Are Your Recovering from an Injury? Come to Spring Chiropractic and Rehab to Find Out How Cryotherapy Can Help You.

We offer cryotherapy services including a whole body cryo chamber and compression sleeves at Spring Chiropractic and Rehab. We want you to have all of the proven technology and expertise available for healing completely and quickly when you come into our clinic. This is why we offer cryotherapy in addition to our other quality chiropractic services to patients in and around Spring.  

What Exactly Is Cryotherapy and How Can It Help You Heal?

The term cryotherapy means cold therapy and is the therapeutic and medicinal use of extreme cold temperatures to help heal injured, damages, or tumorous areas of the body. It is used surgically to destroy tumors with the most extreme of temperatures and it is used therapeutically to reduce inflammation in sports and other injuries to allow the body to bring in more oxygen and blood to help an area heal faster and more effectively. 

Cryotherapy can be whole body or localized depending on the area that needs treatment. For example, someone suffering from whole body arthritis, migraines, and even mood disorders have benefited from time in the whole body chamber. While people who are healing from a localized sports injury or arthritis in a specific limb can benefit from the cryo sleeve. We offer both options at our clinic and have seen firsthand how the therapy helps our patients recover faster and feel less pain meanwhile. The treatment has been effective for a wide range of ailments ranging from injuries, sprains, and breaks to mood disorders, migraines, and even Alzheimer symptoms. Call us to find out more. 


Contact Us to Schedule Your Next Chiropractic Appointment 

If you are interested in cryotherapy or other rehab methods to help you heal fast and effectively, call us at Spring Chiropractic and Rehab. We serve Spring and the surrounding areas with quality care so you can achieve your goals this year. (281) 651-7111.  


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2:00 pm-6:00 pm


7:45 am-12:00 pm

2:00 pm-5:00 pm


7:45 am-12:00 pm

2:00 pm-6:00 pm


7:45 am-12:00 pm


7:45 am-12:00 pm

2:00 pm-6:00 pm


9:00 am-12:00 pm

