to me to learn from and to give back to.

Having raised 4 children and helped run a family business for 25 years I felt it was time to transition from my “head life” to my “heart life”.  I had been very analytical and in my head and now felt a strong need to experience more love and connection and to give my gifts to the world.  I’ll be forever grateful to Dr. Caliendo and Nurture Wellbeing for being a catalyst to release my power to expand and live my “heart life” so fully and completely!



I first came to Nurture Wellbeing to support a friend of mine at a women's workshop and Dr. Caliendo was one of them.  I immediately felt that I was with like-minded women and was intrigued to find out more.  I took advantage of an offer that Dr. Caliendo presented to the group to check out my spinal health.  When I reviewed the results with Dr. Caliendo I signed up for some very different Chiropractic care, as I am always looking to be in the best of health - NATURALLY!

I have been coming to Nurture Wellbeing for 36 weeks and while I didn't "feel" any aches or pains before coming, I can see improvements in my neck, posture, handling of stress and overall health.  Dr. Caliendo cares about each client and educated each of us on how her chiropractic and wellness care helps the body, mind and soul.  She does this through workshops, training's and community dinners where you can bring friends and have them be educated as well.  I don't know many doctors who extended themselves in this manner.

Her office atmosphere is spa-like and her staff is always friendly, caring and extremely helpful.  If you are looking for great spinal care and overall body wellness without pills, shots, or medication, and or want to learn about exercise, stress, energy enhancement and much more, this is the doctor for you.

September 2019 Practice Members of the Week



My daughter recommended that I visit the office.  After my initial evaluation I realize my focus was not clean and I was grouchy with my family and needed to lose weight.  I wanted to get healthy and to optimum health.

Work was not easy, I have a very busy job; dealing with the public all day.  I needed cleaner thoughts and wanted a calmer attitude.  I wanted to be able to communicate better.

After receiving treatment I began to have more patience with my family.  I was able to handle stressful situations better and in a healthy manner.  I began to lose weight more easily.  I am genuinely a happier person.

Sister Theresita

Sister Theresita

I had just moved to Long Island and within a week wound up in the hospital because I could not walk; my sciatic nerve was being crushed. I needed to find someone to help. Through the grace of God I found Dr. Caliendo and Nurture Wellbeing.

Before I started at Nurture Wellbeing, I was unable to take walks and enjoy the outdoors, and it was hard to stand for long. Prior to seeing Dr. Caliendo I had tried using medical intervention such as vein work on my legs and medication but hadn’t found a real solution.

Since starting chiropractic care at Nurture Wellbeing my life has been fuller, without constant pain! When I do anything too strenuous for my body, my recovery time is quicker. I can stand a little longer. And I am learning to allow my body to heal without the use of medications- and it has worked.

The information I am learning is so helpful- I can’t help but share it with others. I feel like a walking billboard for Nurture Wellbeing Chiropractic – Thank God! 


I came to Nurture Wellbeing in September 2018.  I met Dr. Caliendo at a street fair during one of the lowest points of my life.  At the time I was recently diagnosed with panic disorder and OCD as well as having multiple sclerosis.  I was depressed and hopeless, constantly having panic attacks to where I took a leave of absence from work.  Upon meeting Dr. Caliendo I felt her genuine caring energy and made an appointment to come in.

I was existing, not living.  I was unable to work.  I had lost interest in things that used to make me happy.  I didn't feel positive or hopeful for the future.  I was consumed with worry and felt like I was overall in a dark place.

I had been to more doctors, counselors and therapists than I can count.  I had an awful time with different medications, enduring side effects that made everything worse.  I did finally receive medication that helped and thankfully there are not plans to keep me on it permanently.

There have been huge changes for me withing my 6 months of care.  Physically, I feel invigorated and my posture has greatly improved.  The MRI's from my neurologists in Feb 2019 revealed that my lesions are shrinking, as well as having major improvements in my cervical spine. 

Dr. Caliendo has truly changed my life!



When I first found Dr. Caliendo, I had chronic pain in my neck and back.  I was looking to find help fixing it.  I also had anxiety, depression, poor sleep habits, had difficulty managing high stress and was overall unhealthy.  Even during my happiest moments, I was struggling to feel good and happy.  I was not enjoying my life.

Despite actively looking for solutions, I was not finding them.  Other doctors were prescribing medicines that only made things worse.  It seemed like no one was educating and finding solutions to the problems, only temporary fixes.

After starting chiropractic care, my whole life turned around.  I am able to understand and manage stress, which helped with ALL the other symptoms.

My care has created a new intelligence-knowledge of my own body and mind increased 100%.  All parts of my life have become easier to deal with and enjoy, even the tough times.  My work has become more enjoyable.  Even my relationships have blossomed.

November 2018 Practice Members of the Week

Crystal and Connor

Crystal and Connor

I came to Nurture Wellbeing because my husband and I wanted to start a family but were unable to conceive easily after trying on and off due to issues with me having polycystic ovarian syndrome. I was also looking to improve other related symptoms which prevented me from thoroughly enjoying life!

Before working with Dr. Caliendo, I tried to take Metformin and to control my diet in ways that would make an improvement (zero sugar, gluten, or dairy).

The best way my life improved since starting care at Nurture Wellbeing is that I got pregnant! Super easily! My cycle became regular almost immediately after starting care and I was pregnant just 4 months after starting care. I felt fantastic throughout the pregnancy—no morning sickness at all, decent energy levels, and minimal discomfort. By the end of the 9 months, I felt so connected with my growing baby, Conor, that I was able to predict his exact date of delivery. Now that he’s here, he’s been receiving the benefits of care directly, too!

After entrainments, his ability to nurse improves, as well as his sleep. He was born happy and healthy and has continued to thrive, gaining weight almost a pound a week in his first few weeks. His motor skills and social cues at 1 month now appear considerably advanced as he enjoys lengthy tummy time and is able to lift his head, neck, and shoulders. He’s already started to smile. We’re so excited to see how he continues to grow and develop!

