How to Prevent Text Neck

Tips For Text Neck Relief From Our Chiropractors In Spring

Text neck is a painful problem caused by repetitive stress on your neck from constantly bending it to look down at your laptop, smartphone, and other mobile devices. The typical human head weighs about ten to thirteen pounds. While your neck and spine are designed to support the weight, continuous bending causes stress to them. Symptoms of text neck may include nagging neck and shoulder pain, chronic headaches, postural fatigue, and tightness. Our chiropractors at Spring Chiropractic offer relief and neck pain treatment for the text neck. One of the best treatments for this condition is prevention, so here are a few tips to limit the text neck.

Simple Things to Prevent Text Neck

One of the easiest ways to ease the symptoms of text neck is to take frequent breaks from looking down at your devices. On average, people send about 3000 texts each month. Although you may not be able to completely stop at viewing your electronics, having designated moments in the day for texting and limiting the time spent on the phones may help. Here are a few other things you can do to help prevent text neck:

  • Hold your phone or other handheld device at eye level. Look down with your eyes only and not your head. This will help keep the angle of your neck in the proper alignment.
  • Perform stretching exercises periodically. Throughout the day, do neck and shoulder rolls to release the muscle tension that is caused by the bending. Your chiropractor can recommend neck exercises that will help relieve tension and pain.

Remember to practice good posture when using an electronic device. This is one of the most important things you can do to prevent the text neck as well as reduce the risk of injuring your spine. Your chiropractor can suggest a variety of text neck treatment options that can benefit your posture.

Stop the Aches and Discomfort from Text Neck with Chiropractic Therapies

If you are experiencing pain in your neck or spine due to excessive use of your electronic devices, seek chiropractic treatment as soon as possible. The sooner you find relief, the better the chances are of avoiding long-term damages. Contact Spring Chiropractic in Spring, TX, at 281-651-7111 to start your neck pain treatment today.


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