Dashboard Injury Definition, What You Need to Know

Dashboard Injury Definition

Car accidents, whether a minor fender bender or a major incident, can be extremely stressful and take a financial toll on all individuals involved.  However, they can also take a toll on your health, even with a minor accident.  You can find yourself with neck and back pain.  One of the most common is known as a dashboard injury, also known as Posterior Cruciate Ligament (PCL).

In short, a dashboard injury can be caused by your legs, especially your knees, hitting the dashboard. While this may not seem like a major injury, it can come with significant issues.

What are the Symptoms of a Dashboard Injury?

The predominate symptom, and often the most debilitating is pain at the point of impact, specifically the patient’s knees.  Typically, this occurs in the knees, but the pain is not always limited to that area. You may also notice swelling and difficulty walking. In some cases, you may also feel a sense of instability, as if your knee might “give out” and you could lose your balance.

It is important to note that the pain can differ from person to person. The pain may be consistent, or it may come and go in waves. For instance, one individual may have mild pain that increases the longer it is left untreated, and another individual may have sharp pain throughout. 

How is Dashboard Injury Treated?

At Spring Chiropractic, we are extremely gentle when it comes to patient care. We use a hands-on approach to locate areas of pain, tingling, and/or numbness; whether in your neck, back, knees, or another location.

If you have been in a car accident and would like to receive chiropractic care, please reach out!  We’d love to help alleviate any pain you may have.


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