Cryotherapy for Herniated Discs

Cryotherapy for Herniated Disc

Cryotherapy for Herniated Discs

A herniated disc occurs when a disc (rubbery-like tissues which normally sits between the vertebrae in your spine), is ruptured and irritates a nearby nerve. Herniated discs often occur in the neck or lower back, but the pain can be wide reaching. In addition, it can cause insomnia,depression, limitation of movement, and a lower quality of life.Here at Spring Chiropractic, we offer cryotherapy as a viable treatment for the debilitating pain associated with herniated discs. Continue reading to learn more about cryotherapy for herniated discs.

What Is Cryotherapy?

Cryotherapy, or cold therapy, is a technique that exposes the body to cold temperatures for an allotted amount of time. This can be done in localized areas, or through a whole body cryotherapy (WBC) treatment. You may be familiar with a smaller form of cryotherapy–ice packs, which are often used for sprained ankles, sore muscles, and so on. Cryotherapy works in a similar fashion, but on a much wider scale.At Spring Chiropractic, we use liquid nitrogen for our treatment chambers. Temperatures range from - 100F  to-274. Typically, patients are placed in the chamber for approximately three minutes.

Cryotherapy for Herniated Discs 

Treatment for chronic pain and acute health conditions are some of the many health benefits provided by cryotherapy; this includes using cryotherapy for a herniated disc. Whole Body Therapy (WBC) can greatly reduce the pain associated with herniated discs, as well as tackle additional associated symptoms, such as improving sleep and alleviating sore muscles. Cryotherapy aids herniated discs because it reduces blood flow while decreasing swelling and inflammation. You will see progress after your cryotherapy treatment, getting you back onto the road of wellness. At Spring Chiropractic, we understand that chronic pain will have an extremely negative impact on your health and overall well-being. That is why our team is dedicated to helping you live your best life.

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