Catalina and Daniel

Catalina and Daniel

Catalina and Daniel have been fortunate enough to have been treated by Dr. Caliendo since before they were even born! Mommy was having typical pregnancy aches and pains and wanted support while Catalina was in her belly, so she started seeing Dr. Caliendo in October 2015 when Nurture Wellbeing had just opened.

Dr. Caliendo helps Catalina and Daniel with everything from gross motor activities to feeling better after or during a cold to being less grouchy. She helps them physically, mentally, and emotionally. Mommy and Papi always get them adjusted when something different might be going on with them and also on a weekly basis.

They are both blessed with an angel named Dr. Caliendo. Catalina is now 35 months and Daniel is 19 months. They are 2 very lucky babies!



When I first came to Dr. Caliendo I had been recently diagnosed with third stage Lyme’s Disease which caused me to resign from my career of 25 years. I was already bedridden, was suffering from debilitating fatigue, joint pain in all my lower extremities to the point that it was hard to walk, and I was an emotional wreck. Needless to say, I was suffering on all levels because I was feeling almost spiritually depleted.

Before I had come to see Dr. Caliendo I had tried conventional methods used to treat Lyme’s Disease. I was given 3 months of doxycycline which just made me sicker and I did a month of IV antibiotic treatment which left me with a blood clot and phlebitis and I was not really any better. A colleague that became a friend led me to Dr. Caliendo.

Many things began to happen and change through my care at Nurture Wellbeing. My life changed on many levels. I am no longer bedridden.  My hands no longer shake and on the days I have joint pain, it is manageable. I am beginning to live life again and do things, which is a gift for me. I live in a constant state of gratitude and my connection with spirit has strengthened enormously. I am able to manage my stresses more efficiently and am able to find calmness in chaos. SRI has been a life changer for me. And, lastly, I have noticed a greater sense of self-awareness. I am excited to continue healing with Dr. Caliendo and every one at Nurture Wellbeing.

October 2018 Practice Members of the Week



Before arriving on the doorstep of Nurture Wellbeing almost two years ago, I had no idea how many aspects of life my scoliosis could impact. I had always gone to MDs who had followed the progression of my spinal curvature without once warning me of how it would color my life. I had such intense and chronic back and joint pain, respiratory and circulatory issues, horrible periods, IBS, anxiety, and just felt overall weak, among other unpleasant things. I was 19 years old and trying to "find myself", which is especially difficult to do with a distrust in your body and literal weight on your shoulders. 


As I began to work with Dr. Sabrina, I became more attuned with my physical and social patterns. I began to feel more centered and grounded and compelled to make decisions for my health out of radical self-love. While my scoliosis remains a part of me, I no longer feel the resentment I once did for the curve in my spine. I came to Nurture Wellbeing to "fix" my body, and instead learned here that my body is a gift just as it is. And it is my duty to honor that gift by allowing it to reach its full potential through care--both in the office and in my lifestyle. Do I still experience some of the symptoms I came in with? Yes, but to a far lesser degree, and I have learned how to better manage them. I know my body will keep changing for years to come and I am excited to continue on this journey. 


I am beyond grateful for Dr. Sabrina--the care she provides, for our bodies and for our spirits. Network care has taught me the importance of trusting the process, trusting the universe and trusting myself. Even if you do not experience back pain or the typical symptoms that drive people to visit chiropractors, chiropractic care will change your relationship with your body--with yourself. Our greatest charge in life is to truly know ourselves, and network care allows us to explore ourselves without judgment or limits, and to align with our truest and highest powers. Chiropractic is a science as well as a craft--it's not magic. The magic is already inside of us, and Dr. Caliendo helps us to understand our superpowers. 


Christina P

I was introduced to Nurture Wellbeing while walking through the St. James Street Festival back in 2017. I had just been talking to my husband about finding a chiropractor, but I always hated the “cracking” sounds and the harsh pressure applied to my spine. And, wouldn’t you know, the Nurture Wellbeing tent stood right in front of me (a sign I tell you!).

At the time, I was experiencing severe aching back pains, some days working myself to exhaustion at home and ignoring the pain. Anxiety had been setting in with intermittent bouts of depression, dating back to postpartum with both my pregnancies. I had “issues” with taking time for myself and trying to relax and unwind. It was almost impossible some days to sit and just be.

My primary care doctor, at the time, suggested different antidepressants, which I did not want to do. I tried going for therapeutic massages. Although helpful, they were just a band aid to the real problem.

During my consultation at Nurture Wellbeing, I could see where the problems were in my spine. I was educated on the issues and how they related to my current conditions.

I’m coming up on my 1 year as a Practice Member. I am so pleased to share:

  • Anxiety and depression have significantly decreased
  • I am able to relax more now…and thanks to practicing SRI on a daily basis—it helps tremendously.
  • Removed all toxic cookware, only using ceramic and cast-iron cookware
  • Grocery shopping is almost all organic now
  • Atlas angle (top of the cervical spine where the brain stem turns into the spinal cord): went from 14 to 19 degrees!
  • Neck curve went from minus 3 degrees to plus 9 degrees (which is amazing!)
  • My cholesterol, triglycerides, and blood sugar levels have all come back to normal now.

A big thanks to Dr. Caliendo! Her gifts are sent from the heavens. I am grateful for all the practice has provided me and my family with. A healthier lifestyle and overall wellbeing. 



Before I came to Nurture Wellbeing, I was not able to focus on homework and work at school. I would get sick every few months—ear infections, strep throat, pneumonia, and seasonal allergies. I only ate chicken nuggets, pasta with butter and mac and cheese, and sugar.

I would try going to the MD and taking antibiotics and steroids when I got sick. I don’t like to miss school! I would struggle in school with reading and writing because I knew I could do it, but it was so hard for me. I would be absent from school when I was sick.

After I started care with Dr. Caliendo, I could do all those things listed above! I eat lots of new foods that I wouldn’t eat before (or even try): guacamole, vegetables, more fruit, quinoa chips, salsa, gluten-free pizza, and almond milk. A lot less sugary stuff! New grains.

I am now one of the best readers in my class.

I had perfect attendance in school last year. I was not sick once! 

