Decompression for Disc Herniations

chiropractor assisting a patient

Spinal Decompression For Disc Herniations

Disc herniations can cause pain, numbness or tingling in your back and extremities. If you are experiencing symptoms, it's time to see how we can help at Spring Chiropractic. We provide chiropractic care to reduce herniations and improve your overall wellness. With spinal decompression therapy, you can see positive changes to your overall health.

Treatment Using Spinal Decompression

A chiropractor will use a variety of methods to decompress your spine. Manual therapy and massage will loosen up the area to make it easier to adjust your spine. Traction to lengthen your spine, as well as adjustments to correct the alignment of your spine, will also be used. Your chiropractor will talk to you about strategies to maximize the effect of spinal decompression treatment, and how to improve your overall health in between visits.

How Spinal Decompression Helps

When your disc is herniated, this can be due to excessive pressure on the disc itself. Decompression helps by reducing this pressure and giving your disc the space it needs. When the disc has enough space, the symptoms of pain, tingling or numbness can be greatly reduced or eliminated. When you are in pain because of a compressed area of your spine, strategies to open up this space are important.

Chiropractic treatment eases the pressure on your nerves, reducing inflammation and pain. Medications are not used, making it possible to seek chiropractic care in addition to taking any pain medication your doctor has prescribed. When you seek treatment with a chiropractor in Spring for a disc herniation, you may be able to avoid surgery in the future. Chiropractic care can reduce the pain you are in naturally.

Visit A Chiropractor In Spring Today

When you need a chiropractor in Spring TX because of disc herniations, contact Spring Chiropractic at 281-651-7111. We are ready to talk with you about your treatment options when it comes to treating disc problems. Spinal decompression strategies will help alleviate the pain you are in so you can enjoy the activities you love.


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9:00 am-12:00 pm

