STRESSED: How to lower your stress after a car wreck

Car wrecks are traumatic events. It doesn’t matter if it is your first car wreck or you have been through the process several times. The physical stress on your body is one component to the trauma you have suffered, but the mental and emotional anguish of dealing with police reports, insurance claims, and the decisions that a car wreck can force upon your life can leave you feeling scared and alone. Progressive Health Center is here to lower your stress after a car wreck.

Our team of chiropractors, massage therapists, and support staff will handle the paperwork of billing your car insurance, so you can focus on feeling better. We don’t just ask how your neck feels. We are here to ensure that you are getting the comprehensive treatment that you need to move beyond the traumatic experience of a car wreck. The therapies that you will receive will help you to put the car wreck behind you, so you can get back to living your best life.

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