September 2018 Practice Members of the Week



When I first came to Nurture Wellbeing, I was in a massive change in my life. I was exiting a toxic relationship, and my health was declining. Always irritable, no drive, overall physically and emotionally exhausted. I came to a Community Dinner workshop because I mentioned my constant back pain to my friend who was a Chiropractic Assistant.

The way I was feeling completely hindered my life. In all aspects. I just wasn’t myself.

After I started chiropractic care, my mood, my ability to handle stress, my drive, and my energy increased. Lingering pains vanished. But most of all my awareness within myself exponentially improved.



I came to Nurture Wellbeing because I had pains in my legs when I laid down or sat too long or climbed stairs. I was more tired because my sleep was interrupted. I lacked energy to be more physical: I walked sporadically, not every day! I think I was grouchy at myself and sometimes my husband.

I found myself not as comfortable with my physical ability. Not being active with my family and friends. My bladder control was not good. I had to find bathrooms quickly!

Before I came to Nurture Wellbeing, I took over the counter pain pills to deal with the problems.

After starting care with Dr. Caliendo, I can now walk 3.2 miles in the morning, go up and down stairs, go hike in the woods with my family. I have a better outlook for my health and happiness! I am becoming a healthier me!



I came to Nurture Wellbeing two years ago after moving back to Long Island. I was experiencing joint pain, insomnia, fatigue, depression and anxiety and eventually got diagnosed with Hashimoto’s, Lyme disease, and Bartonella. The combination of symptoms made it difficult to focus, maintain a full-time job, socialize like I once did, and even find joy in the things I loved to do like play tennis, hike, yoga, travel, and do massage and hands-on bodywork.

I had explored many avenues of healing, both Western medicine and Eastern modalities, including medications, acupuncture, massage, and saw many doctors. All roads seemed to provide some relief but I never felt lasting results.

When I started seeing Dr. Caliendo, I noticed that with each session there was subtle relief that would last and would build on the prior visit. I gained a deeper sense of myself, have more ease and peace in my body, and feel less anxious. The greatest benefit has been getting back into my own healing work as a holistic health practitioner. I have gained more confidence and a stronger sense of myself as a spirit here to be of service.


Lauren F

I initially came to Nurture Wellbeing because I was having debilitating pain in my neck, right shoulder, and back. I was also trying to incorporate holistic wellness into my life in the hopes of a healthier lifestyle and a better sense of self. I was also suffering from daily migraines.

This pain prevented me from doing everything! Especially my work which I take very seriously.

Before I came to see Dr. Caliendo, I went to my general doctor. I am lucky to have an MD who supports and recommends chiropractic care as a preventative approach to self-care and health.

Within two weeks of care, my migraine days were cut in half…and so was the pain. By one month, I was down to zero migraine days! Now it may be once in a month if at all. My care has also encouraged me to make better life choices in general. I feel lucky to have my relationship with Dr. Caliendo and speak of her often with genuine love. 

August 2018 Practice Members of the Week


Jen Kott

I was recommended to Nurture Wellbeing because I was experiencing issues with back pain, inflammation, and an inability to sleep soundly. After completing my first three months of care, I have achieved relief to all the ailments I listed above, and so much more.

On top of my immediate issues receiving much relief, I have noticed an improvement in my ability to manage stressful situations and manage change with much more ease and even a sense of seamlessness. When I started care, Dr. Caliendo held a workshop where she stated many people end up changing their job or profession to more align with their goals or achieve greater contentment. I can say I have personally found greater enjoyment in my existing career and have come to recognize and appreciate my skills, and how to better utilize them both inside and outside of work, more so than I could have ever imagined before starting care.

The physical and mindful changes I have experienced are not only directly related to the entrainment care I have received from Dr. Caliendo, but also from the knowledge and information she provides to myself and all her patients. The information I have learned since starting care has truly supported and propelled my positive changes and has been invaluable in setting me up for my continued success.

Thank you!



What brought me to network chiropractic was severe and unremitting pain. I had severe spinal injuries due to automobile accidents and some troublesome general health episodes which were treated with much relief and with a bothersome quantity of medicines. Thankfully, on a visit to my much beloved and respected mom, I was introduced to a better answer.

Before care, chronic pain depressed me to low functioning in all aspects of my life. I retired on disability and certainly lost way too much of the joy of living. I slept as often as my pain levels would permit. I subsisted on non-nutritive foods because they were fast and easy which did my anatomy and spirits no good.

Back then, I had to get used to a life and body that wasn’t healthy, which very much depressed me. Until the accidents (at age 51), I was always in the most robust of health. But I utilized standard medical care (as opposed to health care), plentiful visits to MDs, specialists, surgical interventions, physical therapy, and an endless progression of prescribed medications. This I consider subsistence. I dragged my way through life.

With many thanks to the wonderful network chiropractors in Georgia, I was introduced to my affectionately esteemed Dr. Caliendo. The improvement in my quality of life is so world-opening, I am awed and so very, very grateful. My pain, although not yet altogether vanquished, does not rule my life now. I am more able to be the me I want to be: liberated from a crushingly restrained existence, eager to pursue a much more wholesome pathway to joyful health, and so deeply grateful for both the relief I have been blessed with and a much more responsible and progressing life.

Dr. Caliendo, you are a bright star in a world of overcast skies and my dear son wholeheartedly agrees!



Before coming to Nurture Wellbeing, I had been diagnosed with PCOS, affecting my physical and emotional qualities of life. I was on three different types of medicines, but I was not seeing the results I wanted to see.
Because of this, I did not have the love for life that I have since getting care.
After choosing to start care at Nurture Wellbeing, my symptoms started to dissipate and I started having a clearer outlook on life! I was more aware of my body and what I needed to do to take care of my body.

July 2018 Practice Members of the Week



As a business owner with a full-time job in addition, I was super-stressed when I first came to Nurture Wellbeing, which manifested itself in aches and pains in my back that often made it difficult to work. This led to depression due to decreased activity. In fact, sometimes I was completely immobile. I do agility sports with my dog as well as daily walks of 5-6 miles (she’s an energetic pup who needs that level of activity!), so when I couldn’t participate, it wasn’t fair to her.

