Cryotherapy & Workout Recovery

Cryotherapy & Workout Recovery

Cryotherapy is a common treatment for athletic injuries. It can help with swelling, decrease pain, decrease blood flow, slow nerve conduction, and limit secondary cell death. The term refers to a treatment that involves the use of near-freezing temperatures. Cryotherapy can be done in conjunction with the chiropractic techniques you receive at Spring Chiropractic.

How Does It Work?

Cryotherapy uses liquid nitrogen to create incredibly cold air in an enclosed small chamber. The freezing temperatures then force your body into a survival mode and it redirects blood flow from your extremities to the core. Once you get out of the chamber, a rebound happens and the blood resumes its normal blood flow as the body warms up. This recirculation therapy delivers ultra nutrient-rich blood to your joints and muscles. You go into the chamber usually wearing a bathing suit or underwear. You may also wear gloves, slippers, or socks to protect vulnerable areas.

The Benefits of Cryotherapy

You may have already tried using a version of cold therapy to reduce inflammation, such as icing your ankle or knee. There is research that shows that whole-body cryotherapy supports better recovery after you have an intense workout. This is especially true if you go into a chamber immediately after you hit the gym. Another benefit of cryotherapy for workout recovery is muscle healing. Many studies show improvement to the muscles after receiving cryotherapy.

Consult With a Local Chiropractor

A good workout is a great way to stay in shape and promote good health and well-being. Sometimes those workouts can take a toll on the body and you may need a little help with recovery. Cryotherapy could be just what you need to get back to normal quickly. It’s best to consult with one of our chiropractors at Spring Chiropractic before you begin cryotherapy to help with workout recovery. Call us today at 281-651-7111 to schedule an appointment.


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