
  • 3 Keys to Developing a Healthy Spine
    Bottom Line: Developing a healthy spine begins by understanding the three keys of strength, flexibility, and posture. Strength, flexibility, and improving your posture will go a long way towards reducing pain Read more
  • The Most Common Injuries After a Car Accident
    Whether you’re driving to work or taking a big family vacation, an unexpected car accident can cause painful injuries that may impact you for months and years to come. The weight of your vehicle combined with your speed can create a tremendous amount of force. During an auto accident, that force gets transferred directly to your body! Even "low speed" collisions can create enough force to cause serious injuries. Read more
  • How to Recover from Whiplash After an Auto Accident
    Your spine is a long chain of bones, discs, muscles, and ligaments that extend from your skull down to your tailbone. The cervical spine – better known as your neck - is designed to support your head and protects the nerves that connect to your face, shoulders, and arms. Whiplash injuries can create damage to these delicate structures and can cause symptoms such as headaches, neck pain, stiffness, shoulder pain, numberless, and tingling / pain into the arms and hands. Read more
  • What You Need to Know About Delayed Pain After a Car Accident
    If you can walk away after a car accident without any catastrophic injuries, you may consider yourself lucky! Even if you feel okay after exchanging information and speaking with the police, it’s always a good idea to see a Chiropractor following an auto accident. With your adrenaline pumping in the aftermath, your brain may not immediately register the pain signals coming from your body. Often only after you’ve had some time to calm down do you notice you may be struggling with aches and pains. Read more
  • Whiplash: How These Injuries Can Cause Chronic Pain
    Whiplash injuries used to be considered "no big deal', but times have changed. Doctors now know that whiplash can cause lifelong pain and disability if not treated properly. During a car accident, the head often suddenly moves forward and backward with a tremendous amount of force. Even low-speed collisions can generate enough force to injure the delicate ligaments in your neck that support your head. Read more
  • Moving Your Body Towards Improved Health
    A few small changes in your activity level can make a huge difference, so keep your health goals in mind and start taking small daily steps in the right direction. If you feel "tight" or have pain between your shoulder blades, let us know. You may have restricted motion in your thoracic spine, and we would be happy to help you improve your mobility and so you can move your way towards better health. Read more
  • Organic Healthcare: No Prescription Necessary
    The term Chiropractic comes from the Greek words cheir (hands) and praxis (practice). It literally means "done by hand." Modern Chiropractic began way back in 1895, but many people still don’t exactly understand how Chiropractic care works… or when it may be the best time to see a Chiropractor. Since the beginning, Chiropractors have been focused on helping the body heal itself naturally without the dangers and risks of drugs or surgery. In some ways, Chiropractors were the world's first 'organic" health professionals! Read more
  • Reduced Neck Curve Increases Frequency of Disc Herniation!
    Loss of neck curvature increases the likelihood of a disc herniation. Read more
  • Chiropractic Benefits the Brain!
    Update research once again validates the assertion that Chiropractic adjustments influence the brain and central nervous system Read more
  • Chiropractic Care Provides Proactive Prevention Plans for Optimal Long-Term Function!
    The benefits of a Chiropractic adjustment go well beyond pain relief, impacting overall organ health and function in addition to spinal care. Read more
  • Veterans Need Chiropractic! | A Safe & Sane Solution to the Opioid Epidemic in the Military
    Opioid drugs rank among the most commonly prescribed medications in the U.S. military. A 2014 study determined that over 40% of the U.S. infantry reported chronic pain (pain lasting at least 3 months) after deployment, and 15% reported opioid use in the month prior to the survey. Soldiers report greater rates of both chronic pain and opioid use after a combat deployment than does the civilian population. Read more
  • Improve Migraines & Routine Headaches with Chiropractic Adjustments!
    People often lament the figurative and literal feeling of experiencing a pain in the neck. But few discomforts rival those dealing with a constant and incessant pain in the head. Read more
  • Chiropractic Benefits Professional Athletes and Everyone Else!
    A trained eye easily spots the relatively frequent occasions in which a football or soccer player comes off the field after a trauma or collision and immediately receives a Chiropractic Read more
  • Why Chiropractic Matters | Research Reveals Shocking Findings of the Spine by Medical Doctor
    The impact of spinal function on total body health becomes more and more understood across laboratories, research centers, doctor’s offices, and hospitals across the globe. Yet, many medical doctors remain Read more
  • Long-Term Healing Takes Time!
    The current medical model of healthcare unintentionally creates an unreasonable and sometimes dangerous perception of healing. Due to the predominant recommendations and use of prescription drugs, people become accustomed to Read more
  • Adjustments Improve Mobility and Minimize the Degenerative Process
    The body wants to move and responds with improved function and performance when proper movements partners with other intelligent health choices. Chiropractic plays a significant role in the mobility and health of the body Read more


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3:00 pm-6:00 pm


3:00 pm-6:00 pm


8:00 am-11:30 am