I don’t believe in drugs, even over-the-counter ones, so I tried to just deal with the pain or visit previous chiropractors. However, their treatments only helped in the short-term over the long-term (30 years!). My back issues did not improve. Their treatment is entirely different from Dr. Caliendo’s and, looking back, I know equate it to being manhandled in comparison to Dr. Caliendo’s gentle entrainments.

Since starting care, the two biggest areas of improvement are that I have not had a single back spasm that has prevented me from working and while my stress hasn’t decreased, my ability to better handle the stress in my life has increased tremendously.

I’ve also been able to better manifest the things I want in my life since I have a better mindset and better health!

Elise, Karina, and Kaelib


I tried physical therapy a few times for the pain, but with little help.

After starting care, I can feel the difference inside my body.

I used to only be able to push my kids on the swings for five minutes. Now I can do thirty minutes with them!

At one point before I started, I could feel my body squishing my diaphragm and Dr. Caliendo took care of that for me! I’m now able to go grocery shopping and leave the store with NO pain. I can finally play with my kids longer! I’m becoming a happier person and also learning how to deal with stress.

When I first started here, I remember telling Ashley, the Clinician Assistant, that I could not fill out the intake paperwork that asks, “Where do you think you’ll be in 10 years?” because I thought I’d be a cripple by then because of the excruciating pain I was always in. I thought I wouldn’t be able to get myself out of bed to do anything.

Now I actually have hope!

I’m able to do a lot more and I hope that will increase. Now, in ten years, I’m hoping to have my own career and to stay fully active in my kids’ lives.

Thank you so much, Dr. Caliendo!



Firstly, I’d like to thank Dr. Caliendo, Cast & Crew for all they do for everyone.  The easiest way for me to describe Dr. Caliendo, her team and my experience is with one word ... Magical. The vibe and energy at NWB is awesome. You can’t help but feel it as soon as you step inside. It’s like an escape from reality, but it’s actually bringing people closer to reality than ever before. 

 Pay attention,

Follow instructions, 

 Trust the process  & 

 Reap the rewards. 

 Becoming more aware of yourself and your surroundings will have a dramatic, positive influence on EVERY aspect of your life.

June 2018 Practice Members of the Week


I am so grateful that the Universe led me to one of Dr. Caliendo's presentations. 
As I sat in her office for the first time listening to her speak, I was so impressed. Not many doctors talk about disease prevention instead of disease management; this was right up my alley! I had originally planned on having my daughter see Dr. Caliendo but decided I would also become a patient. I have always been healthy, or so I thought, but after the initial x-rays and testing I knew that I could improve my health. I think the biggest change that I have noticed is the mind body connection. Slowing down and being more mindful as well as connecting the breath by using what I have learned in the SRI classes. I feel that my thinking is clearer and feel that my mood is better balanced. Prior to being treated by Dr. Caliendo I was having palpitations that I felt were due to a cortisone injection into my left shoulder, Dr. Caliendo was the first doctor that actually believed me and showed me, from my scan, how the spinal nerve to that area could have been affected. I no longer have the palpitations and do not feel an irregular heart beat. I may still have it at times but I do not notice it. 
Another change that I have noticed is that I have no back pain. I have been an RN for 30 years and back pain comes with the job. I used to have a lot of pain when I sat or stood for long periods of time, I no longer have this. As I was sitting thinking of what changes I have noticed I realized that I have not been sick one day since I started being treated with NSA. Not a single cold, sniffle or cough...that is pretty amazing. 
Dr. Caliendo is not only an expert in her field but she is kind and compassionate and truly cares about her patients. The office staff and environment are very welcoming and I have met some great people here. I am looking forward to learning more from Dr. Caliendo and continuing to improve my health.


Since I was about 14 years old, I have had two curves in my back. This led to quite a few issues including a twisted rib cage.  I was always quite active, but it was getting more and more difficult as I got older.  I've seen standard chiropractors throughout my entire life with little improvement and scary prognoses.

There were also frustrations in my emotional life.  I had a job that was just boring me and I felt stuck.  I wanted to move away from an old house in a 'rough' neighborhood that I could not sell because of the housing market.  I also wanted to try to move forward in my relationship with my then girlfriend, Edie, and maybe start a family.  Age forty was drawing near quickly and the idea of that prospect was ever less probable.

At that time I was introduced to network care. I began treatment and my foot and leg pain went away within a few weeks.  Within 4 months, I was able to find a new home with Edie in the neighborhood we loved. A few months later, I found a new job that brought me back to the spirit I once had coming out of school.  And, within the next month, my father pulled me aside and said, 'If you plan on marrying Edie, I'd like to give you your mom's wedding ring to propose.' 

It has been quite a few years now and I can say that there are moments that I realize how much I have grown.  I was not aware of the level of depression that I considered 'normal.'  I sometimes look back and am amazed that I perceive the world in such a different way.  Recently, Dr. Caliendo did an x-ray on my back and there was approximately a 10 degree improvement in the upper curve of my spine.

Aside from all that, I convinced my wife, Edie, to see Dr. Caliendo. We believe wholeheartedly that Dr. Caliendo was instrumental in helping us bring a healthy baby boy into this world. There are so many nuances to life that have changed.  The way I deal with every interaction is more elevated and continues to be more so.  I live more awake and have more control over my self.


I lived a healthy life style by eating organic food, using organic personal care products, staying active, and going for acupuncture on a regular basis for 15 years.

But I started to make a list of things I wanted to change including chronic acid reflux; neck and shoulder pain; trouble falling asleep and staying asleep; dizziness; hair loss; tinnitus; vision issues; and infertility.

Shortly after starting care, my front tooth developed an infection which Dr. Caliendo has been addressing.  If it was not for Dr. Caliendo I would have had a root canal on this tooth by now.

Since I have started care 6 months ago, half of the items on my list are no longer an issue and my hair loss has improved.

Then there are those subtle things that improved that I was not expecting including healthier looking and clearer skin, improved hair texture, and weight loss.

The X-Rays evidenced my improvement by showing powerful structural changes!

