18805 W. Catawba Ave. Suite 101

Cornelius, NC 28031 US

(704) 987-5050

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  • You Say It's Your Birthday

    Let's imagine that today is your birthday. One of the things you might do on or around your birthday is to take a look back at what you've accomplished in the year gone by. You might be glad at all the things you've done and a little sad at all the things you didn't get to do. You might feel proud that

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  • Getting Fit at Fifty and Beyond

    What if you used to be really fit and now you're not? What if, as the years have gone by, you've added a couple of pounds here and there, and you suddenly notice you're 30 pounds heavier than you were at your 10th high school reunion? Or, what if you've never enjoyed the idea of exercising, exercise

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  • Senior Fitness

    Bob Barker, beloved host of The Price Is Right, recently made headlines by announcing his retirement after 35 years. "Barker irreplaceable!" blared the entertainment tabloids. And yet, Mr. Barker celebrated his 82nd birthday a few months ago.Eighty-two! Who really are the "seniors" among us? And what

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  • When Parents Get Older

    The average age of Americans is increasing year-by-year. Approximately 77 million babies were born in the United States during the boom years of 1946 to 1964. In 2011, the oldest will turn 65, and on average can expect to live to 83. Many will continue well into their 90s. Most people continue to retain

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  • Enhance Fertility with Chiropractic Care

    Thirty-five year-old Tracy had tried everything: monitoring her cycles through body temperature, over-the-counter fertility predictors and finally, fertility-enhancing drugs and in vitro fertilization. But after three years of trying, she still wasn't pregnant. She began to think she was "too old" to

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  • Pregnancy, Parenting, and Lower Back Pain

    You're pregnant! Congratulations! Your body's changing-wondrously, marvelously. One unexpected and unwelcome change may be lower back pain. Recent studies suggest that two-thirds of pregnant women experience lower back pain.1 These statistics seem reasonable. The weight of the growing baby, plus the

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  • Yellow Light Go Very Fast

    In a classic scene in the classic 1984 movie Starman, the extraterrestrial Jeff Bridges tells the human Karen Allen that, yes, he does know how to drive. Starman has just blasted through a traffic light changing to red, other vehicles crashing in his wake. Jenny Hayden, his protector, is screaming at

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  • Your Computer and You

    Windows and Mac users actually do have one thing in common - computer ergonomics issues, namely, pain.1,2 Beyond the usual hardware and software gotchas we deal with on a daily basis, the real bottom-line question is, "how to play nice with my computer". Doing computer work is a funny kind of work,

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  • Childhood Sports Injuries

    Kids get hurt all the time. They're running, they're jumping, they're crashing into things. Kids want to have fun, and when they play, they play full-out. So, when kids play real sports, stuff happens.1,2 Whether your kid plays soccer, baseball, football, or studies karate, a broken bone, sprained ankle,

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  • Chiropractic Check-Ups for Kids

    Kids can get checked, too. Do kids need regular blood pressure check-ups or regular tests of their blood glucose levels? Probably not - these simple procedures can be done during a child's annual physical. But kids are very active and more frequent chiropractic check-ups are usually a good idea. Most

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  • Healthy Kids Are Smart Kids

    American kids are under tremendous pressure to perform well in school. Every year they're required to take more and more standardized tests, and every year they fall further behind children around the world, particularly in science and mathematics.More is required to do well in school beyond sitting

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  • Avoiding Diabetes

    The worldwide type 2 diabetes epidemic has been thoroughly documented.1,2 Yet despite extensive study and analysis, there has been little actual progress in slowing the spread of this chronic disease. Numerous medications such as metformin and glyburide are available to help counter the severe problems

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  • Could your lifestyle be making you sick?

    What is your lifestyle? Not whether you are married or where you live, but rather, how are you choosing to live your life? What choices are you making to keep yourself and your family healthy and well? It is startling to learn that some of the most prevalent causes of illness, disease, and death - including

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  • Diabetes and Obesity

    Like Scylla and Charybdis, the twin sea monsters of Greek mythology, diabetes and obesity are the twin medical monsters confronting America's children. Diabetes and obesity have even been featured as the story line in a recent episode of Law & Order, a show well-known for focusing on issues that matter.

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  • Fate Or Choice

    We all know some people who get sick all the time. They're just getting over one thing when here comes the next round of illness. We also know people who just seem to be full of energy. Those people never get sick or so it seems. What are the key differences between these North and South Poles of health?

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  • Health Care Breakthroughs - Hope or Hype?

    Health care breakthroughs are big business. We know this because such news is reported in the Business Section of newspapers and magazines. Discussions relate primarily to the potential impact on the company's share price and revenues. Possible benefits to patients are a secondary concern compared to

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Reviews By Our Satisfied Patients

  • "Very professional and personal care. Takes the time to explain in detail your condition. Focuses on long term success and behaviour changes rather than short term fixes."
    Noah K
  • "Dr. Gary is absolutely WONDERFUL! My whole experience here has been just perfect. I feel that he truly cares if I get better or not, and I look forward to my appointments. If you're looking for an AMAZING chiropractor, this is the place you want to visit!"
    Suzie B
  • "Dr Gary is the best! He is very knowledgeable and knows what he is doing. I highly recommend anyone to seek him for help."
    Krystal D
  • "Dr. Draper knows the body; not only physically, but mentally as well. He's got machines throughout the office that can help treat both the body and the brain. He cares about each patients' wellbeing, and takes a practical approach to finding the root cause of whatever might be ailing you. Highly recommended!"
    David W
  • "Eileen M recommends Holistic Healing Chiropractic.
    I can not say enough positive things about Dr. Gary, the inviting office atmosphere and friendly staff. Dr. Gary treats everyone with professional care, excellent service and a caring heart."
    Eileen M.
  • "He is the greatest doctor ever had! He goes above and beyond with my whole family, kids and dog. If it weren't for Dr. Gary I would not be able to work or live! We love the office and the staff!"
    Carolyn Oliver
  • "I have two herniated discs in my lower back. Because of my spinal decompression, I am much better and I don't think I will need back surgery."
    Mary W.
  • "I have three bulging disc's in my lower back, one of which is pressing against a nerve. Due to being in so much pain I have put a lot more pressure and such on my right foot as well. Doctors have given me medication that doesn't touch the pain, but Dr. Draper and Dr. Gary as most of his patients lovingly call him will reduce my pain level more than half in one visit. I can't Recommend this place enough."
    April Plexico
  • "Dr. Gary is a very knowledgeable and very caring person. He gives you 100 percent of his attention. So glad that we found him."
    Barbara Rourke Chappell
  • "Dr. Gary Draper and staff are OUTSTANDING!!"
    Erin Murray
  • "Friendly and knowledgeable staff with a welcoming atmosphere. The facilities are beautiful, and the hydrotherapy table is fantastic!"
    Courtney Stahl Stachowski
  • "very personalized, wonderful bedside manor, actually takes time to listen, I left feeling taller and was able to walk without pain."
    Meegan Clemons​
  • "5 stars"
    JR Rivas​
  • "Very caring and get results kind of a doctor. If you are looking for a quality docotr... schedule your appointment today!"
    Celia Ringstad
  • "Dr. Gary Draper is such a great doctor with cutting edge therapies. His knowledge and caring, positive attitude is unmatched! He has helped me with back issues, vertigo, and feet issues. He has helped athletic boys with all kinds of issues! I highly recommend Dr. Gary and Pierce Family Chiropractic for your whole family!"
    Elizabeth Gwyn Jones​

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