
Eyelight Therapy

Eye Lights Therapy

Eyelights Therapy - Eyelights were designed to provide optimal stimulation to the brain using the optic nerve. Glasses designed with flashing lights built to fit behind the lens, they can be programmed to blink on the non-dominant eye in order to strengthen the weaker side of the brain. Since one of the most direct avenues to the brain is via the eye, a child can learn more effectively if they are seeing correctly. And an

eyelights.gifathlete will perform better because the eye is able to gather all of the information necessary to perform.

By stimulating the weaker hemisphere of the brain you allow it to become stronger, thus improving overall performance. One method of stimulating the brain is to use light pulses. When using Eyelights you can control the intensity, frequency, and pattern of light pulses, which will result in being able to wake up the weaker side of the brain!

Ocular light therapy is a method of therapeutically sending light through the eyes in order to stimulate brain function. Light through the eyes enables us to open up neurological pathways into specific brain structures, significantly affecting the brain and every cell of the body. Although we live on air, water, and food as nourishment, we are energy and light, and we are affected and nourished by light. Light is the second most important environmental input, after food, in controlling bodily functions. Studies have shown that application of light can affect the entire blood stream through circulation and elimination of toxins.

Research suggests that our nervous system, like our vascular system, may have two functions. It not only puts out and receives nerve impulses, but also may be a channel for the streaming of energy. Light ignites cellular metabolism. It enters the eye and goes to the body's power distribution center, the hypothalamus, where it is converted into electro-chemical impulses that are sent to important endocrine glands such as the pituitary and the pineal. These glands, in turn, distribute the hormonal messages via the body's nervous system to virtually every cell in the body.

How Do Eyelights Work?

Eyelights target the weaker functioning side of the brain via the non-dominant eye. Light stimulation directly to the non-dominant brain causes an excitatory barrage to travel to the mesencephalon, the most metabolic area of the brain, where an increase in cellular activity takes place. The excitatory barrage travels also to the parietal, temporal, and occipital lobes of the brain, while collateral fibers lead to the pineal gland, pituitary gland, and hypothalamus.

Both sides of the brain are being affected, but emphasis is placed on the non-dominant system where dysfunction usually first occurs. Stimulation of the non-dominant eye will affect the opposite hemisphere of the brain via the thalamus. When stimulating the right eye, the left side or analytical portion of the brain will be affected greater. When stimulating the left eye, the right side or creative portion of the brain will be affected greater.

Eyelights offer a choice of settings for either the right or left eye. The lights flash in a monocular pattern with both the top and bottom rows flashing at the same time. However, one row will always flash brighter than the other. When the upper row of lights is flashing brighter, it will affect the temporal lobe (mentality/emotionality) of the brain and parvo cells of the thalamus greater. When the bottom row of lights is flashing brighter, it will affect the parietal lobe (sensory/motor) and magno cells of the thalamus greater.

Non-Dominant Eye

Upon fatigue, the non-dominant eye will lateralize. When you are looking straight ahead, the dominant eye looks right at you, while the weaker eye has broken its yoke and lateralizes to the side (looks at the doorknob). The brain is not able to look in two different directions and maintain proper input or thought processes. Since it is looking at two different objects, the brain will cortically suppress the input from the non-dominant eye, recognizing only the information from the dominant eye. When this occurs, the rods and cones (photosensitive cells located in the retina that convert light energy into signals) of the eye are not being brought up to threshold, and the "use it or lose it" cycle begins.

When suppression of the visual centers occurs there is also loss of motor output, resulting in muscle imbalance. Medial rectus eye muscles and multifidi muscles of the spine are in the same homologous column and, therefore, have the same constraints. On the side of medial rectus weakness you will see hypotonic (decreased tone) musculature, while on the dominant side you will see increased tone.


Why do Eyelights flash for 2 seconds and rest for 8 seconds?

Eyelights provide a quick burst of light followed by a long rest period so as not to fatigue the brain too quickly. Whereas a strobe light provides a continuous flash of light, causing the brain to constantly work to process the input, resulting in a quicker break down.


Alzheimer's Disease

Eyelights therapy can excite nerve cells, minimizing further degeneration, and potentially slow down the progression of the disease. Light therapy can also cause the brain to produce higher levels of neurotransmitters, improving function within the temporal lobe (memory/mental state).


Dyslexics have an abnormality that slows down the mangno cell pathway, located in the thalmas, that does fast processing for precieved postision, motion, shape, and low contrast. Eyelights therapy stimulates the entire thalamus so that all 12 layers are functioning at their optimal level. When 100% of the thalamus is excited, magno cell function will improve, improving preception of visual stimuli.  It has been found that 87% of reading disabled children showed an improvement in comprehension while reading with blue filters. It is thought that a blue filter removes enough of the red in what a person sees thus allowing the magno cells to work properly.  


Many symptoms of ADHD are similar to those associated with binocular vision problems, such as convergence insufficiency and accommodative problems. Eyelights therapy can help to strengthen the weaker eye muscle by stimulating the visual system. Light therapy creates global excitation of the brain, causing an elevation in the production of hormones and neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine.

Studies have shown that color can also have a profound effect on behavioral and learning problems. Certain colors can reduce hyperactivity, increase attention span, and improve speed and accuracy. Behavioral problems within the classroom have been linked to the fact that fluorescent lighting in classrooms is lacking the blue spectrum of color.


In autism, a circuit involing the thalmas and frontal lobe of the brain functions abnormally.  Many autistic children exhibit sensory intregation dysfunction, where problens exist in intregrating information coming in from eachof their senses. Eyelights therapy work by stimulating the non-dominant eye you can excite the entire thalamus, resulting in global excitation of the brain. A cascade of excitation and activity occurs and eventually reaches each of our other senses, resulting in a better ability to coordinate sensory information.  


Brain cells die whrn they no lnger recieve oxygen and nutrients from the blood or there is sudden bleeding around the brain. Eyelights therapy initiates cellular activity, causing cells to produce new proteins in order to stay healthy. Since visual pathways are extensive throughout the brain, using light therapy to excite the cells around the area of stroke can be an effective rehabilitative tool. Eyelights therapy can minimize further degradation of tissues around the affected area. The excitation of cells can enhance the comeback and maturation of the damaged area to help improve mental, physical, and cognitive losses.

Multiple Sclerosis

In MS, myelin, the fatty substance coating our nerves and enabling them to conduct impulses between the brain and other parts of the body is destroyed. Light therapy can help sustain myelination by exciting the cerebellum, and in turn, exciting cells into producing proteins in order to stay healthy. This stimulation also helps to stabilize muscles of the spine, allowing for better integrity of mid-line structures.

Tourette Syndrome

Eyelights therapy can calm down outburst activity occurring within the cortical layers of the brain. Light therapy can be used to enhance serotonin production, allowing for a readjustment in dopamine levels.


The brain influences spinal structures. Medial rectus eye muscles and multifidi muscles of the spine are under the same neurological relationships and have the same constraints. So, by stimulating the non-dominant eye, the multifidi also become stimulated and tone changes will occur.