Here are some things I have done to supplement my care that I would’ve never known if it were not for Dr. Caliendo: removed my amalgam filling to eliminate the damaging effects of mercury on my body; practice SRI regularly; completed the 3 month True Cellular Detox to remove damaging neurotoxins; intermittent fasting 6 days a week; and continue to educate myself by attending Dr. Caliendo’s workshops and Clear Days.

The one thing I can say for sure is Nurture Wellbeing is making a positive impact on people’s lives by giving them their health back, including mine.  I have also met great people during this process including the staff.  Being a part of Nurture Wellbeing has been life changing for me --and soon for my husband who has recently become a practice member.


I came to this office because my daughter said she heard success stories. I was battling chronic bronchitis that past winter so I thought I would give it a try for the next winter. I had constant coughing and excessive phlegm waking me up in the middle of the night.

In fact, most of my life I had sinus infections constantly. I went to many doctors and the last doctor recommended surgery so I decided against it and decided to use the neti pot daily.

I've been under care for over a year, and my breathing is better. I can go without the neti pot for days and weeks! I have not experienced sinus infections or bronchitis since I have been coming for treatment. 

May 2018 Practice Members of the Month - Kelly and Christine

My posture has improved, I no longer limp or “hobble.” I sleep very well, and feel rested when I wake up and I don’t need as much sleep. I feel more aware of my thoughts and emotions and how they are connected to what I am feeling physically. I am able to think and feel and process without feeling overwhelmed by the thoughts or emotions. Feeling very hopeful, I have much more energy, motivation. No more pain. No more reflux. Hormones are becoming more balanced. Unexpected weight loss. Much less cravings for unhealthy food. More patience, calmness, relaxed, more joy, I’m fun again, better able to spend quality time with my daughter and have fun with her and enjoy her.

April 2018 Practice Members of the Month - Emily and Frank

From Emily: Before I started treatment with Dr. Sabrina I had almost given up hope that I would ever feel “normal” again. I was experiencing pain on a daily basis in nearly every part of my body. Along with this, I was having crippling tension headaches, IBS, anxiety, depression, and trouble sleeping through the night.

Luckily, a good friend recommended Dr. Sabrina to me. After a year of treatment, I am confident in saying I feel better and stronger with every week and have practically no pain plaguing my days. Dr. Sabrina is an incredibly skilled chiropractor. I am hesitant to refer to her work as magical or miraculous (because I don’t feel like it gives her enough credit), but what she has done for me feels like the miracle that I needed to regain control of my life. My health has gone through a total transformation. I am sleeping through the night comfortably. My digestive system feels better. The headaches I was having frequently have nearly disappeared. I have less anxious energy and relate to stress in a healthier way. And what about the pain? Areas that used to bother me every day, like my hips, don’t bother me at all.  I feel happy, healthy, and enthusiastic about living life again thanks to Nurture Wellbeing and Dr. Sabrina.

From Frank:

My fiancé Emily started getting care first. After 6 months, I saw all the benefits from Emily’s treatment, so I decided to get care myself. When I started a couple months ago, I had lower back pain, my hip was sore, I was irritable, stressed, anxious, and depressed sometimes.

Right from the start of care, my lower back started to feel less pain. Now my hip feels a lot better, and I am not as stressed, anxious, or irritable. I am not feeling depressed. I accomplish more at my job, sleep more, and my home life has improved so much. Emily and I have become closer as a couple.

March 2018 Practice Members of the Month - Mark and Laurie

From Mark: 
When I first came to Dr. Caliendo, I thought she was a crazy lady! She wasn’t going to manipulate my spine? She is only going to gently touch certain areas to open pathways? Why was I going to waste money on this hocus pocus magic? I decided to give it a try, after all,
what harm could it do? I will give her a few months and see what happens, I thought. After the first week, my headaches had completely gone away! After the first month, I was getting actual, restful sleep! My snoring had diminished so much that my wife was even getting better sleep! My posture, my attitude and my outlook have all improved dramatically. It has been almost two years that I am under her care and I am very happy with where Dr. Caliendo has been able to guide me. Her passion and dedication to her practice and practice members comes through every time we see her. I am looking forward to continuing my journey into wellbeing with Dr. Caliendo!

From Laurie:
When I first came to Dr. Caliendo, I was obsessed with finding a solution to why I couldn’t drop the excess weight even though I was eating healthy and exercising. I had ongoing lower back and shoulder pain and wasn’t sleeping through the night.
After being under care for two years, I look forward to coming here weekly. The SRI teachings started to calm my mind and gave me clearer focus so it wasn’t so much on my weight. My brain seemed to clear a new path, new thoughts came to mind, I started learning more and thinking, what do I want to do now? Then I attended some clear days. What a life changer! I am clear on what was holding me back. I have a clear purpose in life now, to help others, and I am very focused. Coming to Nurture Wellbeing was the best decision I have made yet! The pain is gone. Gratitude is what I have for Dr. Caliendo and her staff. It is a great place to heal and come into your total wellbeing.

February 2018 Practice Member of the Month - Crystal

I chose to come to Nurture Wellbeing because I was experiencing a lot of fatigue, anxiety, and sciatic pain that would come and go. My mother was already under care with Dr. Caliendo, and she really wanted me to seek care for PCOS, digestive issues, and migraines.

Before I came to Nurture Wellbeing, I was able to work, but I didn’t have much energy for things after coming home or in the morning when waking up. My husband and I also really want to start a family and the PCOS was getting in the way of that.

To deal with the problem before I discovered care, I relied mostly on medication: I was on birth control pills from age 15/16 to age 28, which masked the PCOS symptoms but made a lot of other things worse (headaches, mood, fatigue). When I stopped taking that, all of my PCOS symptoms came back and I would go several months between periods. I saw an OB/GYN who prescribed Metformin, which helped the secondary symptoms but still left me irregular, with 37 to 50 day cycles.

When my mom referred me to Dr. Caliendo, almost immediately, chiropractic care regulated my cycle and improved my energy levels and my moods. It improved my sleep and even my eyesight. It’s also helped me in better connecting with, understanding, and empathizing with others, which has been very helpful at home and in my work with supervising staff who provide direct care and support services to the mentally ill.

