Ankle Injuries - General Info

What Can My Chiropractor Do To Help Me Feel Better?
Much will depend on the severity of the injury, how quickly the injury is attended to, and the results of the examination. The treatment you do receive will generally focus on relieving pain and swelling (if any), restoring full range of motion (ROM), and strengthening the joint to help prevent a recurrence of the injury. The success of your chiropractor's treatment plan will largely depend on how closely you follow his/her instructions, and how actively involved you become in your recovery program.

As My Ankle Heals, What Can I Do To Prevent Re-injury?
In most cases, patient involvement should begin during the healing process. Your doctor may prescribe spinal/pelvic stabilizers (also called "foot orthotics") to help normalize foot and ankle motion, stabilize the joint, and protect your feet from what is known as heel-strike shock: That shock is the force wave which travels through your body every time your foot hits the ground. If not properly absorbed, heel-strike shock can adversely affect the treatments you receive, or can considerably slow your recovery. Because it is very important to wear your stabilizers all day long, and because most people wear at least two styles of shoes each day, your chiropractor may decide that a stabilizer Combo (two pairs) would be best for you. Check with your chiropractor for more specific details about stabilizers.

What Kind of Exercise Should I Be Doing?
Dr. Pisarek at Advanced Healthcare can best determine what rehabilitative exercise would be suitable for your condition. Exercise is encouraged for ankle sprains to promote healing and strengthening of affected structures. An exercise program can also lessen the risk and severity of re-injury. Therapeutic exercise is often introduced very early in the healing process.

Conservative chiropractic care along with physiotherapy, low level laser therapy, specific exercises and proper supportive shoes have been found to be extremely effective in treating the aches and pains associated with ankle injuries and even more effective if preventing the natural progression of ankle arthritic degeneration even if it has already started. However, some chronic severe cases may require surgical consultation and intervention.

If you or someone you know is needlessly suffering from ankle injury pain, come into Advanced Healthcare and have Dr. Pisarek develop a customized treatment protocol without the use of drugs or surgery that will have you on the road to living and playing pain free today!




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