4 Things You Should Consider When Looking for a Sport Chiropractor in Houston

No matter what level of athlete you are, or what kind of sports you play, at some point you are going to suffer from a sports injury.  Runners can suffer from hip and knee pain, tennis player can have problems with their shoulders and elbows, and football players can sustain neck and back pain.

Should these injuries happen, it is imperative for you to see a chiropractor.  However, what should you look for when searching for a chiropractor that can help you with a sport’s specific injury?


First and foremost, your chiropractor should be fully licensed.  In addition, your chiropractor should have some established place of operation; including private adjustment rooms.  Having the right credentials, as well as the skills and experiences needed to offer chiropractic care, will lessen the chance of your injury getting worse.

Your chiropractor and their staff should be open to discussing what kind of licensing they’ve had and what medical schools they have attended.

Knowledge of Sports Medicine 

Sports medicine is slightly different than regular chiropractic care.  Chiropractors dealing with sports specific injuries are trained to use CTs, MRIs, x-rays, and other imaging modalities in order to evaluate the area of injury, as well as better track the progress of rehabilitation.  Ensure that you ask your chiropractor what kind of sports medicine knowledge they have.

Reputation and Rapport 

Look up reviews about the chiropractor’s reputation as it pertains to sports chiropractic care, or leverage anyone in your circle who may have received treatments. Consider how satisfied previous patients were; how efficient the chiropractor was in answering questions and alleviating any concerns.

Involvement in Sports and Athletic Wellness  

What kind of community involvement does your chiropractor have? Furthermore, are they, or were they, themselves athletes?  Not only does this show initiative in their patients, but it can also show that the chiropractor can better understand your injuries and your needs as an athlete.

At Spring Chiropractic, we would be more than happy to discuss all of these with you and see how we can help get you back on the road to wellness.


We look forward to hearing from you


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7:45 am-12:00 pm

2:00 pm-6:00 pm


7:45 am-12:00 pm

2:00 pm-5:00 pm


7:45 am-12:00 pm

2:00 pm-6:00 pm


7:45 am-12:00 pm


7:45 am-12:00 pm

2:00 pm-6:00 pm


9:00 am-12:00 pm

