
We value our patients' experience at West Maple Chiropractic & Wellness. If you are currently a chiropractic patient, please feel free to complete the following Client Experience Questionnaire. The Questionnaire is in Adobe Acrobat format, and requires the free Acrobat Reader to view.

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Testimonial Form

Dr. Scott Moon and Dr. Patrick Taplett
Your west Omaha Chiropractor

  • "I was in a lot of pain and was not sure what was going on with my back. I was not able to stand for long periods of time, had problems getting up and the pain was increasing." Following Treatment, "The pain is gone! I am feeling much better and am on the path of strengthening my back with suggested exercises. I am able to move swiftly now and am in much better shape overall. The problem was diagnosed correctly and care was provided to address the problem."

    Show More - Ashwin B.
  • "I had lots of lower back pain and shoulder pain from standing all day at work. I would be miserable when I when home." Following Treatment, "I feel much better, pain is no where near as it was, very impressed. The doctors are very good and nice."

    - Crissy W.
  • "Before I came to West Maple Chiropractic & Wellness I had headaches everyday. I was living with a lot of tension and at times the headaches were really miserable." Following Treatment, "My time with West Maple Chiro has been a huge success! My headaches are gone and I am feeling much better - I can complete my daily tasks without pain or frustration!"

    Show More - Ashton B.
  • "I was involved in a car accident and after my injury, I initially did not want to seek treatment for my back pain. I kept thinking I would be fine and that the pain would go away but it didn't." Following Treatment, "My back and neck feel amazing and I am back to normal in terms of my job and other activities. I am so glad I chose to call West Maple Chiropractic & Wellness because they were able to get me fixed up."

    Show More - Kelli P.
  • "I had terrible right leg, hip, and back pain that was so sore it hurt to walk, stand or do anything in general." Following Treatment, "I have seen much improvement, the leg pain is not as severe as it was before I started Chiropractic care. Every time I have a visit I keep seeing improvements."

    - Kathy N.
  • "My upper back and neck were very sore and stiff. I could not turn my head without significant pain." Following Treatment, "Overall, I am feeling much better. My range of motion has greatly improved after just a few visits."

    - Brian M.
  • "I didn't have too much pain, but I needed some preemptive work after having my daughter. All of the past pregnancy pains I though I'd have, never happened." Following Treatment, "Fantastic! I look forward to my appointments just as much as I would a spa massage!"

    - Brittany B.
  • "This was my second visit to a chiropractor. I was not sure what to expect but it has been a good experience. I feel like I was diagnosed correctly. I was experiencing severe right hip pain that was worse while walking each morning." Following Treatment, "I have benefited from the treatments and am more aware of what I need to do for my health such as with stretching and exercise. Overall, life has been much more enjoyable since starting care."

    Show More - Dean K.
  • "I had lower back pain, headaches, and hip pains." Following Treatment, "Everything has gotten better and currently no pain."

    - Lauren T.
  • "I had muscle tightness in my upper shoulders and lower back and experienced headaches all the time." Following Treatment, "I feel much better and only get headaches once in a while, maybe two this week and hardly any lower back pain."

    - Anonymous


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