Shin Splints Pain

You may have heard of shin splints pain, especially in people who participate in athletic activities and running. The term is used very widely and refers to mainly pain occurring in the lower leg. If you are feeling pain in your lower legs there are a number of causes for this so the best recommendation would be for you to see your Lakeland Chiropractor, Dr. Furbee, to target the exact cause and location of the pain so you can be treated.

The type of pain you feel when you have shin splints can range from feelings of soreness, stabbing, aching and sharp shooting sensations, and can range from moderate to severe. If you do not get the right treatment in the early stages of the problem you can find that it may progress to become an incapacitating disorder.

If you are suffering from pain at the front and outer portion of the lower leg this means you have shin splints affecting the anterior muscles of the legs. If the pain is coming from the back and inner side of the leg the problem is in the posterior medial muscles. It is very important that you are able to determine the exact place where you are feeling the pain as this is a key factor in diagnosing the problem and treating it.

When you start noticing the shin splints pain, while you do not want to put extra strain on the muscles you cannot just simply stop using them or limit their use drastically. You want to ensure that you maintain the strength and the tone of your muscles by doing stretching exercises so that you don’t get shortening of the muscles which will lead to spasms and more problems. You should also ensure that your shoes fit properly at all times and as much as possible wear shoes that have a shock absorbent layer to cushion the effects of walking or jogging, etc. If you continue your sporting activities please make sure you warm up so as not to increase the pain and problem even more.

Here are some suggestions to make your daily life more bearable while you are suffering from shin splints.

  • Warm up before exercising- you can do stretches for this purpose.
  • After your exercise or sport is through you will need to have a cool down period to prevent your muscles from freezing up and becoming stiff which would worsen the pain from shin splints.
  • Once you start feeling pain you will need to cut down on your duration while doing your regular exercise or sporting routines.
  • If you had planned to start a new routine, start small and work your way up so you don’t further injure yourself and worsen your shin splints.
  • Wear the proper shoes for walking and running; those that have shock absorbent properties are best.

If you experience pain while exercising or playing a sport you should stop what you are doing immediately. Try to remain inactive in terms of exercise for a day or two. If upon resuming you are still feeling the pain it is best to see your Lakeland chiropractor to see what the cause of the shin splints is.

Once the cause of your shin splints pain is properly diagnosed you will be able to receive a treatment regimen and will be able to restart your usual routine as approved by your doctor.


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