December 2017 Practice Member of the Month - John

I started coming for care because my quality of life was getting worse. I had back pain, sciatica, sometimes I couldn’t function and was feeling miserable. I was unable to do my job without any pain. I could not put my focus on my job or even simple chores without back pain: I could not work or play or work in my garden.

Before I came for care, I was seeing an orthopedic doctor who prescribed me strong anti-inflammatory drugs. After taking them for a while, I ended up with an ulcer.

So I decided to stop taking the drugs and go in a different direction. I started seeing a traditional chiropractor and, although it helped, the problem never completely went away.

One day, I was referred to an NSA chiropractor: Dr. Sabrina’s husband, Dr. Anthony Caliendo. The treatment was completely different from a conventional chiropractor. My pain started to go away with each treatment, and I started to feel great physically and mentally.

Something changed. I started to focus on my health, changed my eating habits to better nutrition, and noticed an improvement in my posture. I felt like I was young again. I was more positive in life in general.

Once again, I was able to do the things I liked to do free of pain. I continue to maintain my chiropractic visits with Dr. Sabrina all these years later, to learn about breathing exercises and SRI, and attend Dr. Caliendo’s lectures and workshops. I cannot say enough about Dr. Caliendo: she cares, she listens, and she educates every practice member who is willing to learn. I have never met a doctor that gives so much care and offers so much time for their patients.

November Patient of the Month - Karen

When I first came to Nurture Wellbeing, I was suffering with back and neck pain. On a daily basis, I was taking over the counter pain killers. Most days I was in “brain fog” and had difficulty concentrating. I was constantly exhausted both mentally and physically.

My pain prevented me from enjoying life—I had no fun. I was moving through each day hoping get to get through it. I had absolutely no energy.

Prior to seeing Dr. Caliendo, I was seeing a conventional chiropractor, and I hated the sound of bones cracking. This helped dull the pain a little, but it wasn’t treating the underlying issues I had.

After I began treatment with Dr. Caliendo, I found I became more mentally, physically, and spiritually aware. The constant “brain fog” I had was diminishing and the constant pain I was experiencing was subsiding. I was always a spiritual person, but the connection became much deeper. The treatments were dealing will all my problems and showed me how mind, body, and spirit are all connected.

This is something that pain killers and traditional chiropractic care do not heal.

One day, I realized that I hadn’t taken an over the counter pain killer in months! I was amazed!

I no longer “sweat the small stuff,” and realize through NSA care that I am on this earth for a purpose that is bigger than I could ever have imagined.

One of the biggest bonuses is meeting all the wonderful, like-minded people in Dr. Caliendo’s office! 

October Patient of the Month - Jerilyn, Danny, Catalina + Danny, Jr.

From Jerilyn: I came to your office 2 years ago when you first opened. I was interested in your services to support me during pregnancy. At the time, I had no idea how successful your entrainments would become for me. Now, your treatment is important to my whole family.

I lead a very busy life and pregnancy SLOWED ME DOWN! I work fulltime and I own a dance studio. At the time, we were preparing for performances within the same month. My energy was lacking, pains were showing up all over.

To treat the problems, I had tried to use Tylenol, massage, and yoga, but it wasn’t doing the trick.

After starting care, I became much more self-aware of my symptoms, body, posture, energy, and movement. My energy level improved tremendously.

Shortly after my treatment began, my husband became a member of your practice, as well. Both of our children have been adjusted since birth and we are beyond grateful! Our babies (boy + girl) are “cool kids” in part because of your treatments. Whenever something is going on with them, whether it be constipation, gas, crankiness, moodiness—after being adjusted, they come out relieved + pleasant. It makes life with 2 under 2 a little bit easier!

The support I have received throughout my care over the past 2 years, during pregnancy and nursing two babies (16 months apart), has been incredible! I have been able to bounce back from two C-sections with the support of Dr. Sabrina. Thank you so much! 

September 2017 Patient of the Month - Steve

As is true with many of the practice members at Nurture Wellbeing, I was referred to Dr. Caliendo through a family member who had had a positive experience herself. I came to her with a handful of physical symptoms such as knee pain, lower back pain, neck discomfort, and sleep difficulty which led to fatigue and a general lack of focus in my daily life. I was also at a point where I was simply lost and confused about what I wanted to do with my life. I had made a decision to change careers and was actually unemployed at the time I set up my initial consultation. As you can imagine, that left me very stressed out mentally and emotionally as well. Overall, I’d say I was living in a daze while just going through the motions of day-to-day life.

Due to the physical symptoms I was experiencing, I had to stop doing many of the activities that I really enjoyed. I stopped doing Crossfit, going for runs, playing tennis, and limited my activity in the gym. All of which added to my already high stress levels.

Before seeing Dr. Caliendo, I had been to two orthopedists and completed physical therapy for over a month. I would make the argument that physical therapy did little or nothing to improve any of my concerns. I was at a point where I just needed something to change.

After being under chiropractic care I can say that all of my symptoms and concerns have improved, if not completely gone away. There were even things that improved that I didn’t realize were a problem initially. For one, I was finally able to take a complete deep breath and fully expand my lungs. I was also able to relax more mentally and control my never ending mental thoughts and worries. Every time I receive an entrainment, I’m left feeling refreshed, relaxed, and more in tune with my body. I look forward to every opportunity I have to receive care from Dr. Caliendo and quite frankly have no idea how I made it all these years without it.

Speaking from an employee’s perspective, I’d just like to say that I believe Nurture Wellbeing has the most amazing group of practice members imaginable. It has been an absolute pleasure meeting and getting to know each and every one of you. I’m very fortunate and grateful to have been given the opportunity to work at NWB and learn from Dr. Caliendo and I want everyone to know that in addition to being a highly skilled and knowledgeable doctor that she is a very kind and caring person who has treated me as family from the beginning. The amount of growth I’ve experienced both personally and professionally over the past two years has been amazing and I wouldn’t be where I am without Dr. Caliendo’s chiropractic care and friendship. 

