5 Benefits That LiveO2 Has on Your Body

Hyperoxygenation of the body, also known as LiveO2 therapy, works by increasing the oxygen in the blood and tissues as much as 40%.  The treatment we do at Spring Chiropractic is noninvasive, simple, and does not require the use of a hyperbaric chamber. In addition, during your treatment, therapy may also include exercises that are tailored to your skill level.

There are many health benefits that LiveO2 has, including:

Detoxification of the Body 

Each day, our bodies are met with a high degree of toxins, ranging from the food that we eat to the air that we breath. LiveO2 helps to flush out these toxins from our organs and our blood.

Decreases Recovery Time from Surgery, Trauma, and Illness 

Pressurized induction of the body increases the level of oxygen into the body, but also into wounds, breaks, and other types of injuries. This encourages faster, more developed healing.

Fewer After-Effects from Training 

In a similar vein, LiveO2 can reduce the inflammation that can be seen from torn ligaments, sour muscles, and other after-effects from training.  The oxygen will move through your vascular system and throughout your joints.

Produces the Energy of Health and Longevity 

LiveO2 also stimulates your immune system, which not only keeps you from getting sick, but it also encourages general vitality.

Increased Mental Wellness 

One of the biggest benefits of Live02 is that the patient will immediately see a calmer state of mind, have better sleep, and have more focused clarity in thinking.  With the stresses of life, LiveO2 can be especially rejuvenating.

LiveO2 can do wonders for your body, and if you are suffering from any type of chronic pain, this is one of the most substantial treatment options available.  Want to know what LiveO2 can do for your health? Contact us today!


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