Neck Pain Treatment

Neck Pain Treatment in Asheville, NC

Neck pain is the third leading cause of chronic pain in the United States and it affects more than a quarter of Americans. Nearly 60 percent of Americans say that if they had chronic pain they would likely not discuss it with their doctor. Many individuals are hesitant to broach the topic of chronic pain because they fear invasive treatments and addictive pain medications. In fact, more than a third of adults in the U.S. say they would refuse pain medication even if it was prescribed by a doctor because they are afraid of addiction.

woman suffering from severe neck pain Chiropractic care is a safe, effective neck pain treatment that doesn’t use invasive procedures or drugs.

Anatomy of the Neck

The cervical spine, or the neck, is comprised of seven small vertebrae. It begins at the base of the skull, supporting the entire weight of the head (around 12 pounds on the average). The neck is very flexible with the ability to turn the head in nearly every direction. It is its wide range of motion, though, that makes is very susceptible to injury and pain.

Causes of Neck Pain

Neck pain often occurs when the body is not aligned properly. This can be due to a sleeping position, a fall, even having your computer screen too low. Other causes of neck pain include:

  • Accident/Injury
  • Degenerative Disc Disease
  • Weak abdominal muscles
  • Aging
  • Stress
  • Improper sleeping position
  • Obesity

Any number of things can cause neck pain though, but you don’t have to suffer with it. At Lawson Chiropractic we can help reduce your neck pain – or free you from it completely. Whatever the cause we will work with you to find a treatment option that complements your lifestyle and personal needs – all with no  invasive surgeries and medications riddled with unpleasant or even harmful side effects like addiction.

Chiropractic Treatment for Neck Pain in Asheville, NC

There are several chiropractic techniques used for neck pain.

  • Cervical mobilization is the chiropractic technique most people are familiar with. The patient lies on their back while the chiropractor makes “adjustments” by moving the vertebra in the neck into various positions.
  • Cervical manual traction is another common treatment for neck pain. The patient lies on their back while the chiropractor gently pulls the neck so that the cervical spine stretches.
  • Cervical “drop” involves a special table that has drop pieces. The patient lies on the table with the drop pieces in place. As the chiropractor manually manipulates the spine, they release the drop plates, causing them to drop slightly.

If you have Neck Pain in Asheville, NC

If you are suffering from neck pain we want to help. Give us a call or visit our website and a representative will call to set up an appointment at 828-274-8880. At Lawson Chiropractic in Asheville we treat the whole patient, not just the parts that hurt, so you emerge healthier, happier, and with less pain. We want to help you get back to your life.


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