August 2017 Patient of the Month - Virginia

Before I came to Nurture Wellbeing, I was suffering from sciatica pain across my lower back, into the hip and down the leg to my feet—mostly on the right side but also on the left side. I would be in constant pain, sometimes severe. The pain level was 4-8. My energy was low. I experiencing hearing loss and mouth + teeth pain where I was sensitive to cold, hot, and sweets.

Walking was difficult at times and I had a limited ability to carry things and bend. I would get tired easily. After sitting too long, I had trouble moving and I would have to stand for a bit before walking again. I also found myself getting impatient at times with my family.

Before I started receivng care from Dr. Caliendo, I had a history of pain getting so bad that I could not walk or carry on with my routine. I would seek medical advice, get put on pain meds, muscle relaxers and anti-inflammatory drugs. I had one ER visit in the past year before I started care. I took Advil at times when the pain was bad but tried to avoid it.

After a month of care, my pain decreased significantly. I do not have the sciatic pain anymore. I continue to have lower back discomfort, but that is improving. I do not take any pain meds now. I move quicker. I am more conscious of my posture and breathing.

I encourage all my family and friends to be evaluated by Dr. Caliendo to see if she is able to help you improve your health. I believe that she has helped me feel better. In the beginning, I was skeptical of her ability to help me, but now I know better.

I wake up pain free, a little stiff but nowhere near as bad as before I started treatments. I have no more mouth pain. I did get hearing aids while being treated but am hopeful that my hearing will improve.

I’m not as impatient or distracted, maybe because my pain has decreased.

After sitting for a while, I am able to walk right away rather than standing for a few minutes before being able to walk.

I had accepted the idea that my body was aging and the way I felt was going to be permanent. Now I know better. My health can and will improve significantly.

May 2017 Patient of the Month - Raechel

I found my way unexpectedly at a Nurture Wellbeing dinner one night through some pretty awesome people... (one of them kind of forced me to come).  I was a little skeptical on how all this was going to work for me and I thought "how is it humanly possible that Dr.C, Steve and her staff could actually be this kind???”  Turns out, it's true ... they really are unbelievably amazing and kind people.

After my first 3 treatments I cried like a baby with an overwhelming feeling of peace that I can't express in words.  I was no longer skeptical. Physically, when I came I had hip and back pain so bad that it prevented my performance in any physical activity that I loved to do. It didn't just hurt, it was pain. I had extreme, random blurred vision so bad it felt like I was going to faint 4x a week.  I saw every doctor and had every scan, test, and x-ray under the sun. They wanted to give me pain meds and send me to another doctor.  I decided I wasn't going to do either so I just learned to live with it as part of my body for years. Emotionally and mentally, I couldn't retain information well anymore, in turn making my patience short. My communication, which is the key to my career and relationships was not free flowing like my normal self.  Emotionally I was at a point in life where my feet were CEMENTED in front of a cross roads. I was genuinely incapable of taking a step in either direction. (That is when I started my commitment to my treatment).

After 2 months, every physical element that I had almost fully subsided.  After 3 -5 months, I was able to express myself with clarity, able to channel my energy inward, pass and receive it.  I became more aware and accepting ; I was able to change my reactions to some of the situations around me  that I had no control of; I was able to refocus and commit to myself and my meditation ; I felt guided back to a place that I lost along the way. Finally, I was able to stand in front of that cross road and put one foot in front of the other to that take the first step. I don't know at all where that road will take me but I do know that I didn't get to Nurture Wellbeing on accident. I believe there was a powerful reason (and the help of a loved one) that I found myself here. I am grateful for this opportunity that has presented itself to me. I am grateful for Dr. C and I am truly excited to discover whatever unknown comes next!

April 2017 Patients of the Month - Louise & Myles

I started coming to Nurture Wellbeing over a year and a half ago, since then my entire life has changed. I came to Dr. Sabrina with a myriad of physical issues from constant lower back and next pain, a sluggish thyroid, seasonal allergies and hormonal imbalances. Emotionally I was exhausted, spiritually disconnected and overall feeling uncertain about myself with a lack of confidence and getting very stressed out easily. I used to pride myself on living a healthy lifestyle, always eating right and being very active physically. So it always bothered me that I wasn't feeling great, I thought I was taking such good care of myself. When I had my first consultation with Dr. Caliendo and saw the deteriorating state of my spine I was devastated. My neck had decaying discs, and an almost a reverse curve, my lower back shaped like an S, I had severe scoliosis. 

Dr. Sabrina really helped me understand that my spine/nervous system was the missing link I needed to repair to be at optimal health.  Within only a couple of months under her care I felt major changes in my overall health. I had a surge in physical and emotional energy, I was able to manage stress better, and I felt in control of myself, confident and connected. At work I was exceeding all my goals, at home I was relaxed, patient and happier than ever. The dull constant pain in my lower back began to dissipate and I started to really feel the mind body connection I had been missing for so long. 

Now that it has been over a year under care I feel better than I ever thought possible. My hormones are balanced, I haven't had any seasonal allergies and I am the strongest, leanest and healthiest I have ever been. My whole perspective has shifted, and life overall has become more abundant and I am feeling more and more resourceful each day. I almost feel immune to stress as I have developed amazing strategies to cope with it through my care here at Nurture Wellbeing. 

My 6 year old son Myles also started seeing Dr. Sabrina at this time. He had been diagnosed with asthma at a young age and was prone to chest infections. His seasonal allergies always had him wheezing and struggling for breath. Daily nebulizer treatments where the norm. He also had some developmental delays with his speech and fine motor skills and was receiving speech and occupational therapies at school. Over the past year Myles has had no trace of asthma, his allergies are completely gone and he has not had to touch the nebulizer. His teachers are amazed at his progress in school. His expressive and receptive language skills are above average and his fine motor skills are well developed. He wasn't able to hold a pencil and now he will write and entire story with perfect penmanship (for a 6 year old). 

I am beyond grateful for my care at Nurture wellbeing, and look forward to my growth under Dr. Caliendo's care as continue to maximize my limitless potential.

March 2017 Patient of the Month - Kathleen

When I first came to the office of Nurture Wellbeing Chiropractic I was not in a very good place emotionally or with my health. I had continuous back and neck pain. I had been through the births of 5 children, kidney stones, shingles, breast surgery to remove cysts, cryoablation for excessively heavy menstrual cycles, constant migraines, IBS, as well as having two stents placed in my heart for 95% and 98% blockages. My body has been through a lot. Needless to say I was clearly not doing well and I am now 48 years old. Too young for all this! On top of all of that since I was always in pain, I was quick to get angry, I was emotional and I would say mildly depressed. I began having all over severe itching after I had the shingles, which I believe is nerve damage from the condition. Out of sheer desperation I asked Dr. Caliendo about this problem I was having, which was driving me to tears. She asked me to come into the office and have an evaluation. I was hesitant but I did it. After all I had been to an allergist, cardiologist, general practitioner, gynecologist and others. I tried every over the counter medication and topical cream, which did nothing. What could a holistic chiropractor have to offer me, even if she is my neighbor and friend? Well, I went and had the evaluation. It turned out I have double barrel scoliosis. Dr. Caliendo had me watch a video and explained to me what subluxations are. That when these nerves are pinched the right signals can’t get to where they need to go. Although what she said makes sense I wasn’t convinced. When I first began my treatments, although relaxing, I didn’t think it would do anything. After all, there is no pulling, popping or cracking of my bones like at a regular chiropractor. I gave it a few weeks and was not just pleasantly surprised, but shocked. My neck almost never hurt anymore. I did not have headaches. My back was better. I was definitely impressed. Once I incorporated the SRI breathing techniques and the treatments I really began to see results. I have now been there over a year and have had my re-evaluation and new x-rays. What a difference! My spine has much less curvature and I am in almost NO pain. I sleep better. MY IBS is completely gone. I am less reactive to difficult situations. I feel calmer and much less emotional. The severe itching is very minimal and not nearly as often. I can’t believe the difference in my physical and emotional wellbeing. I handle stressful situations with much more thought and much less emotion. I not only recommend and refer people to see Dr. Caliendo, I beg them! If you give yourself over to the process and commit yourself to getting well, you WILL feel better. I have seen my before and after x-rays. There is no denying the difference in the pictures. There is no denying the difference in the way I feel.

Thank you Dr. Caliendo!!

January 2017 Patient of the Month - Joann & Maxx


I was off balance; weak; would fly off the handle easy; couldn’t control myself. I suffered with hip pain for over 10 years and couldn’t sleep on my left side that’s how bad it hurt. It prevented me from doing many things but sleeping right was the big thing. I had physical therapy, acupuncture, even regular chiropractic treatments, nothing seemed to work. I lived on Advil pretty much every day to help with the pain. After starting with Dr. Caliendo I can’t believe how my hip pain totally went away. I sleep better. I can now lay on my left side with ease. I also am much calmer. I can control myself better. I feel less stress. She’s truly wonderful and her technique really does work. I owe so much to her. I only wish I had met her years ago.


I am ADHD. I started taking medication 3 years prior to seeing Dr. Caliendo. It worked for a while. Last September I was unable to control my anger, had screaming matches with my family members, developed ticks, got into trouble at school, my grades were awful. When I had my consult with Dr. Caliendo my x-ray showed I had scoliosis. My anger was stuck in one spot. She recommended me to stop my medication within a couple of months. I became nicer and was able to have conversation with my family members without flying of the handle. I focus better, my sports performance and school work is better. I owe a lot to Dr. Caliendo.

NOVEMBER 2016 Patient of the Month - Ashley


I first met Dr. Sabrina by what seems an act of fate. After meeting her, again, this time while she was speaking at a women’s wellness event, I felt drawn to the magical quality in her: a rare mix of vitality, peace, and centeredness. I knew I wanted in.

I came to Nurture Wellbeing feeling physically exhausted and stagnant, with constant tension in my spine and imbalance throughout my body. I wanted peace in my body but, more than that, I wanted to become unstuck in my life. I knew the two went hand in hand.

Over a year into my chiropractic care with Dr. Sabrina, I feel more nourished: physically and mentally. I feel more peaceful and able to recognize and handle stress. 

I am more aware of what my body needs, whether it’s breath, movement, or even specific foods. I have also, without force—with an air of carefreeness, even—let go of old lessons and patterns that no longer serve me.

Most astoundingly to me, I trust my body and the flow of my life more. I am more steadfast in the face of uncertainty, more patient in moments of sadness, and more welcoming to joy. 

I feel more purposeful, too. When I came to Dr. Sabrina, she asked me what achieving true wellness would allow me to do more or better: I told her it would help me live my purpose and give back; to serve more. Sessions with her have led to countless flashes of insight that have led to invaluable business steps and service projects. 

And, maybe most importantly, not only do I feel more in tune with myself, but more accepting of and present in the world around me. I’m ready to step into my fullness, hold the space I deserve, and embrace the community that not only supports me, but that I have the opportunity to support in return.

SEPTEMBER 2016 Patient of the Month - Greg

Since visiting Nurture Wellbeing Chiropractic I am happier, I have less severe headaches and more vitality.

I feel happier and more like I did when I was younger. I am feeling more true to myself.

I would like to tell new people to try Chiropractic care because they will feel great.

When I am being adjusted or doing SRI, it feels relaxing, I can feel stress leaving my body, like a reset.

My entire family has been coming to Nurture Wellbeing for care and it has helped our family cope with the stresses of everyday life. We all look forward to our adjustments and feel a greater sense of peace after visits.

AUGUST 2016 Patient of the Month - Janine

Since visiting Nurture Wellbeing Chiropractic I have become in tune with what my body is telling me. It has been an amazing experience.

I was having a very hard time every month. Anger, extreme sadness, highs and lows, and now I feel calm and even tempered the whole month.

I would say Chiropractic care is absolutely life changing, and only positive things will come of it. I’m only sorry I didn’t know of it sooner.

SRI is my favorite time of the week SRI forces me to stop and breathe. I feel relaxed and ready to take on what is next.

My family has been under care also. My husband has not needed his asthma inhaler or allergy meds. We both are breathing much clearer and have more energy. My children love coming in also. I will continue to bring them. I feel that it will only benefit their health and wellbeing.


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